V Flashcards
tener/dar la impresión
get the impression (that)
/get ði ɪmˈpreʃn/
Did you get the impression they didn’t like our present?
quedarse de piedra/flipado; descarga
get a shock
tener la oportunidad
get the chance
entenderlo, pillarlo
get the joke
conocer, llegar a conocerse
get to know (sb/one another)
/get tə nəʊ/
I’m sure you’ll like him once you get to know him.
contactar en telefono mail
get hold of
sacarse de encima; librarse de; deshacerse de
get rid of (sth/sb)
meterse en lios/problemas
get into trouble
quitarse de enmedio, expresión rude
get out of the way
get your own back on
/get jɔːr əʊn bæk ɒn/
I’ll get my own back on him one day and take revenge.
pillarlo; captarlo; pescarlo
get it
abre los ojos/despierta
get real
get a life
get a life
not making any progress and stop
get anywhere
make some progress
get somewhere
get on my nerves
get my act/shit together
get my act/shit together
llevarse muy pero que muy bien
get on like a house on fire
pick up the pace/go faster (rude)
get a move on
get on
indirect communication/implicit
pillar el mensaje
get the message
have success in persuading other people
get your own way
get around
avoid responsibility
get out of
succesfully send the message
get through
respond via phone, mail
get back to
slightly negative meaning, do only enough
get by
/get baɪ/
My salary is not enough to get by.
very friendly, good match, llevarse bien
get along
He’s unfriendly and unemotional.
a cold fish
My boss is a bit of a cold fish.
She’s so kind and generous.
a heart of gold
She’s got a heart of gold.
She gets angry so easily.
a quick temper
My sister has a quick temper.
He’s so annoying.
a real pain in the neck
My brother’s a real pain in the neck.
I can always persuade him to give me extra pocket money.
a soft touch
My dad is a soft touch.
attention to detail
I’m sure your work will be perfect. You’ve got great attention to detail.
to change a decision or a opinion
change your mind
taking care and doing things carefully
conscientious adj
You have to be conscientious and do things carefully and correctly.
- I you know sth (…), you know your true feelings about sth, although you may not admit them to yourself
- If something is true (…), it is really like that, although it may not be obvious to people
- en el fondo
Deep down
Deep down he’s quite insecure.
1.show a person determination to do sth
2. if you are (…), you have made a firm decision to do it and you will not let anyone prevent you
decidido resuelto
determined adj
She’s a determined girl. Once she’s decided to do something, nothing will stop her.
sensible and practical, in a way that is helpful and friendly
down to earth adj
My mum is very practical and down to earth.
- calm and kind; doing things in a quiet and careful way
- (of weather, tempertature, etc.) not strong or extreme
3.not steep or sharp
amable, suave, , moderado, ligero,
gentle adj
He is a calm and gentle boy.
A gentle slope/curve/angle
- not confident about yourself or your relationships with other people
- not safe or protected
peligroso, inseguro
insecure adj
She felt nervous and insecure.
- when not thought about deeply or thoroughly; when not looked at carefully
- it seems like a good idea x but there are sure to be problems
on the surface
/ɒn ðə ˈsɜːfɪs/
On the surface, he seems quite nice.
not to compromise
refuse to compromise
/rɪˈfjuːz tə ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/
I tried to reach an agreement but he refused to compromise.
good at finding ways of doing things and solving problems, etc
habilidoso, capaz, ingenioso
resourceful adj
Louise is quite resourceful. She’s good at solving problems.
showing or expressing sarcasm
sarcastic adj
Don’t be so sarcastic! That comment was very cruel.
parecer seguro de si mismo
seem self-confident
/siːm self ˈkɒnfɪdənt/
He may seem self-confident, but he’s actually quite insecure.
able to do or produce everything that you need without the help of other people
self-sufficient adj
/self səˈfɪʃnt/
He’s very self-sufficient. He never needs anyone’s help.
- not planned but done because you suddenly want to do it
- often doing things without planning to, because you suddenly want to do them
- happening naturally, without being made to happen
4- done naturally, without being forced or practised
spontaneous adj
I’d love to be more spontaneous and not plan things in advance.
- developing, growing, etc. gradually and in an even and regular way
- not changing and not interrupted
- firmly fixed, supported or balanced; not shaking or likely to fall down
- (of a person) sensible; who can be relied on
firme, regular, cosntante, inmutable, estable, , continuo
steady adj /ˈstedi/ 1. five years of steady economic growth 2. His breathing was steady 3. I met his steady gaze 4. He’s a reliable and steady guy.
- easy to do or to understand; not complicated
- (of a person or their behaviour) honest and open; not trying to trick somebody or hide something
directo, franco, honesto, sincero
straightforward adj
2. She’s honest and straightforward and says just what she thinks.
- kind to sb who is hurt or sad; showing that you understand and care about their problems
- showing that you approve of sb/sth or that you share their views and are willing to support them
solidario, compasivo, empatico
sympathetic adj
1.Our manager is not very sympathetic. He never tries to understand our problems.
- to make use of sth well; to make use of an opportunity
- to make use of sb/Sth in a way that is unfair or dishonest
sacar provecho, aprovecharse de
take advantage of
/teɪk ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ əv/
2. She’s very generous and trusting so some people take advantage of her.
to do sth even though you know that sth bac could happen as a result
tomar riesgo
take risks
/teɪk rɪsks/
If you want to succeed, you have to take risks.
tend to avoid
tend tu əˈvɔɪd/
I don’t like arguing with people so I tend to avoid conflict.
- done completely; with a great attention to detail
- used to emphasize how bad or annoying sb/sth is
a fondo, riguroso, exacto
thorough adj
1. You have to be very thorough if you want to be a researcher.
- able to do sth
- a level of skill or intelligence
habilidad, capacidad, actitud
ability n
Everyone has a special ability that makes them good at something.
logro academico
academic achievement n
I’m very proud of my son’s academic achievement.
be laid off v
/bi leɪd ɒf/
Many colleagues were laid off when the company was restructured.
no ser necesario/reduccion plantilla
be made redundant v
/bi meɪd rɪˈdʌndənt/
There has been a decrease in sales and some employees may be made redundant.
estar de baja
be off work v
/bi ɒf wɜːk/
I’m off work this week.
estar en paro
be out off work v
bi aʊt əv wɜːk/
I’ve been out of work for two months now.
be told by your employer that you can no longer continue working for a company, etc. usually because of something you have done wrong
ser despedido
be sacked v
/bi sækt/
If you don’t start working harder, you’ll be sacked soon.
a series of stages by which you can make progress in your life or career
promocion profesional
career ladder n
/kəˈrɪə ˈlædə/
You need to work hard if you want to move up the career ladder.
to record the time at which you leave work, especially b y putting a card into a machine
clock off v (clock out)
/klɒk ɒf/
I clock off at five and go home.
time that you are allowed to be away from work becaus sb in your family is ill/sick or has died
baja por mtotivos personal
compassionate leave n
/kəmˈpæʃənət liːv/
My dad is seriously ill so I’m on compassionate leave.
making somebody lose confidence or hope
desmoralizante, desmoralizador
demoralizing adj
Being unemployed can be really demoralizing.
those who plan events
events management n
/ɪˈvents ˈmænɪdʒmənt/
Have you got any experience in events management?
contract than only lasts for the agreed period of time
fixed-term contract n
/fɪkst tɜːm ˈkɒntrækt/
I’ve been offered a fixed-term contract to cover maternity leave.
for all the hours of a week during which people normally work or study,r ather than just a part of ir
full-time occupation n
/fʊl taɪm ɒkjuˈpeɪʃn/
Being a teacher is a full-time occupation.
aumnto de sueldo
get a rise
/get ə raɪz/
If you want to get a rise, you have to ask for one.
conseguir un ascenso
get promoted v
/get prəˈməʊtɪd/
If you want to get promoted, you have to work hard.
buscar trabajo
job-hunting n
/dʒɒb ˈhʌntɪŋ/
Job-hunting can be very time-consuming.
monotonous adj
My job as a checkout assistant can be monotonous sometimes.
something you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job
perk n
The company offered free health insurance as a perk.
- the place where sb/sth is located
- the place where sb/sth is mean to be; the correct place
posición, postura
position n
I’m looking for a full-time position.
- saying or doing the same thing many times so it became boring
- repeated many times
repetitivo, monotono, reiterativo
repetitive adj
I couldn’t work on a factory production line. It is such a repetitive job.
1.officially tell sb that you are leaving your job, an organization, etc
renunciar, dimitir
resign v
If they don’t give me a promotion soon, I’ll resign.
permission to be away from work because of illness; the period of time spent away from work
baja por enfermedar
sick leave n
/sɪk liːv/
Meryl isn’t in the office this week. She’s on sick leave.
