Ortho- peds Flashcards
Transient Synovitis- epidemiology
3-8 yr
Antalgic gait - hips abducted and externally rotated, pain with internal rotation
Transient Synovitis- S/S & PE
No fever
Not toxic
Hurt, not tender
Septic Arthritis- S/S & PE
Acute onset fever joint pain loss of function in joint Swelling limited ROM Malaise Irritable
Joint effusion
Septic Arthritis- diagnosis
Septic Arthritis - labs & imaging
CBC - left sift
APR - inc
Septic Arthritis - treatment
IV abx
Osteomyelitis- pathophysiology
Infection localized in bone
Infection in metaphysis -> cellulitis of BM -> exudate under pressure forced into cortex -> lifts periosteum
Osteomyelitis- cause
Direct inoculation
Hematogenous spread - more common
Osteomyelitis- epidemiology
Osteomyelitis- S/S & PE
Tubular bones
Osteomyelitis- labs & imaging
Gram pos - Staph
Osteoid Osteoma- pathophysiology
Bone forming non-malignant lesion
Osteoid Osteoma- epidemiology
Osteoid Osteoma- S/S & PE
LE - proximal femur Prog pain - worse at night - affected by activity? Limp, swelling, muscular atrophy Leg length, bone deformities Local point tenderness Relief w/ NSAIDs
Osteoid Osteoma- diagnosis
Xray - small radiolucent nidus <1-1.5cm
Might need CT
Osteoblastoma- pathophysiology
Bone forming non-malignant lesion
Osteoblastoma - epidemiology
Osteoblastoma- S/S & PE
Posterior column spine
Chronic pain
- less response to NSAIDs
Expansive bony lesion
Osteoblastoma - diagnosis
CT, MRI - larger >2cm
Osteoblastoma - treatment
Curettage and bone grafting
Osteochondroma- pathophysiology
Cartilage forming non-malignant lesion
Cartilage-capped bony spur arising on external surface of bone
Osteochondroma - epidemiology
Osteochondroma - S/S & PE
Distal femur - most common
Knee, proximal humerus
Osteochondroma - diagnosis
Xray - osseus spur - cauliflower head
MRI - eval adjacent tissue swelling
Osteochondroma - treatment
Observe w/out treatment
Xray yearly
Osteosarcoma- pathophysiology
Malignant lesion
Osteosarcoma- epidemiology
Most common malignant bone lesion
13-16 yo
Osteosarcoma- S/S & PE
Metaphysis of long bones - femur
Localized pain for months
- after injury, waxes and wanes
Larger, tender soft tissue mass
Osteosarcoma- diagnosis
Osteosarcoma- labs & imaging
Labs - nl
alk phos
Osteosarcoma- treatment
Ewings Sarcoma- S/S & PE
Long bones - Femur, tib/fib, humerus
Local pain and swelling
- aggravated w/ exercise, worse at night
Ewings Sarcoma- diagnosis
Xray - moth eaten, Codman’s triangle, Onion peal
Salter-Harris Classification- pathophysiology
I-II - well w/ little complication
III-V - require percutaneous pinning or open reduction and internal fixation
- higher rate of growth disturbance
V - immediate growth plate closure -> shortening of extremity
Buckle Fractures- pathophysiology
Compression force
Buckle Fractures- S/S & PE
Radius, Ulna
Buckle Fractures- treatment
Don’t need reduction
Heal w/ immobilization
Bowing Fractures- pathophysiology
Longitudinal force on shaft of long bone
- exceeds bone ability to recoil back to normal position
Bowing Fractures- S/S & PE
Ulna, radius
Bowing Fractures- treatment
<20deg or <4yo - self corrects
REFER -> reduction
Greenstick Fracture- pathophysiology
Bone bent w/ a fracture line that does not extend completely through width of bone
Greenstick Fracture- diagnosis
Xray -
- Tension side - fracture
- Plastic side - buckling
Greenstick Fracture- treatment
High risk for repeat
Supracondylar fracture- cause
Fall on an out-stretched arm w/ elbow extension
Supracondylar fracture- epidemiology
Most common elbow injury
Supracondylar fracture- S/S & PE
Concern for NV compromise!! Elbow pain Swelling Guarding NO ROM
Supracondylar fracture- diagnosis
Clavicle fracture- cause
Direct blow or fall
Clavicle fracture - epidemiology
Common in athletes
Clavicle fracture - treatment
Pre-pubescent fracture - heal conservatively
Adolescent - may need surgery
Scaphoid Fractures- cause
Scaphoid Fractures- S/S & PE
Distal radial fractures too
Pain in snuffbox
Scaphoid Fractures - diagnosis
Xray - can be missed initially
Scaphoid Fractures- treatment
Cast immobilization
Boxer’s fracture- cause
Punching mechanism
Boxer’s fracture- epidemiology
Head/neck of 5th metacarpal
Boxer’s fracture tx
Percutaneous pinning
Surgical reduction
Non accidental Trauma (NAT)- pathophysiology
Injury/finding is inconsistent w/ hx
Non accidental Trauma (NAT) - S/S & PE
Long bone fractures in non-ambulatory children
Sternum, scapula, spinous processes, vertebral body fractures
Multi fract in various stages of healing
Distal fract in <3yr of age
Complex skull fract in <18m
Craniosynostosis - pathophysiology
Premature closure of any sutures in isolation
Posterior - 2m
Anterior lateral - 3m
Posterior lateral - 1y
Anterior - 2y
Craniosynostosis - cause
- premature closure of unilateral coronal sutures
- premature fusion of sagittal suture
Craniosynostosis - S/S & PE
- Flattening of forehead and elevation of eyebrow on affected side
- dec width and elongation of Ap axis of cranium
Torticollis- pathophysiology
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Torticollis- S/S & PE
