Various Cardiac Conditions Flashcards
Characteristics of Left Sided Heart Failure
-Pulmonary congestion
-Backup of blood from the Left ventricle to left atrium and lungs
-Occurs with insult to the LV from myocardial disease, hypertension, heart damage, etc
Characteristics of Right Sided Heart Failure
-Increased pressure load on the RV
-Cor Pulmonale- Right ventricular enlargement secondary to lung disorder that causes pulmonary
-jugular vein distention
-peripheral edema
Characteristics of Peripheral Arterial Disease
-associated with hypertension and hyperlipidemia
-pulses decreased or absent
-Color: pale on elevation, dusky red on dependency
-Early stages: intermittent claudication. Burning and aching pain. Occurs with activity and decreased with restt
-Late Stages: Pain and rest, muscle atrophy, trophic changes(hair loss, skin and nail changes)
-Affects primarily LEs
Characteristics of DVT
-Clot formation in deep vein
-Usually occurs in LE, associated with forced immobilization
-Progressive inflammation with tenderness to palpation, dull ache, tightness, or pain in the calf
-Treatment: Herapin; graded compression stockings
Characteristics of Pulmonary Embolism
-Presents abruptly with chest pain and dyspnea
-Can lead to right heart dysfunction and failure
Characteristics of Arterial insufficiency
-Worse with exercise
-Severe muscle ischemia
-Decreased or absent pulses
-Pallor with elevation; dependent rubor
-may develop ulcers in toes, feet; may appear punched out(Lateral)
-Pale, shiny, dry skin
-Slightly higher in men
Characteristics of Venous Insufficiency
-Minimal to moderate steady pain
-aching pain with prolonged standing or sitting
-May develop ulcers at sides of ankles(Medial Malleolus), irregular borders
-Hemosiderin, thickened brown skin
-May lead to stasis dermatitis, cellulitis