- (of an activity, etc.) worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important
- produce a lot of money
gratificante, provechoso, satisfactorio
rewarding adj
1. I think being a nurse is a very rewarding job.
- the ability to do sth well
2- a particular ability or type of ability
habilidad, talento.
skills n pl
The salary will be dependent on the skills of the candidates.
lasting or taking too long and not interesting
tedioso aburrido pesado
tedious adj
My job is not very interesting. Actually, it’s quite tedious.
contrato temporal
temporary contract n
/ˈtemprəri ˈkɒntrækt/
My first contract was a temporary contract. It didn’t last too long.
- not yet paid (bills)
- done or taking without payment
- (of people) not receiving payment for work that they do
gratis, no remunerado
unpaid adv
2. I’ve been working unpaid for a year.
baja no pagada
unpaid leave n
/ˈʌnpeɪd liːv/
I need a couple of months off, so I may go on unpaid leave.
- the work or jobs that you have done in your life so far
- a period of time that a young person, especially a student, spends working in a company as a form of training
experiencia laboral
work experience n
/wɜːk ɪkˈspɪəriəns/
Have you got any relevant work experience?
- all the people who work for a particular company, organization,e tc
- all the people in a country or an area who are available for work
mano de obra
workforce n
1. Two-thirds of the workforce is female.
showing caring feelings and love for sb
cariñoso, afectuoso
affectionate adj
He’s an affectionate and loving child.
expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence, so that people take notice
resuelto, autoritario, firme, tajante, seguro
assertive adj
You should be more assertive, otherwise people just won’t listen to your ideas.
always telling people what to do
bossy adj
My older sister is a bit bossy and always tells me what to do.
to attract sb attention
llamar tu atencion
catch your eye
/kætʃ jɔːr aɪ/
I never just buy whatever catches my eye. I write a shopping list.
crecer gradualmente
build up v
/bɪld ʌp/
We should set off early before the traffic builds up.
to make somebody feel confused, upset and/or annoyed
do/does my head in
/dʌz maɪ hed ɪn/
Being with someone who is constantly checking their phone does my head in.
relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying or getting angry
facil de tratar, de buen trato
easy-going adj
/ˈiːzi ˈgəʊɪŋ/
I should try to be more easy-going and relaxed about things.
quedarse pillao
get stuck v
/get stʌk/
If you get stuck, check the instructions.
gets wearing
/gets ˈweərɪŋ/
Having identical conversations every day quickly gets wearing.
quedarse en blanco
go blank v
/gəʊ blæŋk/
When I get nervous, I sometimes go blank and forget what I was going to say.
- a path taken by a plane after an unseccesful attempt at landing, in order to get into a suitable position to try to land again
- disagreement or argument
- dar vueltas
go round v
/gəʊ raʊnd/
3. Did you go round all the aisles in the supermarket?
the place where your natural feelings that make you react in a particular way are thought to be
corazonaa presentimiento
gut feeling n
/gʌt ˈfiːlɪŋ/
I always go with my gut feeling.
- in such a way that the front part of one vehicle hits the front part of another vehicle or thing
- by expressing strong views and dealing with something in a direct way
de frente, frontalmente, sin rodeos
head on adv
/hed ɒn/
2. She always faces problems head on.
to think you are better than sb/sth
mirar por encima del hombro menospreciar
look down on v
/lʊk daʊn ɒn/
Some people look down on me because I work in a supermarket.
- having moods that change quickly and often
- bad-tempered or upset, often for no particular reason
- (of a film/movie, piece of music or place) suggesting particular emotions, especially sad ones
malhumorado, deprimido,
moody adj
He’s so moody. I never know how he’s going to react to things.
- (of people) not havint enough money, food, clothes, etc.
- (of people) not confident, and needing a lot of love and emoitoanl support from other people
needy adj
2. As a child, I was quite needy. I’m stronger and more independent now.
to make or prepare sth by fitting or collecting parts together
juntar, montar,preparar
put together v
/pʊt təˈgeðə/
I put together an itinerary for the trip.
- unwilling to obey rules or accpet normal standards of behaviour, dress, etc.
- opposed to the government of a country; opposed to those in authority within an organization
rebellious adj
1. I was an extremely rebellious child and gave my parents a hard time.
- that can be trusted to do something well; that you can rely on
- that is likely to be correct or true
- able to work or operate for long periods without breaking down or needing atention
fiable, fidedigno
reliable adj
She’s a very reliable friend. You can always count on her.
doing/following exactly what sb/sth says, paying attention to every detail
to the letter
/tə ðə ˈletə/
Follow the instructions to the letter and you won’t get it wrong.
- aware of and able to understand other people and their feelings
- (to art/music/literature) to be able to understand it and to express yourself through them
- (mood) easily offended or upset
- (information/ subject). that you have to treat with great care because it may offend people or make them angry or embarrassed
5.(cold/light/food) reacting quickly or more than usual to sth - (to small changes). able to measure very small changes
sensible, subsesctible
sensitive adj
1. He’s very sensitive to other people’s feelings.
a harmless or small lie, especially one that you tell to avoid hurting sb
mentira piadosa
white lie n
/waɪt laɪ/
Have you ever told your best friend a white lie?
receiving or involving a lot of attention and discussion on television, in newspapers,etc
compañia prominente
a high-profile company
/ə haɪ ˈprəʊfaɪl ˈkʌmpəni/
I’d like to work for a high-profile company everyone knows about.
convince people to buy products which will make them look younger.
beauty counter manager n
/ˈbjuːti ˈkaʊntə
As a beauty counter manager, I try to convince people to buy products which will make them look younger.
convertirse en la norma
become the norm
/bɪˈkʌm ðə nɔːm/
My manager started wearing casual clothes to work and it quickly became the norm.
lidiar con clientes x telefono
dealing with clients by phone
/ˈdiːlɪŋ wɪð ˈklaɪənts
baɪ fəʊn/
My tasks included dealing with clients by phone.
- to return sth to its owner
- to allow sb to have sth again
give back
/gɪv bæk/
I’d like to have a job where I can give something back to society.
handwriting n
What does your handwriting say about you?
Estoy de acuerdo hasta cierto punto, pero..
I agree up to a point, but…
/aɪ əˈgriː ʌp tu ə
pɔɪnt bət/
I agree up to a point, but sometimes I think we are too hard on her.
Escribo para solicitar el puesto de….
I am writing to apply for the post of... aɪ æm ˈraɪtɪŋ tu əˈplaɪ fə ðə pəʊst əv/ I am writing to apply for the post of receptionist advertised on your website.
le adjunto el cv completo
I attach a full CV…
/aɪ əˈtætʃ ə fʊl siː viː/
I attach a full CV for your consideration.
no creo que lleves razon
I don’t really think you’re right.
/aɪ dəʊnt ˈriːəli θɪŋk
jɔː raɪt/
I don’t really think you’re right. In fact, I disagree completely.
tengo un alto nivel de ingles hablado
I have a high level of spoken English... /aɪ hæv ə haɪ ˈlevl əv ˈspəʊkən ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ I have a high level of spoken English as I lived in Canada for six months.
me acabo d graduar de..
I have recently graduated from... /aɪ həv ˈriːsntli ˈgrædʒueɪtɪd frəm/ I have recently graduated from the University of Edinburgh.
cuento con una experiencia revelante en
I have some relevant experience... /aɪ hæv sʌm, ˈreləvənt ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ I have some relevant experience because I worked as an intern at a travel company.
espero escuchar de ti…
I look forward to hearing from you…
/aɪ lʊk ˈfɔːwəd tə
ˈhɪərɪŋ frəm juː/
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
veo lo q dices pero..
I see what you mean, but…
/aɪ siː wɒt juː miːn
I see what you mean, but I don’t think you’re right.
veo tu punto pero..
I see your point, but…
/aɪ siː jɔː pɔɪnt bət/
I see your point, but I’m afraid I don’t agree.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo
I totally agree
/aɪ ˈtəʊtəli əˈgriː/
I totally agree with your argument.
me gustaria la oportunidad
I would welcome the chance... /aɪ wʊd ˈwelkəm ðə tʃɑːns/ I would welcome the chance to be part of such a successful company.
me temo
I’m afraid…
/aɪm əˈfreɪd/
I’m afraid I don’t really agree.
no estoy seguro si coincido contido
I’m not sure I agree with you
/aɪm nɒt ʃɔːr aɪ əˈgriː
wɪð juː/
I’m not sure I agree with you. I think there’s a better way of doing this.
si necesitas más informacion
If you require further information…
/ɪf juː rɪˈkwaɪə
ˈfɜːðər ɪnfəˈmeɪʃn/
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information.
