Vagina Flashcards
Lichen Sclerosis- pathophysiology
Most common non-neoplastic
Lichen Sclerosis- epidemiology
> 60
Lichen Sclerosis- S/S & PE
Intense vulvar pruritis
Vulvar skin - thin/wrinkled ““cigarette paper appearance””
- lichenification, hyperkeratosis, erosions, fissures, subepithelial hemorrhages, ulcerations
Lichen Sclerosis- treatment
Stop Itch Cycle!!
Antihistamine @ night + high dose topical steroid
- Clobetasol propionate ointment
PO steroids - severe
Refer to OB -> BIOPSY
Lichen Sclerosis- prognosis
RISK - squamous cell carcinoma of vulva
Lichen Simplex Chronicus- pathophysiology
Benign epithelial thickening and hyperkeratosis
non-specific reactive condition from constant irritation or rubbing
Lichen Simplex Chronicus- cause
Chronic irritation
Chemical, infection, allergic
Lichen Simplex Chronicus- S/S & PE
Hyper or hypopigmented
Thickened, leathery appearance
Extreme prurutis - labia majora
Lichen Simplex Chronicus- treatment
Refer to OB -> BIOPSY
PO antihistamines + topical med steroid
- betamethasone or tiamcinolone
Lichen Simplex Chronicus- prognosis
Not associated w/ cancer risk
Lichen Planus- pathophysiology
Inflammatory autoimmune disorder
Lichen Planus- S/S & PE
Flat topped papules - white plaques
- on vulva, vagina, oral
Ulceration or erosions - usually on vagina
Itching, burning, postcoital bleeding, dyspareunia, pain
Lichen Planus- treatment
Refer to OB -> BIOPSY
Frequent exam for formation of adhesions
Topical hydrocortisone foam
- Colifoam
High dose topical can be tried externally
Lichen Planus- prognosis
Very Rare
Behcet’s Syndrome- pathophysiology
Rare inflammatory disorder
Behcet’s Syndrome- cause
Behcet’s Syndrome- S/S & PE
Triad - oral ulcers, genial apthae/ulcerations, uveitis
Behcet’s Syndrome- treatment
Topical and Systemic corticosteroids
Refer to OB -> Biopsy
Bartholin Duct Cyst/abscess- pathophysiology
Obstruction of main duct of Bartholin gland
Barholin gland - 5 and 7 o’clock
- provide moisture
Obstruction -> cycsts or abscess
Bartholin Duct Cyst/abscess- S/S & PE
Fluctuant tender mass - palpable
Pain, tenderness, dyspareunia, difficult walking
Bartholin Duct Cyst/abscess- treatment
I&D Catheter placement - elliptical incision along vaginal mucosa w/ expression of pus - insert word cath deep in cavity - can use gauze to pack cavity Marsupialization
abx - if inflammation
Atrophic vaginitis- pathophysiology
Atrophic vaginitis- cause
Dec Estrogen levels
Atrophic vaginitis- epidemiology
Lactating women
Atrophic vaginitis- S/S & PE
pH of vag high 5-7
Epithelium thinned
- more susceptible to infection/trauma
Los of elasticity - shortening/narrowing of vag
Vaginal dryness, itching, burning, dyspareunia, spotting, discharge, urinary symptoms - urgency, frequency, UTI, incontinence
Low estrogen
Atrophic vaginitis- treatment
Estrogen Therapy - PO or systemic - contra - topical - 1/3 will be absorbed systemic - don't give to hx or breast or endometrial cancer Premarin vaginal cream Estrace vaginal cream Vagifem tablets
Vulvar Malignancy- pathophysiology
Carcinoma of Vulva
- v rare
Vulvar Malignancy- epidemiology
Postmenopausal Smoking HPV Immunodeficiency hx cervical carcinoma Chronic vulvar irritation
Vulvar Malignancy- S/S & PE
Hx - vulvar irritation, pruritis, discomfort, bloody discharge
Ulcer or large cauliflower lesion
Vulvar Malignancy- treatment
Surgery - stage/treat
Paget Disease- pathophysiology
Extramammary Paget dis
In situ adenocarcinoma in epithelium of vulva and perianal regions
Paget Disease- S/S & PE
Itchy, red, crusted lesion - labia major
White coating - caking icing
Paget Disease- treatment
Refer to OB -> biopsy
Paget Disease- prognosis
Foreign bodies- cause
Paper Cotton Retained tampon Contraceptive Pessary
Foreign bodies- S/S & PE
Malodorous vaginal discharge
Intramenstrual spotting
2nd to - vaginal epithelium drying and microculcerations
Ulcerative lesions - vaginal fornices
- rolled, irregular edges w/ red granulation tissue base
Foreign bodies- treatment
Remove foreign object
Abx - not usually needed
- yes if - cellulitis, systemic symptoms
Toxic Shock Syndrome- pathophysiology
Tampon usage
Toxic Shock Syndrome- cause
Staph exotoxins
Toxic Shock Syndrome- S/S & PE
High fever Severe HA Sore throat Myalgia V/diarrhea Skin rash - gone after 24/48hrs Desquamation of palms and soles - 2-3w post Hypotension -> shock - w/in 48 Multiorgan failure
Toxic Shock Syndrome- treatment
Remove tampon Vaginal cultures Copious irrigation of saline Penicillin or Vanco DON’T USE TAMPONS AGAIN
Malignant Disease of Vagina- pathophysiology
Rare - primary
Met or vaginal involvement via directly from cervix - more common
Malignant Disease of Vagina- cause
Clear cell adenocarcinoma
-> mom was treated w/ DES during pregnancy
Malignant Disease of Vagina- S/S & PE
Early - painless bleeding, ulcerated tumor
Late - bleeding, pain, weight loss, swelling
Malignant Disease of Vagina- labs & imaging
Malignant Disease of Vagina- treatment
Pelvic Organ Prolapse- S/S & PE
Cystocele - bladder prolapse - anterior front vaginal wall - falls towards vagains -> bulge - difficulty getting urine started or completely out Cystourethrocele - bladder and urethra Rectocele - rectum or large bowel - posterior back vaginal wall - diff to pass stool, more mechanical
Ectropion- pathophysiology
Eversion of columnar epithelium into ectocervix
Ectocervix - vagina - squamous epithelium
Endocervix - uterus - columnar epithelium
Ectropion- epidemiology
Ectropion- S/S & PE
Cervix - red, granular, inflamed
Benign - biopsy to r/o cancer
Nabothian Cysts- pathophysiology
Very common
Nabothian Cysts- cause
Squamous epithelium of ectocervix grows over simple columna of endocervix
Nabothian Cysts- S/S & PE
Translucent - yellow mucous filled cysts on surface of cervix
Cervical stenosis- pathophysiology
Internal OS
Cervical stenosis- cause
Cone biopsy
Ablative techniques
Cervical stenosis- S/S & PE
Pelvic pain
Cervical stenosis- diagnosis
Can’t pass sound or dilator through Os
Cervical stenosis- treatment
Cervical Polyp- pathophysiology
External Os
Cervical Polyp- cause
Focal hyperplasia of endocervix
Cervical Polyp- S/S & PE
Soft, red, pedunculated protrusion from cervical canal
1mm- 2-3cm
intermenstrual or postcoital bleeding
Cervical Polyp- labs & imaging
Imaging - hysterosalpingogram, saline infusion sonohysterography
Cervical Polyp- treatment
Incompetent Cervix- pathophysiology
Weak cervical tissue -> premature birth or loss of prego
Incompetent Cervix- treatment
Cervical cerclage
bed rest