“S” Words Flashcards
Satanic (adj)
Extremely evil/wicked
The killer’s satanic behaviour was involved in many other cases
Smite (noun, verb)
To strike a hit/blow
I will smite you if you don’t back away!
Suppress (verb)
Preventing someone/something from being seen, used or operated
The woman suppressed her tears when she faced the public
Succumb (verb)
Losing determination by giving up to something you attempt to stop
He was too weak, thus ended up succumbing to the fight and being overpowered
Seductive (adj)
Her voice is very seductive
Strive (verb)
Trying hard to do/make something happen
A lot of young girls strive for perfection in their looks when in reality not many people take notice
Solicit (verb)
To ask for money, information or help
I don’t solicit for money unless it is an emergency
Simplicity (noun)
The quality/condition of something being easy
The simplicity of this task is so easy that toddlers could do it
Sedative (noun)
A drug taken in order to be sleepy/relaxed
I have to give my child sedatives to help her sleep easier
Submissive (adj)
To easily obey for someone else’s authority
Someone who has been abused may come off as submissive and anxious
Spirituality (noun)
A sense of connection to something bigger and greater than ourselves
A deep sense of spirituality that connects them to the natural environment
Stern (adj)
Very serious, severe and strict
She’s got a very stern and mature personality
Spontaneous (adj)
Happening in a natural and sudden way without planning
You’re the type of person to go on a spontaneous adventure
Stupendous (adj)
Extremely impressive
Those are stupendous climbing skills
Supplant (verb)
Taking over/replacing a person or thing, usually purposely
iPads have supplanted colouring sheets in restaurants these days
Substantial (adj)
Something of considerable importance, size or worth
(That’s a substantial amount of land to cultivate different plants)
Sugar-coat (verb)
To make something seem more pleasant/positive than it is
I wouldn’t sugar-coat it, we barely made it halfway
Sadist (noun)
Someone who enjoys inflicting pain and humiliation on others
I’m not sticking around with a sadistic psychopath like him
Sacred (adj)
Something holy, worthy of respect, or connected with religion
Different meat is sacred based on different religions
Scrutinise (verb)
To examine/inspect something closely and carefully
She is practically scrutinising everything he does due to the obsession she has
Satire (noun)
Making someone/something look ridiculous and embarrassing that raises laughter
The satire that is inflicted on Americans from the rest of the world is more than they realise
Seclude (verb)
To keep/stay away from others
I have to seclude my chocolate from my brother or he may eat it
Subvert (verb)
To overthrow/undermine someone or something
It’s not easy to subvert the slave system
Serendipitous (adj)
Occuring/happening accidentally in the right place at the right time by chance
Quite serendipitous for it to snow on my birthday