- to suggest that sth is true or that you feel or think sth, without saying so directly
- to make it seem likely that something is true or exist
- (of an idea, action, etc). to make sth necessary in order to be succesful
insinuar, suponer , implicar
imply v
1. I didn’t want to imply that you were wrong.
- C. an important topic that people are discussing or arguing about
- C(problem, worry) a problem or worry that sb has with sth
- C(magazine, newspaper) one of a regular series of magazines or newspapers
- I(of stamps/coins/shares) a number or set of things that are supplied and made available at the same time
- I(making available/known).the act of supplying or making available things for people to buy or use
- U. children of your own
issue n
2.Money is not the biggest issue on this project – it’s time.
5. the issue of blankets to the refugees
5. I bough a set of the new stamps on the date of issue
6. He died without issue
trabajador soporte tecnico, averias, incidencias sistemas informaticos
IT support worker n
/aɪ tiː səˈpɔːt ˈwɜːkə/
My computer has crashed. I have to call the IT support worker.
be judge, estimate, or value wrongly or unjustly.
mal juzgado
misjudged adj
I feel I’m often misjudged. I’m a waitress so people think I have no qualifications.
crecimiento personal
personal growth n
/ˈpɜːsənl grəʊθ/
I’d like to work for a company which considers the personal growth of its employees.
repartidor de pizza
pizza delivery man n
/ˈpiːtsə dɪˈlɪvəri mæn/
The pizza delivery man will be there in 20 minutes.
words or actions that are carefully planned to get an advantage over sb else
truco, estratagema
ploy n
His words were clearly a ploy to get an advantage over his competitors.
to show that you have no respect for sb by the expression on your face or by the way you speak
cara de desprecio, desden
sneer v
He sneers at people who are less educated than him.
signo zodiacal
star sign n
/stɑː saɪn/
What’s your star sign? I’m an Aries.
- to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation
- to speak to sb about a problem or difficult situation
- (in soccer, hockey etc) to try and take the ball from an opponent
- (in rugby or A.Football) to make an opponent fall to the ground in order to stop them running
- to deal with sb who is violent or threatening you
tackle v
My manager is determined to tackle absenteeism.
centrado en viajar
travel-focused adj
/ˈtrævl ˈfəʊkəst/
He’s so travel-focused he hasn’t been able to settle down.
general health and happiness
well-being n
/wel ˈbiːɪŋ/
The company tries to ensure the well-being of its employees.
the amount of work that has to be done by a particular person or organization
cantidad de trabajo
workload n
I had such a heavy workload that they had to hire a new assistant.
- to open your mouth wide and breather in deeply through it, usually because you are tired or bored
- (of a large hole or an empty space) to be very wide and often frightening and difficult to get across
yawn v
1. Excuse me if I yawn. I couldn’t sleep last night.
the state of being an adult
edad adulta
adulthood n
It is usually harder to learn a second language in adulthood.
- to make a judgement about the nature or quality of sth/sb
2. to calculate the amount or value of sth
assess v
The tests were designed to assess the benefits of language learning.
if two people are (..) they do not understand each other because they are talking about or aiming at different things, without realizing it
en contraposicion
con objetivos opuestos
at cross purposes
/ət krɒs ˈpɜːpəsɪz/
I think we are talking at cross purposes. That’s not what I meant.
bewildered adj
You look bewildered. Is it really that confusing?
- sadness because sth has not happened or been as good, succesful, etc. as you expected or hoped
- a person or thing that is disappointing
decepción desilusión
disappointment n
It was a big disappointment when our team lost the match.
informal. to be able to understand or accept sth
get my head round sth
/get maɪ hed raʊnd/
I can’t get my head round this problem.
informal. to undertand sth in the wrong way
get the wrong end of the stick
/get ðə rɒŋ end əv ðə stɪk/
I’m terribly sorry. I got the wrong end of the stick.
to pronounce a difficult word correctlyy
get your tongue round a word
/get jɔː tʌŋ raʊnd ə wɜːd/
I just can’t get my tongue round that word.
the state of having physical or mental condition which means that a part of your body or brain does not work correctly; a particular condition of this sort
impairment n
She has some visual impairment and can’t leave the house alone.
all the words and phrases of a particular language
lexis n
Despite being a non-native speaker, his lexis is very wide.
- that can be moved form one place or position to another
- (law, of property) able to be taken from one house, etc. to another
movible, moil
moveable adj = movable
The toy has moveable parts and it could be dangerous for babies.
en la punta de la lengua
on the tip of my tongue
/ɒn ðə tɪp əv maɪ tʌŋ/
It’s very annoying when a word is on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t quite remember it.
to be accepted as sb/sth
pass for v
/pɑːs fə/
His English was so good that he could pass for a local.
- to get better, stronger, improve
- to start again, to continue
- to put things away and make things neat, especially for sb else
levantar, recoger
pick up v
/pɪk ʌp/
He picks up languages very easily.
plantear/Crear preguntas
raise questions
/reɪz ˈkwestʃənz/
The study wasn’t very clear and it raised many questions.
formal. to ask for sth or ask sb to do sth in a polite or formal way
solicitud peticion
request v
We were requested to assemble in the lobby.
to do sth as a reaction to sth that sb has said or done
contestar, responder, reaccionar
respond to v
/rɪˈspɒnd tə/
The manager will respond to you as soon as she gets here.
2. a word that a group of actors repeat on stage to give the impression of a lot of people talking at the same time
rhubarb n
I can never remember how to spell rhubarb, but I love eating it!
a person who made copies of written documents before printing was invented. escriba
scribe n
Scribes made copies of written documents before printing was invented.
- one long step; the distance covered by a step
- your way or walking or running
- an improvement in the way sth is developing
- trousers/pants
stride n
3. This is a great stride forward in the search for a cure.
(v) 1. to absorb sth into the body
2. to make a piece of clothing narrower or tighter
3. to include or cover sth
4. to go to see or visit sth as a film/movie
5. to take notice of sth with your eyes
6. to understand or remember sth that you hear or read
take in v
/teɪk ɪn/
It’s hard to take in everything that is said at a meeting.
the beginning of sth, especially sth unpleasant
the onset n
/ði ˈɒnset/
Doing crossword puzzles could delay the onset of dementia.
- lengua
- idioma
- a particular way of speaking
- a long narrow piece of leather under the laces of a shoe
tongue n
What’s your mother tongue?
fluencia al hablar
verbal fluency n
/ˈvɜːbl ˈfluːənsi/
His writing skills are definitely better than his verbal fluency.
a feeling of great surprise
amazement n
To my amazement, I won the contest!
knowing sth; knowing that sth exists and is important; being interested in sth
coincidencia, conocimiento
awareness n
Environmental awareness has increased lately.
when a liquid boils or when you boil it, it is heated to the point where it form bubbles and turns to steam or vapor
bubble away
/ˈbʌbl əˈweɪ/
The soup is bubbling away on the stove.
- to make sth, especially food or drink, by mixing differents things
- to invent a story, an excuse, etc
confeccionar, inventar, tramar
concoct v
They concocted a soup from five different kinds of fish.
salir corriendo
go rushing out
/gəʊ ˈrʌʃɪŋ aʊt/
When I heard the news, I went rushing out of my room and told everyone.
- to take or hold sb/sth with your hand suddenly, firmly or roughly
- to try to take hold of sth
- to take advantage of an opportunity to do or have sth
- to have or take sth quickly, especially because you are in a hurry
- to take sth for yourself, especially in a selfish or greedy way
6- to get sbs atenttion
coger, agarrar, atrapar
grab v
She grabbed the chocolate bar and gave it to me.
a very strong feeling or dislike for sb/sth
hatred n
He looked at me with hatred in his eyes.
adventure involving risk or danger; especially to sbs health or safety
hazardous adventure
/ˈhæzədəs ədˈventʃə/
I can still recall some hazardous adventures my parents never knew about.
infancia peaceful and beautiful, perfect, without problems
infancia idilica
idyllic childhood
/ɪˈdɪlɪk ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/
I had an idyllic childhood – it was perfect.
- the act of making sth better; the process of sth becoming better
- a change in sth that makes it better; sth that is better than it was before
mejora, mejoria
improvement n
The economy is showing signs of improvement.
es comun para
it is common for
/ɪt ɪz ˈkɒmən fə/
It is common for both parents to work these days.
- to jump high or a long way
2.+adv/prep= to move or do sth suddenly and quickly - to increase suddenly and by a large amount
leap v
Our cat leaps from the chair whenever he sees the dog.
- the state of no longer having sth or as much of sth; the proccess that lead to this
- money that has been lost by a business or an organization
- the death of a person
- the disadvantage that is caused when sb leaves or when a useful or valuable object is taken awat; a person who causes a disadvantage by leaving
- a failure to win a contest
loss n
I reported the loss of my suitcase.
- the state of being a member of a group, club, organization, etc
- the members, or the number of members, of a group, club, etc.
membership n
I need to renew my gym membership.
