“U” Words Flashcards
Usurped (verb)
To take control of something without rights
The pirates usurped the island and destroyed the village
Ultraviolet (adj)
Light beyond the violet end of the spectrum that causes your skin to tan
Ultraviolet radiation from the sun is what kills skin cells
Undergo (verb)
To experience/be subjected to something
You’re going to have to undergo this long progress
Untimely (adj)
Happening too soon or at an unsuitable time
Now would be such an untimely way of arranging this trip
Uproar (noun)
A loud or angry noise/disturbance
The house next to me was in uproar
Uptight (adj)
Nervous/upset about something
There’s no need to act uptight about it, it’s designed to be safe to ride on
Uranium (noun)
A radioactive metal used for atomic energy
Elements such as gold and uranium are very rare to find
Upheaval (noun)
A sudden violent change/disturbance
There are major upheavals in the financial market
Upshot (noun)
What happens in the end/conclusion
The upshot is that we will go next year instead as it works better for everyone
Utilise (verb)
To make use of something
You should utilise the softwares they have before you are required to pay for them yourself in the future