Vascular/Retinal Disorders Flashcards
What is important to remember when transporting a retinal detachment to referral?
patient head positioned so retinal tear is placed at lowest point of eye to minimize extension
inferior – keep head upright
temporal – keep temporal side of head down
minimize motion of eyes
What is the prognosis of retinal detachments?
90% can be cured. The worst are if the macula detaches or long time of detachment.
What are potential complications of retinal detachment?
vision loss or decreased visual acuity, recurrence, cataract formation, glaucoma
What is the development of the nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy?
asymptomatic –> symptomatic
retinopathy –> maculopathy
What types of macular degeneration are there and which is the most common?
wet and dry (much more common)
What is the clinical presentation of dry macular generation?
central vision loss, gradual, bilateral, distortion of images, scotomas, declining visual acuity
What are risk factors for macular generation (both!)?
age related, female, white, tobacco, alcohol, excessive sunlight, CAD, HTN, HLD, family Hx, hyperopia, light iris
What is the causation of dry macular degeneration?
cellular debris Densen accumulates between retina and choroid leading to scarring and atrophy
What helps in diagnosis for dry macular degeneration?
Snellen (visual acuity), Amsler grid (curvy if +), need DILATED eye exam, focused exudates called DRUSEN upon exam
What is the treatment of dry macular degeneration?
vitamins help! STOP SMOKING!!!
Pegcetacoplan & avacincaptad pegol injection
note risk of wet ARMD
What is the clinical presentation of wet macular degeneration?
RAPID onset and severe, hemorrhaging and fibrosis within the eye, bilateral CENTRAL vision loss, distortion, scotomas
What is the causation of wet macular degeneration?
new blood vessels popping up that leak blood and hemorrhage and fibrosis
What is the key on fundoscopy for wet ARMD?
fluorescein angiography can help, but really a lot of blood in eye
What does chronic steroid use cause?
How do you treat wet ARMD?
inhibitors of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF)
ranibizumab, bevacizumab, aflibercept, farcimab
brolucizumab risk of vision loss
What is the clinical presentation of retinal detachment?
curtain of vision loss, LONG LASTING, med emergency, acute onset, tunnel vision
photopsias followed by floaters
What are the risk factors for retinal detachment?
age, myopia, cataract extraction, ocular trauma, smoking, DM retinopathy
What are the two kinds of retinal detachment?
rhegmatogenous detachment “natural” MCC – fluid goes into subretinal space, detaches
tractional - scars pull on retina, exudative- fluid trapped (wet ARMD), causes detachment