- a district or an area of a town, the people who live there
- the area that you are in or the area near a particular place
neighbourhood n
We grew up together in the same neighbourhood.
- the state of being a partner in business
- a relationship between two people, organizations, etc; the state of having this relationship
- a business owned by two or more people who share the profits
colaboración, asociacion, sociedad
partnership n
I set up a new business in partnership with my mum.
- (imagine) to imagine sb/Sth; to create an image of sb/sth in your mind
- (describe) to describe or present sb/sth in a particular way
- (show in photograph). to show sb/Sth in a photograph or picture
imaginar fotografiar
picture v
I don’t know why, but I pictured you a bit taller.
correr alrededor con las bicis
racing around on our bikes
/ˈreɪsɪŋ əˈraʊnd ɒn ɑː baɪks/
As children, we used to go out racing around on our bikes.
a show in a theatre, with songs, dances, jokes, short plays, etc, often about recent events
teatro de revista
revue n
A revue is a show in a theatre with songs, dances, and jokes.
- to hit sb/sth with the flat part of your hand
- slap sth+adv/prep= to put sth on a surface ina quick, careless and often noisy way, specially because you are angry
- +adv/prep= to hit against sth with the noise of sb being slapeed
slap v
He slapped me on the back as a sign of appreciation.
a person or thing that is not helpful or useful
inservivble, inutil, bueno para nada
dead loss n
the practice of several people attacking sb while another person in the groups makes a film of the attack
happy slapping n
to fail to make enough progress or to produce sth at the right time
get behind v
/get bɪˈhaɪnd/
Let me know if you get behind with your work and I’ll help you.
Informal. to make sb feel sad or depressed
get sb down v
/get daʊn/
Does the bad weather ever get you down?
- to arrive at a place
- to win an election
- to be admitted to a school, university, etc
get into v
/get ˈɪntə/
What’s the best way to get into politics?
ponerse con
get on with v
/get ɒn wɪð/
I’ll leave you now. I need to get on with some work.
to deal with or gain control of sth
get over v
/get ˈəʊvə/
It took him more than a year to get over their break-up.
- to reach sb
2. to make contact with sb by telephone
get through to v
/get θruː tə/
It is very difficult to get through to him.
informal. to meet with sb socially or in order to discuss sth
get together with
/get təˈgeðə wɪð/
How often do you get together with your extended family?
getting on
/ˈgetɪŋ ɒn/
My grandma is getting on a bit. She’s in her 80s now.
- (from illness) to get well again after bein ill/sick, hurt, etc
- (from sth unpleasant) to return to a normal state after an unpleasant or unusual experience or a period of difficulty
- (money). to get back the same amount of money that you have spent or that is owed to you
- (sth lost/stolen) to get back or find sth that was lost, stolen or missing
- (position/Status) to win back a position, level, status, etc, that has been lost
- (senses emotions) to get back the use of your senses, control of your emotions, etc
recuperarse de
recover from v
/rɪˈkʌvə frəm/
It took him a long time to recover from the death of his friend.
- a country that has agreed to help and support another country, especially in case of a war
- a person who helps and supports somebody who is in a difficult situation, especially a politician
ally n
They were loyal allies during the war.
- the act of bendin your head or the upper part of your body forward in order to say hello or goodbye to sb or to show respect
- the front part of a boat or ship
- a weapon used for shooting arrows, consisting of a long curved piece of wood or metal with a tight string joining its ends
- a knot with two loops and two loose ends which is used for a decoration on clothes, in hair etc. o for tying shoes
- a long thin piece of wood with thin string stretched along it, used for playing musical instruments such as the violin
reverencia, arco
bow n
I bought a new bow and arrow for the next competition.
(of war, fighting or other unpleasant events) to start suddenly
break out v
/breɪk aʊt/
If war breaks out, there will be thousands of refugees trying to escape the fighting.
the group of countries including Britain and the US that fought together in the First and Second World Wars
the Allies
- an old type of large heavy gun, usually on wheels, that fires solid metal or stone balls
- an automatic gun that is fired from an aircraft
cannon n
The cannon was fired.
- a person who is killed or injured in war or in an accident
2.a person that suffers or a thing that is destroyed when something else takes place - the part of a hospital where people who need urgent treatment are taken
baja, perdiada
casualty n
There were thousands of casualties in the attack.
a time when enemies agree to stop fighting, usually while a way is found to end the fighting permanently
alto el fuego, cese de hostilidades
ceasefire n
The armies agreed on a temporary ceasefire.
- a person who is in charge of something, especially an officer in charge of a particular group of soldiers or a military operation
- (abbreviation Cdr) an officer of fairly high rank in the British or American navy
- (abbreviation Cdr) a London police officer of high rank
commander n
A commander is an officer in charge of a group of soldiers or a military operation.
- (also coup d’état) a sudden change of government that is illegal and often violent
2 the fact of achieving something that was difficult to do
golepe de estado
coup n
He seized power in a military coup.
- to win against somebody in a war, competition, sports game, etc.
- to stop something from being successful
- (formal) if something defeats you, you cannot understand it
vencer, ganar, r, frustrar, fracasar
defeat v
They finally defeated the enemy.
1 [usually passive] execute somebody (for something) to kill somebody, especially as a legal punishment
- (formal) to do a piece of work, perform a duty, put a plan into action, etc
- (formal) to successfully perform a skilful action or movement
- (formal) to make or produce a work of art
- (law) to follow the instructions in a legal document; to make a document legally valid
ejecutar, legalizar
execute v
They executed the rebel leader.
a group of people who have been organized for a particular purpose
forces n pl
My dad is a member of the security forces.
to steal things from shops/stores or buildings after a riot, fire, etc
saquear, robar
loot v
During the riot many shops were looted.
a gun that automatically fires many bullets one after the other very quickly
machine gun n
/məˈʃiːn gʌn/
He fired the machine gun.
- a weapon that is sent through the air and that explodes when it hits the thing that it is aimed at
- an object that is thrown at somebody to hurt them
missile n
A missile fell on the city.
to remove a leader or a government from a position of power by force
overthrow v
The rebels are trying to overthrow the government.
a person who has been forced to leave their country or home, because there is a war or for political, religious or social reasons
refugee n
There was a steady flow of refugees from the war zone.
1.(set sb/sth free)to let somebody/something come out of a place where they have been kept or trapped
2. (stop holding sth) to stop holding something or stop it from being held so that it can move, fly, fall, etc. freely
3. (feelings)to express feelings such as anger or worry in order to get rid of them
4.(free sb from duty) to free somebody from a duty, responsibility, contract, etc
5. (part of machine) to remove something from a fixed position, allowing something else to move or function
6. (make less tight) to make something less tight
7. (make available) to make sth available to the public
8.to make something available that had previously been restricted
poner en libertad
release v
The army released most of the prisoners.
- to fire shells at something
- to remove the shell or covering from nuts, peas, etc.
cascara concha valva
shell v
The army started to shell the rebels as they retreated.
- a military operation in which an army tries to capture a town by surrounding it and stopping the supply of food, etc. to the people inside
- a situation in which the police surround a building where people are living or hiding, in order to make them come out
siege n
The siege finally ended after two months.
people who are wounded, for example in a war
the wounded n
/ðə ˈwuːndɪd/
There was an on-site hospital for the wounded.
a pesar de something that makes it seem impossible to do or achieve something
against overwhelming odds
/əˈgenst əʊvəˈwelmɪŋ ɒdz/
The retreating soldiers survived against overwhelming odds.
A group that creates or promotes innovative ideas or techniques in a given field
Of, relating to, or being part of an innovative group
avant-garde n
/ˈævɒn ˈgɑːd/
Her works were a bit avant-garde for me. They were just too modern.
- to surround a building, city, etc. with soldiers until the people inside are forced to let you in
- (especially of something unpleasant or annoying) to surround somebody/something in large numbers
- to send so many letters, ask so many questions, etc. that it is difficult for somebody to deal with them all
besieged adj
The besieged city was forced to surrender.
1 [countable] a phrase or an idea that has been used so often that it no longer has much meaning and is not interesting
2. [uncountable] the use of clichés in writing or speaking
cliché n
I know it’s a cliché, but it was love at first sight.
- [only before noun] in a position of authority that allows you to give formal orders
- [usually before noun] if you are in a commanding position or have a commanding lead, you are likely to win a race or competition
- [usually before noun] powerful and making people admire and obey you
- [only before noun] if a building is in a commanding position or has a commanding view, you can see the area around very well from it
imponente , al mando
commanding adj
Who is your commanding officer?
