Variables and piolot studies Flashcards
What is the independent variable (IV)?
The variable that is manipulated by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable.
What is the dependent variable (DV)?
The variable that is measured by the researcher to determine the effect of the independent variable.
What is an extraneous variable?
A variable other than the IV that could influence the DV if not controlled but does not systematically vary with the IV.
What is a confounding variable?
A variable that systematically varies with the IV making it unclear whether changes in the DV are due to the IV or the confounding variable.
What is operationalisation of variables?
Defining variables precisely in measurable terms to ensure reliability and validity of the study.
What is random allocation?
A control method ensuring every participant has an equal chance of being assigned to any condition to reduce participant variables.
What is counterbalancing?
A method used in repeated measures designs to control for order effects by varying the order of conditions across participants.
What is randomisation?
Using chance to determine the order of conditions or material presentation to eliminate researcher bias.
What is standardisation?
Ensuring all participants experience the same procedures instructions and conditions to increase reliability.
What is a pilot study?
A small-scale trial run of a study conducted before the main research to identify and correct potential issues.
What are the aims of piloting?
To check for issues with methodology instructions or materials and improve reliability and validity before full-scale research.
What are order effects?
Participants behaviour in one condition can effect behaviour in another condition
What are participant variables?
if there are more people with a aparticular characteristic, this could result in different performances.