Head tilt toward affected side
Chin away from affected side
Flattening of head on affected side
Torticollis- treatment
Stretching - 1 year
Surgery - if no improvement
Back Pain- pathophysiology
NOT A COMMON COMPLAINT - suspect pathology
Common in adolescence and teens in sports
Scoliosis- pathophysiology
Lateral curvature of spine
Scoliosis- cause
Progression - growing remaining and severity of curve
Scoliosis- epidemiology
Scoliosis- S/S & PE
Rotational deformity of vertebrae
Right thoracic
Left Lumbar
Posture - crooked back
Mild pain
Scoliosis - labs & imaging
Measure Cobb angle
Scoliosis- treatment
Adolescent >10y
- 0-25 - observe
- 25-40 - brace
- > 40 surgery
Scoliosis- prognosis
Small can be tolerated
Cosmetic concerns
Larg - shorten life span, arthritis and pain
Spondylolysis- pathophysiology
Fracture of arch in lower lumbar spine
Spondylolysis- diagnosis
Scotty dog sign
Spondylolisthesis- pathophysiology
Defect/fracture - posterior arch -> anterior displacement of vertebral body
Dysplasia of Hip- pathophysiology
Femoral head has abnormal relationship with acetabulum
Dysplasia of Hip- epidemiology
1st born
Dysplasia of Hip- S/S & PE
Asymmetric thigh folds Asymmetric inguinal folds - should not be beyond aperture Limited abduction Positive Ortolani - out and around Positive Barlow - push down
Dysplasia of Hip- treatment
- Pavlik Harness
- Hip flexed to 100-120
- No adduction
- closed reduction
- hip spica cast - 3-4m
- abduction night splint
- Open reduction - if unsuccessful closed
- > 12m often surgical procedures req
Dysplasia of Hip- prognosis
- Avascular necrosis
- Deformed femoral head
- leg length discrepancy
- Early onset arthritis
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis - pathophysiology
Femoral head displaces off the physis - ice cream falling off the cone
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis - epidemiology
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis - S/S & PE
Sudden or gradual
Vague knee, groin, or thigh pain - w/o hx of trauma
Pain w/ weightbearing activity
Limited ROM - Adduction, internal rotation
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis - treatment
Non- weight bearing for >8weeks
Percutaneous pinning in situ
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis - prognosis
Avascular necrosis - not treated correctly
Systemic disease
High incidence of degenerative arthritis
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease- pathophysiology
Osteonecrosis necrosis of femoral head
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease- cause
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease- S/S & PE
loss ROM
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease- treatment
Avoid severe degenerative arthritis! Crutches PT Bracing Traction Surgery
Osgood-Schlatter Disease- pathophysiology
Traction apophysitis of the insertion of the patella tendon at the tibial tubercle
Osgood-Schlatter Disease- epidemiology
Osgood-Schlatter Disease- S/S & PE
Bony growth on anterior aspect of knee - tibial tuberosity
Pain w/ running, jumping, squatting
Osgood-Schlatter Disease- treatment
Resolves - growth plates close
Rest, ice, NSAIDs, PT
Sever’s Apophysitis- pathophysiology
Calcaneal apophysitis
Sever’s Apophysitis- cause
Traction - induced inflammation at calcaneal apophysis from achilles tendon
Sever’s Apophysitis- S/S & PE
Heel pain
Sever’s Apophysitis- treatment
Resolves with closure
Rest, ice, NSAIDs, heel pads
Clubfoot- cause
Clubfoot- epidemiology
Clubfoot- S/S & PE
Ankly equinus
Heel vargus
Metarsus adductus
Clubfoot- treatment
Start early
Conservative - Ponseti Method and French Method
- stretch medial/posterior elements
- Serial casting/splinting to hold correction
- Percutaneous heel-cord lengthening
- After correction - will need nighttime brace
Surgery - 10%
Epiphysiolysis Proximal Humeral Epiphysis - pathophysiology
Little Leagure shoulder
Excessive torsional stress across the physis
- widening of proximal humeral physis
Epiphysiolysis Proximal Humeral Epiphysis - cause
Throwing athletes
Overuse of shoulder
Epiphysiolysis Proximal Humeral Epiphysis - S/S & PE
Shoulder pain
Medial Epicondylitis- pathophysiology
Overuse of elbow
Traction-induced inflammation at medial epicondyle apophysis
Medial Epicondylitis - cause
Lateral compression of radial head and capitellum
Medial Epicondylitis - diagnosis
Xray - nl to widening of medial epicondyle
- can have avulsion fracture
Medial Epicondylitis - treatment
Ice, rest, stretching,
Not treated - ulnar collateral ligament can rupture
Nursemaid’s Elbow- pathophysiology
Slippage of radial head under the annular ligament
Nursemaid’s Elbow- cause
Lifting, pulling, tugging
Arm at side pronated w/ slight elbow flexion
Nursemaid’s Elbow- epidemiology
1- 5 y
Nursemaid’s Elbow- treatment
Reduce - supinate and flex
Syndactyly- pathophysiology
Most common hand anomaly
Congenital webbing of fingers
Syndactyly - epidemiology
Syndactyly - S/S & PE
Normal bony architecture w/ simple skin fusion
Fusion of phalanges
Syndactyly - treatment
Surgical reconstruction
Skin grafting