- to kill somebody, especially as a legal punishment
- (formal) to do a piece of work, perform a duty, put a plan into action, etc
- (formal) to successfully perform a skilful action or movement
- (formal) to make or produce a work of art
- (law) to follow the instructions in a legal document; to make a document legally valid
ejecutar, llevar a cabo
execute v
We hope that none of the prisoners will be executed.
uncountable. the feeling that you have previously experienced something which is happening to you now
déjà vu n
/ˈdeɪʒɑː ˈvuː/
The moment I walked in I had a sense of déjà vu, even though I’d never been there.
something that has already happened or been done and that you cannot change
fait accompli(s) n
/feɪt əˈkɒmpliː/
They got married secretly and presented their parents with a fait accompli.
an action or a remark that causes embarrassment because it is not socially correct
faux pas n
/fəʊ pɑː/
I made a real faux pas when I mentioned his ex-wife.
fiancé/fiancée n
I met Jane’s fiancé last night. They’re getting married next year.
coger un vuelo
get a flight v
/get ə flaɪt/
I had to get a flight a day after a plane crash. I almost cancelled it!
to be discovered when doing something that is illegal or dishonest
get caught v
/get kɔːt/
I cheated in an exam once, but luckily I didn’t get caught.
que te paren
get stopped v
/get stɒpt/
I never get stopped by the police because I’m a careful driver.
the crime of stealing things from shops/stores or buildings after a riot, fire, etc
saqueo pillaje
looting n
There was widespread looting in the city.
An installation established for the internment and administration of prisoners of war.
prisoner-of-war camp n
/ˈprɪznər əv wɔː kæmp/
We visited a prisoner-of-war camp on a history field trip.
- unwilling to obey rules or accept normal standards of behaviour, dress, etc
2 opposed to the government of a country; opposed to those in authority within an organization
rebelde ingobernable
rebellious adj
They got rid of the rebellious factions.
- to win back a place, position, etc. that was previously taken from you by an enemy or a rival
- to catch a person or an animal that has escaped
- to bring back a feeling or repeat an experience that you had in the past
capturar de nuevo, recuperar
recapture v
The prisoners who had managed to escape were quickly recaptured
- an arrangement to meet somebody at a particular time and place
- a place where people have arranged to meet
- a bar, etc. that is a popular place for people to meet
rendezvous n
We used to have a secret rendezvous every Thursday at the gallery.
having won a victory; that ends in victory
victorious adj
In the end, the revolutionaries were victorious.
al menos
at least adv
/ət liːst/
It works, or at least I think it does.
a statement or description that makes something seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is; the act of making a statement like this
exaggeration n
That must be an exaggeration. He’s not that good.
primera impresion
first impression n
/fɜːst ɪmˈpreʃn/
So you finally met my fiancé. What’s your first impression?
to show success or that something good might happen
looking good
/ˈlʊkɪŋ gʊd/
Have you got any tips on looking good? I’ve got a date tonight.
era mdoerna
modern era n
/ˈmɒdn ˈɪərə/
He is so old-fashioned. He doesn’t seem to live in the modern era.
- used when giving information that you expect other people to know already or agree with
- used to say that a particular situation or fact is easy to see or understand
claro, por supuesto
obviously adv
Obviously, we don’t want to spend too much money.
cgusto personal
personal taste n
/ˈpɜːsənl teɪst/
You don’t have to understand why I like the movie. It’s just a matter of personal taste.
- the series of events that form the story of a novel, play, film/movie, etc
- a secret plan made by a group of people to do something wrong or illegal
- a small piece of land that is used or intended for a special purpose
argumento, trama, commplot, conspiracion
plot n
The special effects were good, but the plot of the movie was a little bit weak.
- good manners and respect for the feelings of others
- the fact of being socially correct but not always sincere
cortesia, buena educacion, afabilidad
politeness n
This is not old-fashioned courtesy. It’s simply politeness.
- a barrier put across the road by the police or army so that they can stop and search vehicles
- something that stops a plan from going ahead
roadblock n
The police set up a roadblock on the bridge.
thinking that somebody/something is funny, so that you smile or laugh
amused adj
They were amused by his stories.
v: 1. to hit something in a way that makes a loud noise
v:2. to close something or to be closed with a loud noise
v: 3.+ adverb/preposition to put something somewhere suddenly and violently
v:4. (taboo, slang) (of a man) to have sex with a woman
v: 5. (+ adverb/preposition) to hit something, especially a part of the body, against something by accident
n: 1. [countable] a sudden loud noise
n: 2. [countable] a sudden painful blow on a part of the body
n: 3. flequillo
estallido, golpe
bang n, v
Did you hear that bang? It sounded like a gun.
- to send out air from the mouth
- (+ adverb/preposition) when the wind or a current of air blows, it is moving; when it blows, the wind is blowing
- to be moved by the wind, somebody’s breath, etc.; to move something in this way
- produce a sound by blowing into the whistle, etc
- to clear your nose by blowing strongly through it into a tissue or handkerchief
- to make known something that was secret
- to spend or waste a lot of money on something
- to waste an opportunity
- used to show that you are annoyed, surprised or do not care about something
- to leave a place suddenly
soplar volar
blow v
I hate when people blow their nose in public.
- a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle
- (on something) a thing that stops something or makes it difficult
brakes n
She stopped with a screech of brakes.
v: 1. (of a bee) to make a continuous low sound
v: 2. to be full of excitement, activity, etc
v: 3. to make a sound like a bee buzzing (doorbell, ears)
v:4. (something) (for somebody/something) to call somebody to come by pressing a buzzer
v:5. somebody/something (informal) to fly very close to somebody/something, especially as a warning or threat
n: 1. a continuous sound like the one that a bee, a buzzer or other electronic device makes
n: 2. the sound of people talking, especially in an excited way
n: 3.(inf) a strong feeling of pleasure, excitement or achievement
n:4. (inf)news that people tell each other that may or may not be true
zumbido, zumbar
buzz n, v
I could hear the buzz of a fly.
v: 1. to make or cause something to make a short sharp sound
v: 2. to choose a particular function or item on a computer screen, etc., by pressing one of the buttons on a mouse or touchpad
v: 3. (informal) to suddenly become clear or understood
v: 4. (informal) to become friends with somebody at once; to become popular with somebody
v: 5. (informal) to work well together
n: 1. a short sharp sound
n: 2. the act of pressing the button on a computer mouse or touchpad
n: 3. (phonetics) a speech sound made by pressing the tongue against the top of the mouth or the part of the mouth behind the upper front teeth, then releasing it quickly, causing air to be sucked in. Clicks are found especially in southern African languages
clck, chasquido, taconeo
click n, v
Click on the print icon to get a copy.
n: 1. an accident in which a vehicle hits something, for example another vehicle, usually causing damage and often injuring or killing the passengers
n: 2. a sudden loud noise made, for example, by something falling or breaking
n: 3. a sudden failure of a machine or system, especially of a computer or computer system
n: 4. a sudden serious fall in the price or value of something; the occasion when a business, etc. fails
v: 5. to make a loud noise
v: 6. to lose very badly in a sports game
v: 7. to fall asleep; to sleep somewhere you do not usually sleep
v: 8. if somebody crashes, their heart stops beating
crash n, v
She heard the loud crash of a tree falling down.
v: to make the sound that a door sometimes makes when you open it or that a wooden floor sometimes makes when you step on it
n: a sound, for example that sometimes made by a door when it opens or shuts, or by a wooden floor when you step on it
chirriar, rechinar
creak n, v
I heard a floorboard creak and I knew she was coming in late.
- (of food) (also crispy) pleasantly hard and dry
- (of paper or cloth) fresh and clean; new and slightly stiff without any folds in it
- (of the air or the weather) pleasantly dry and cold
- (of snow, leaves, etc.) firm or dry and making a pleasant noise when crushed
- (of sounds, images, etc.) pleasantly clear and sharp
- (sometimes disapproving) (of a person’s way of speaking) quick and confident in a way that suggests that the person is busy or is not being friendly
crujiente, crocante, nuevo, nitido definido
crisp adj
I love walking through the crisp snow.
n: 1. a noise like the sound of something firm being crushed
n: 2. THE (…) (inf)an important and often unpleasant situation or piece of information
n: 3. a situation in which there is suddenly not enough of something, especially money
v: 1. to crush something noisily between your teeth when you are eating
v: 2. to make or cause something to make a noise like something hard being crushed
v: 3. to move over a surface, making a loud crushing noise
v: 4. (computing) to deal with large amounts of data very quickly
masticar, hacer crujir
crunch n, v
I love hearing the crunch of my feet walking through the snow.
v: 1. (+ adverb/preposition) (of liquid) to fall in small drops
v: 2. to produce drops of liquid
v: 3. to contain or hold a lot of something
n: 1. the sound or action of small drops of liquid falling continuously
n: 2. a small drop of liquid that falls from something
n: 3. [countable] (medical) a piece of equipment that passes liquid food, medicine or blood very slowly through a tube into a patient’s vein
n: 4. (informal, becoming old-fashioned) a boring or stupid person with a weak personality
goteo, suero, gotear
drip n, v
Please turn the tap off properly or it will drip.
