“I” Words Flashcards
Illegible (adj)
Difficult to read due to bad writing
This foreign writing is illegible to me
Immaculate (adj)
Perfectly clean/tidy
He cleaned the house so well, it’s immaculate
Improper (adj)
Lacking good standards/honesty
That’s an improper and also abnormal diet for your age
Immerse (verb)
Submerge into liquid
I immersed into the deep end of the pool
Imitate (verb)
Take/follow/copy from someone
You are not unique, you just imitate other peoples ideas
Implement (verb)
Put into effect
I have lots of ideas yet struggle to implement them the way I want to
Imbibe (verb)
To take in/absorb liquid or gas
They always happen to imbibe coffee at like 5pm
Impose (verb)
To force/accept something on someone
Don’t let them impose you, stand your ground
Imminent (adj)
Ready to happen soon
We’re in imminent danger from the tsunami if we don’t seek high ground
Impeccable (adj)
Perfect with the best standards
You’ve got impeccable taste in music
Immobilise (verb)
To stop someone/something from moving or working
I was immobilised as I froze in fear
Inconsistent (adj)
Not staying the same throughout
Most people are very inconsistent when it comes to a morning routine
Innovate (verb)
To show new changes/ideas
You can improve on that by innovating the layout
Intellectual (noun, adj)
A higher level of thinking
Most intellectuals aim for higher paying jobs
Incorporate (verb)
Include something as part of something larger
You could incorporate this idea into your final design for better results
Incentive (noun)
Something that gives motivation
I’ll give you an incentive in order to improve on this
Intolerant (adj)
Difficult accepting opinions different from theirs
You’re so intolerant on different beliefs
Interpret (verb)
Explain the meaning of something
It’s difficult to interpret this case as there is little evidence shown
Indecisive (adj)
Difficult making decisions with a clear result
There’s too many to choose from, sorry for being indecisive
Indiscretion (noun)
Doing something wrong resulting in judgement
Stop littering, your indiscretion is harming the environment
Intercept (verb)
Stopping someone/something going from A to B
The police intercepted their target from reaching the escape zone
Inquisitive (noun)
Curious in a nosey matter
Erin is very inquisitive about her friend’s relationship
Indulge (verb)
Allowing yourself/others to enjoy pleasure and desire
People indulge on short term pleasures to feel better
Intuition (noun)
Ability to understand something instinctively and clearly
I will let my intuition guide me