“V” Words Flashcards
Vibrant (adj)
Energetic and full of life
You have a vibrant and extroverted personality
Vindictive (adj)
Having a strong and unreasonable desire to hate/revenge on someone or something
How harsh and vindictive can someone be
Vigorous (adj)
Strong, enthusiastic and full of energy
A lot of athletes can be tall, vigorous and energetic
Vital (noun, adj)
The body’s important organs (noun) Absolutely necessary (adj)
It is vital to have a steady income
Versatile (adj)
Very adjustable/flexible for many different things
Many different food alternatives can be so versatile
Vegetate (verb)
To spend a dull period of time with nothing interesting
He’s too introverted, he just vegetates by staying at home playing video games
Velocity (noun)
The speed of something in a certain direction
Light travels at the highest possible velocity in the universe
Viable (adj)
The capability of working, functioning or developing successfully
Jonas came up with a viable solution to the problem that can fix everything
Venture (noun)
To do something that could be risky/dangerous
I’m going to venture into the caves to gather materials
Veteran (noun)
Someone with a long experience of something
She is a veteran of flight attendance
Vicinity (noun)
The surrounding area of a district/place
It’s a great apartment with lots to explore around the vicinity
Vicarious (adj)
Experienced in the imagination through the feelings/actions of someone else
The guide gave us a vicarious tour around Tokyo city
Vindicate (verb)
To free one from blame/suspicion
The teenagers were vindicated after showing their IDs
Vigilant (adj)
Being quick and careful to notice danger or trouble -watchful
Are your parents quite vigilant on your actions?