(at/about somebody/something) (+ speech) to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous
reirse con nerviosismo, risita
giggle v
They giggled nervously as they waited for their turn.
- to make a long deep sound because you are annoyed, upset or in pain, or with pleasure
- to make a sound like a person groaning
groan v
He groaned with pain.
v: 1. to make a sound like a long ‘s’
v: 2. (somebody/something + adverb/preposition) to make a sound like a long ‘s’ to show disapproval of somebody/something, especially an actor or a speaker
v: 3. to say something in a quiet angry voice
n: a sound like a long ‘s’; this sound used to show disapproval of somebody
hiss n, v
Did you hear the snake’s hiss?
v: 1. to make a loud noise
v: 2. if a car horn (..) or you (…) the horn, the horn makes a loud noise
v: 3. when an owl hoots, it makes a long calling sound
n: 1. a short loud laugh or shout
n: 2. a situation or a person that you find very funny
n: 3. the loud sound made by the horn of a vehicle
n: 4. the cry of an owl
ulular, gracios, tocar el claxon
hoot n, v
I hate people who hoot at me when I slow down at an amber light.
v: 1. to sing a tune with your lips closed
v: 2. to make a low continuous sound
v: 3. to be full of activity
n: a low continuous sound
tatarear, canturrear,
hum n, v
I began to hum along with the music.
Hum with life
to speak or say something in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear
habalr entre dientes, mascullar,
mumble v
She mumbled a few words and left.
v: 1. to make a series of short loud sounds when hitting against something hard; to make something do this
v: 2. + adverb/preposition (of a vehicle) to make a series of short loud sounds as it moves somewhere
v: 3. rattle somebody to make somebody nervous or frightened
n: 1. [usually singular] a series of short loud sounds made when hard objects hit against each other
n: 2. a baby’s toy that makes a series of short loud sounds when it is shaken
n: 3. a wooden object that is held in one hand and makes a series of short loud sounds when you spin it round, used, for example, by people watching a sports game
repiquetear, ajetrao, ruido, sonajeo
rattle n, v
Every time a bus goes by, the windows rattle.
feeling happy because something unpleasant has stopped or has not happened; showing this
aliviado, tranquilizado, sosegado
relieved adj
She sounded relieved when I told her I had got a job.
v: 1. to make a very loud, deep sound
v: 2. to shout something very loudly
v: 3. to laugh very loudly
v: 4. + adverb/preposition (of a vehicle or its rider/driver) to move very fast, making a lot of noise
v: 5. (of a fire) to burn brightly with a lot of flames, heat and noise
n: 1. a loud deep sound made by an animal, especially a lion, or by somebody’s voice
n: 2. a loud continuous noise made by the wind or sea, or by a machine
rugido, clamor
roar n, v
We could hear the roar of the crowd in the football stadium
- to give a loud, high cry, because you are hurt, frightened, excited, etc.
- to shout something in a loud, high voice because of fear, anger, etc.
- to make a loud, high noise; to move fast, making this noise
scream v
The boy screamed when he fell..
v: 1. to make a loud high unpleasant sound; to say something using this sound
v: 2. (+ adverb/preposition) (of a vehicle) to make a loud high unpleasant noise as it moves
n: a loud high unpleasant cry or noise
crujido, chillar
screech n, v
I heard the screech of brakes as the bus driver tried to stop.
- to take and then let out a long deep breath that can be heard, to show that you are disappointed, sad, tired, etc
- speech to say something with a sigh
- (literary) (especially of the wind) to make a long sound like a sigh
sigh v
He sighed deeply at the thought.
v: 1. to shut, or to make something shut, with a lot of force, making a loud noise
v: 2. something + adverb/preposition to put, push or throw something into a particular place or position with a lot of force
v: 3. somebody/something (used especially in newspapers) to criticize somebody/something very strongly
n: [usually singular] an act of slamming something; the noise of something being slammed
cerrar de un golpe, dar un portazo
slam n, v
Please don’t slam the door.
n: a loud sucking noise, especially one made while drinking something; liquid drunk with a loud sucking noise
v: 1. to make a loud noise while you are drinking something
v: 2. to make a noise like this
slurp n, v
It’s rude to slurp your soup.
v: 1. to breathe air in through your nose in a way that makes a sound, especially when you are crying, have a cold, etc
v: 2. to breathe air in through the nose in order to discover or enjoy the smell of something
v: 3. + speech (..) (something) to say something in a complaining or disapproving way
n: 1. (c) an act or the sound of sniffing
n: 2. (…)of something an idea of what something is like or that something is going to happen
n: 3. of something a small chance of something
oler, olisqueo
sniff n, v
Don’t sniff! Get a tissue and blow your nose!
v. to breathe noisily through your nose and mouth while you are asleep
n. noisy breathing while you are asleep
snore n, v
I can’t share a room with you if you snore.
- to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths
- to say something while you are crying
llorar, sollozar
sob v
A child was sobbing loudly when I walked in.
n: 1. (c) the sound of something hitting liquid or of liquid hitting something
n: 2. (c) a small amount of liquid that falls onto something; the mark that this makes
n: 3 (c) a small area of bright colour or light that contrasts with the colours around it
n: 4. (informal) a small amount of liquid that you add to a drink
n: 5. an article in a newspaper, etc. that is intended to attract a lot of attention
v: 1. + adverb/preposition (of liquid) to fall noisily onto a surface
v: 2. to make somebody/something wet by making water, mud, etc. fall on them/it
v: 3. (+ adverb/preposition) to move through water making drops fly everywhere
v: 4. something with something [usually passive] to decorate something with areas of bright colour, not in a regular pattern
splash n, v
She screamed when her friend splashed her in the swimming pool.
n. a problem that somebody has in speaking in which they repeat sounds or words or often pause before saying things correctly
v. to speak with difficulty, repeating sounds or words and often stopping, before saying things correctly
stammer n, v
My friend stammers when he gets nervous and it’s hard to understand him.
v: 1. to hit somebody/something quickly and lightly
v: 2. to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists
v: 3. to fit a device to a telephone so that somebody’s calls can be listened to secretly
v:4. to choose somebody to do a particular job
n: 1(c) a device for controlling the flow of water from a pipe into a bath/ bathtub or sink
n: 2. (c) a device for controlling the flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container
n: 3. (c) a light hit with your hand or fingers
n: 4. (c) an act of fitting a device to a telephone so that somebody’s telephone calls can be listened to secretly
n: 5 (c) (phonetics) a speech sound which is produced by striking the tongue quickly and lightly against the part of the mouth behind the upper front teeth. The ‘t’ in later in American English and the ‘r’ in very in some British accents are examples of taps
grifo, golepeto, zapatear, taconear
tap n, v
When I’m nervous I often tap my fingers on the table.
very frightened
terrified adj
I was terrified when they told me I had to do another test.
v: 1. (of a clock, etc.) to make short, light, regular repeated sounds to mark time passing
v:2. (…something)to put a mark (✓) next to an item on a list, an answer, etc
n (c): 1. a mark (✓) put beside a sum or an item on a list, usually to show that it has been checked or done or is correct
n (c):2. a small insect that bites humans and animals and sucks their blood.
n (u): 3.a short, light, regularly repeated sound, especially that of a clock or watch
n (c): 4. a moment
n (u): 5. (old-fashioned, British English, informal) permission to delay paying for something that you have bought
garrapata, tictac
tick n, v
This clock has a very loud tick.
- (u) a collection of cells that form the different parts of humans, animals and plants
- (c) a piece of soft paper that absorbs liquids, used especially as a handkerchief a box of tissues
3 (u)very thin paper used for wrapping and packing things that break easily
tissue n
Have you got a tissue? I need to blow my nose.
[countable] a series of musical notes that are sung or played in a particular order to form a piece of music
tonada, cancion, afinar,
tune n
Please stop humming that tune.
- to speak very quietly to somebody so that other people cannot hear what you are saying
- (..) that… it is (..-ed) that… to say or suggest something about somebody/something in a private or secret way
- (+ adverb/preposition) (literary) (of leaves, the wind, etc.) to make a soft, quiet sound A warm breeze whispered through the trees.
susurrar, murmurar
whisper v
It’s rude to whisper.
