B Words Flashcards
Bereave (verb)
Losing a close friend/family member that has passed
The cancer would bereave them of their best friend
Befoul (verb)
To make something dirty/polluted
The plastic waste would befoul the ocean
Ballsy (adj)
Highly confident and brave
Taking no breaks is pretty ballsy
Bold (adj)
Someone who willingly takes risks
Bold of you to attempt that
Buoyant (adj)
To stay afloat/rise to the top of a liquid/gas
Rocks are not buoyant due to their weight
Boastful (adj)
Talking about things you own/have done
She was very boastful about her hobbies
Bribe (noun, verb)
To dishonestly persuade someone to do something you want in return for money or another reward
The parents were bribing their child to finish his chores
Bleary (adj)
Looking or feeling dull and unfocused from tiredness
you have such bleary eyes
Biosphere (noun)
The earth’s surface with life/atmosphere
Nature is part of the biosphere
Bewilder (verb)
Make someone puzzled/confused
I was bewildered by his strategy
Benevolent (adj)
Being kind and helpful by doing good things
You seem more benevolent with children
Backlash (noun)
A strong, aggressive reaction to someone/something
He was giving backlash when arguing with me
Burden (noun)
Someone/something that’s difficult to handle
You can be such a burden sometimes
Bias (noun)
A tendency to prefer/favour one person or thing to another
The bias is usually milk chocolate as it tastes sweeter than dark chocolate
Brazen (adj)
Bold and shameless
That’s a very brazen decision to steal from your sibling
Bide (verb)
To wait and remain somewhere
Let’s just bide here for now and come up with a plan
Bodacious (adj)
Amazing, admirable and attractive
I met so many bodacious ladies around Europe