- to make a high sound or a musical tune by forcing your breath out when your lips are closed
- to make a high sound by blowing into a whistle
- (of a kettle or other machine) to make a high sound
- adverb/preposition to move quickly, making a high sound
- (of a bird) to make a high sound
whistle v
I can whistle a little bit, but I can’t really whistle a whole song.
to shout loudly, for example because you are angry, excited, frightened or in pain
gritar, chillar
yell v
Please don’t yell at me. It wasn’t my fault
- oil with a pleasant smell that is obtained from some types of trees and plants, used in the past to help heal wounds, for example
- a liquid, cream, etc. that has a pleasant smell and is used to make wounds less painful or skin softer
3 (literary) something that makes you feel calm or relaxed
balsamo unguento
a balm n
/ə bɑːm/
Being in such a quiet place was a balm for my nerves.
an inescapable truth, esp an unpleasant one
a fact of life n
/ə fækt əv laɪf/
It is a fact of life that cities will always be noisy places.
una pizca? de desilusion
a tinge of disappointment n
/ə tɪndʒ əv dɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt/
Although I got an A for nine of my exams, I only got a C for the tenth. I felt a tinge of disappointment.
1 in a sudden, unexpected and often unpleasant way
2. in a way that seems unfriendly and rude, without taking time to say more than is necessary
abruptamente, subditamente, de golpe
abruptly adv
She hung up the phone abruptly.
- in a way that is repeated many times so that it is annoying
- in a way that continues without interruption
continually adv
They argue continually about money.
to bend low and/or move backwards because you are frightened
encojerse de medio, a cojonarse
cower v
We all cowered behind doors and under tables when he burst in with a gun.
making you feel very sad and without enthusiasm
deprimente, drepresivo
depressing adj
The novel was so depressing it made me want to cry.
interesting and amusing
entretenido, divertido
entertaining adj
It isn’t my favourite novel, but it’s entertaining.
- moving or capable of moving rapidly usually with sustained speed
- of a dramatic or literary work : full of sustained action or conflict usually with the result of sustaining the interest
rapido veloz
fast-moving adj
/fɑːst ˈmuːvɪŋ/
Action movies tend to rely on fast-moving stories.
exciting or interesting in a way that keeps your attention
fascinante, apasionante
gripping adj
It was such a gripping story. I got really hooked.
- almost no; almost not; almost none
- used especially after ‘can’ or ‘could’ and before the main verb, to emphasize that it is difficult to do something
- used to say that something has just begun, happened, etc
- used to suggest that something is unlikely or unreasonable or that somebody is silly for saying or doing something
apenas, casi no, escasamente, dificilmente
hardly adv
Hardly had she sat down to have dinner than the phone rang.
beautiful, sad or frightening in a way that cannot be forgotten
inolvidable, evocador, persistente, obsesionante, aparicion
haunting adj
It was a haunting story – frightening and sad. It won’t be easy to forget.
used to describe somebody/something that is difficult to deal with or understand
heavy-going adj
/ˈhevi ˈgəʊɪŋ/
The movie was so heavy-going I didn’t finish watching it.
not seeming reasonable or likely to be true
inverosimil, implausible
implausible adj
The story was highly implausible. I didn’t believe it for a minute.
without stopping
incessantly adv
My colleague chews gum incessantly.
very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer
fascinante, interesante
intriguing adj
The plot was really intriguing. I couldn’t put the book down.
- causing you to have deep feelings of sadness or sympathy
- [only before noun] (of things) changing from one place or position to another
movil, movible
moving adj
The film was so moving it brought tears to my eyes.
- a strong unreasonable fear of something
phobia n
My phobia has affected my ability to get on in life.
the state of being dark, without any light suddenly
plunged into darkness
/plʌndʒd ˈɪntə ˈdɑːknəs/
When the heavy door shut behind me, I was plunged into darkness.
in an unusual or surprising way
strangely adv
Strangely, she didn’t mind that I left early.
making people think seriously about a particular subject or issue
thought-provoking adj
/ˈθɔːt prəˈvəʊkɪŋ/
It’s a thought-provoking essay. It raises many interesting questions.
making you feel unhappy, anxious or annoyed
triste, terrible
upsetting adj
I found watching the documentary about sick children really upsetting.
con facilidad
with ease adv
/wɪð iːz/
She switches from English to Spanish with ease.
emplado en
employed to adj
/ɪmˈplɔɪd tə/
was employed to translate the novel into English.
- to end a relationship with somebody
- to stop dealing with a person
- to no longer need to use something
- to stop doing something
finished with adj
/ˈfɪnɪʃt wɪð/
The novel will be published in English when I’m finished with the translation.
- used with superlatives, and with all and every, to emphasize that something is the best, worst, etc. that you can imagine, or includes every possible example
- possible to imagine
imaginable adj
The translation must be identical to the original story in every imaginable way.
- not moving
- unable to move
inmovil, paralizado
immobile adj
I sat there, immobile, when they told me the news.
to ask somebody to do something in an anxious way because you want or need it very much
omplorar, rogar, suplicar
implore v
She implored him to stay.
- extremely
- in a way that is very difficult to believe
incredibly adv
The film is incredibly moving.
the reporting of news and sport in newspapers and on the radio and television
cobertura de medio
media coverage
/ˈmiːdiə ˈkʌvərɪdʒ/
There was no media coverage of the event.
used meaning ‘only’ or ‘simply’ to emphasize a fact or something that you are saying
merely adv
She said nothing, she merely watched him.
- not speaking
- (old-fashioned) (of a person) unable to speak
callado, mudo, taciturno,
mute adj
When I heard what had happened I was mute with shock.
- clear and accurate
- used to emphasize that something happens at a particular time or in a particular way
- taking care to be exact and accurate, especially about small details
exacto, preciso, correcto
precise adj
Could you give me some more precise details about the job?
- to some extent; fairly
- very
bonito, lindo, mas bien
pretty adv
The story was pretty entertaining.
- (not used with a negative) to some degree
- to the greatest possible degree
- to a great degree; very; really
- used to agree with somebody or show that you understand them
quite adv
I didn’t enjoy the book. The story was quite boring.
4. ‘He’s bound to feel shaken after his accident.’ ‘Quite.’
‘It’s not something we want to have talked about.’ ‘Quite so.’
- used to mean ‘fairly’ or ‘to some degree’, often when you are expressing slight criticism, disappointment or surprise
- used with a verb to make a statement sound less strong
3.used to correct something you have said, or to give more accurate information - used to introduce an idea that is different or opposite to the idea that you have stated previously
bastante, preferir
rather adv
The end of the novel is rather disappointing.
- a little
- person is small and thin
un poco, algo
slightly adv
My only criticism is that the plot is slightly implausible.
to some degree
de alguna manera, en cierto modo.
somewhat adv
His novel was somewhat surprising.
- a part of an aircraft’s wing that can be raised in order to interrupt the flow of air over it and so slow the aircraft’s speed
- a raised part on a fast car that prevents it from being lifted off the road when travelling very fast
- (especially North American English) a candidate for a political office who is unlikely to win but who may get enough votes to prevent one of the main candidates from winning
- a person or thing that intends or is intended to stop somebody/something being successful
- information that you are given about what is going to happen in a film/movie, television series, etc. before it is shown to the public
- a newspaper story, book, etc. that is produced very quickly in order to take attention away from one produced by a competitor that appears at the same time
aguafiestas, candidato sin posibilidades, spoiler, saqueador, expoliador
spoiler n
Please note this review contains spoilers.
totalmente, completamente
totally adv
The two films are totally different.
- the process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language
- a text or work that has been changed from one language into another
- the process of changing something into a different form
traduccion, version
translation n
She wrote a very good translation of the Russian poem.
- very great
- extremely good
tremendo, grande, enorme, estupendo
tremendous adj
The brakes screeched and then there was a tremendous crash.
estudies universitarios
university studies n
/juːnɪˈvɜːsəti ˈstʌdiz/
My phobia affected my university studies.
is the practice of writing down or otherwise recording key points of information.
note-taking n
/ˈnəʊt ˈteɪkɪŋ/
Are you trying to write down everything I say? You should improve your note-taking techniques.
a large bag, often supported on a light metal frame, carried on the back and used especially by people who go climbing or walking
mocihla morral
rucksack n
I took my rucksack and went away.
inability to believe something
incredulity n
not willing or not able to believe something; showing an inability to believe something
incredulous adj
in a way that shows you cannot believe something
incredulously adv
old-fashioned in your ideas, methods, etc
behind the times
/bɪˈhaɪnd ðə taɪmz/
He’s a bit behind the times. He still thinks men should wear a suit at work.
used to say that something will definitely happen, although you are not sure when
cuestion de tiempo
a matter of time
/ə ˈmætər əv taɪm/
I’m sure you’ll find a job. It’s just a matter of time.
a cualquier hota entre 10 a 2
any time from 10.00 to 2.00
/ˈeni taɪm frəm ten tə tuː/
You can come any time from 10.00 to 2.00.
for a short period of time but not permanently
de momento, mientras
for the time being
/fə ðə taɪm ˈbiːɪŋ/
You can stay here for the time being.
to deliberately make a situation difficult and unpleasant for somebody
give me a hard time
/gɪv miː ə hɑːd taɪm/
If I’m late again, Dad will give me a hard time.
(informal) to enjoy yourself very much
have the time of your life
/hæv ðə taɪm əv jɔː laɪf/
New York is such a fantastic city. You are going to have the time of your life.
not late; with enough time to be able to do something
in time for
/ɪn taɪm fə/
We arrived in time for his speech.
(informal) used to say that you think somebody should do something soon
ya iba siendo hora
it’s about time
/ɪts əˈbaʊt taɪm/
You’ve had that computer for ages. It’s about time you got a new one.
to spend time doing something that is not important while you are waiting for something else to happen
matar el tiempo, matar el rato
kill time
/kɪl taɪm/
I do crosswords to kill time while I wait at the airport.
to do something quickly or very often because you wish you had started doing it sooner
recuperar el tiempo perdido
make up for lost time
/meɪk ʌp fə lɒst taɪm/
I’ll have to work hard now to make up for lost time.
time when a person who is normally very busy relaxes or does something they enjoy
/ˈmiː taim/
I go shopping when I want some me time.
a timepo
on time adv
/ɒn taɪm/
We expect staff to be on time every morning.
quedarse sin tiempo
run out of time
/rʌn aʊt əv taɪm/
If we take too long at the museum, we’ll run out of time.
ahorrar tiempo
save time
/seɪv taɪm/
Take the motorway if you want to save time. It’s quicker.
ando corto de tiempo
short of time
/ʃɔːt əv taɪm/
I’d love to help you out, but I’m a little short of time right now.
perder el tiempo,disponer del tiempo
spare the time
/speə ðə taɪm/
I’d love to come with you, but I’m too busy and can’t spare the time.
ocupar todo mi tiempo
take up all my time
/teɪk ʌp ɔːl maɪ taɪm/
My children take up all my time. I don’t have a minute to myself.
tomate tu tiempo
take your time
/teɪk jɔː taɪm/
We aren’t in a hurry so take your time.
pasar mucho tiempo
spend too long
/spend tuː lɒŋ/
Let’s not spend too long at the museum. There are lots of other things I want to see.
o have extra time; to have time to spare
time on my hands
/taɪm ɒn maɪ hændz/
My mum has got time on her hands since she retired.
el tiempo se ha acabado
time’s up
/taɪmz ʌp/
Time’s up. The exam is over.
taking or needing a lot of time
time-consuming adj
/ˈtaɪm kənˈsjuːmɪŋ/
Filling in your tax return is incredibly time-consuming.
cperder/desperdiciar mucho tiempo
waste a lot of time
/weɪst ə lɒt əv taɪm/
I waste a lot of time playing video games.
con tiempo de sbra
with time to spare
/wɪð taɪm tə speə/
We left early and got to the airport with time to spare.
1. the quality of being unusual or surprising, especially in a way that is difficult to understand
2. the fact of not being familiar because you have not been there before or met the person before
strangeness n
- the sheer strangeness of this classic film
- the strangeness of her surroundings
in a way that causes you to have deep feelings of sadness or sympathy
movingly adv
She described her experiences in Africa very movingly.
(u) a style of dancing in which you tap the rhythm of the music with your feet, wearing special shoes with pieces of metal on the heels and toes
tap-dancing n
a kilometer
the act of trying to frighten somebody by threatening to use force
alarde de un poder militar que generalmente no se tiene
ˈsabre-rattling noun
a sound sometimes heard in the throat of a dying person
ˈdeath rattle n
to go to a party or social event without being invited
colarse en
gatecrash v
1 making creaks
2 old and not in good condition
chirriante, que cruje, destartalado, fragil
creaky adj
the process of calculating numbers, especially when a large amount of data is involved and the data is processed in a short space of time
ˈnumber crunching noun
- an arrangement that somebody has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out, etc
- a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it
- an arrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month.
- a regular customer
- an arrangement that somebody has with a company that allows them to use the Internet, send and receive messages by email, etc
- a written or spoken description of something that has happened
- an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a process
cuenta, recuento
account n
I have opened a new bank account.
having a lot of money and a good standard of living
rico, pudiente, acaudalado
affluent adj
My boss lives in an affluent neighbourhood.
- a situation in which different things exist in equal, correct or good amounts
- [uncountable] the ability to keep steady with an equal amount of weight on each side of the body
- the amount that is left after taking numbers or money away from a total
- an amount of money still owed after some payment has been made
- [countable] an instrument for weighing things, with a bar that is supported in the middle and has dishes hanging from each end
balance n
I usually use a cash machine to check my balance.
- to take and use something that belongs to somebody else, and return it to them at a later time
- to take money from a person or bank and agree to pay it back to them at a later time
- to take words, ideas, etc. from another language, person, etc. and use them, as your own
pedir prestado
borrow v
I borrowed some money from my parents to pay the bills.
having no money
broke adj
Can I borrow some money? I’m broke.
- the money that is available to a person or an organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time
- an official statement by the government of a country’s income from taxes, etc. and how it will be spent
budget n
We needed a new assistant, but the department had no budget to hire anyone.
no poder permitirselo
can’t afford v
/kɑːnt əˈfɔːd/
Many young people can’t afford to buy a home.
- an organization for helping people in need
- the aim of giving money, food, help, etc. to people who are in need
- kindness and sympathy towards other people, especially when you are judging them
caridad, organizacion benefica
charity n
She volunteers for a charity in her free time.
sociedad consumidora
consumer society n
/kənˈsjuːmə səˈsaɪəti/
We live in a consumer society where everybody wants to buy something new.
the amount of money that people need to pay for food, clothing and somewhere to live
costo de la vida
cost of living n
/kɒst əv ˈlɪvɪŋ/
People’s income has gone up, but inflation is high so the cost of living has also risen.
- the system of money that a country uses
- [uncountable] the fact that something is used or accepted by a lot of people
currency n currencies pl
What’s the currency in Vietnam? Is it the Vietnamese Dong?
- a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment
- a sum of money that is paid by somebody when they rent something and that is returned to them if they do not lose or damage the thing they are renting
- a sum of money that is paid into a bank account
- (in the British political system) the amount of money that a candidate in an election to Parliament has to pay, and that is returned if he/she gets enough votes
- a layer of a substance that has formed naturally underground
- a layer of a substance that has been left somewhere, especially by a river, flood, etc., or is found at the bottom of a liquid
deposit n
We have already paid a deposit on the house.
something that is given to a person or an organization such as a charity, in order to help them; the act of giving something in this way
donation n
My dad often gives donations to charities.
Price for which the currency of a country can be exchanged for another country’s currency. Factors that influence exchange rate include (1) interest rates, (2) inflation rate, (3) trade balance, (4) political stability, (5) internal harmony, (6) high degree of transparency in the conduct of leaders and administrators, (7) general state of economy, and (8) quality of governance.
tipo de cambio, tasa de cambio
exchange rate n
/ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ reɪt/
Our currency is unstable and exchange rates fluctuate a lot.
- the money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, etc
- a passenger in a taxi
- food that is offered as a meal
tarifa, costo, precio del pasaje, comida, alimentos
fare n
What’s the bus fare these days?
- an amount of money that you pay for professional advice or services
- an amount of money that you pay to join an organization, or to do something
honorarios, tarifa
fee n
My lawyer charges an unreasonably high fee.
a sum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule
fine n
I had to pay a parking fine.
without enough money to pay what you owe
declararse en quiebra
go bankrupt v
/gəʊ ˈbæŋkrʌpt/
A lot of small businesses went bankrupt during the recession.
a sum of money that is given by the government or by another organization to be used for a particular purpose
conceder, beca, subvencion
grant n
He has been offered a grant to go to Harvard University for a term.
- having very little money, especially for a short period of time
- lacking in something interesting to do, talk about, etc
a dos velas, desesperado, necesitado
hard up adj
/hɑːd ʌp/
I’m always hard up by the end of the month.
en dedua
in debt adj
/ɪn det/
A lot of people are in debt and can’t afford to buy their first home.
- one of a number of payments that are made regularly over a period of time until something has been paid for
- one of the parts of a story that appears regularly over a period of time in a newspaper, on television, etc.
cuota, plazo
instalment n
We paid for the car in instalments.
is the amount charged, expressed as a percentage of principal, by a lender to a borrower for the use of assets.
tasa de interes, intereses
interest rate n
/ˈɪntrəst reɪt/
People who have loans have to pay high interest rates.
documento legal
legal document n
/ˈliːgl ˈdɒkjumənt/
You need a legal document if you want to prove who you are.
- to give something to somebody or allow them to use something that belongs to you, which they have to return to you later
- (of a bank or financial institution) to give money to somebody on condition that they pay it back over a period of time and pay interest on it
- to give a particular quality to a person or a situation
- to give or provide help, support, etc
lend v
My parents lent me some money to pay the bills.
- carrying a load; full and heavy
- full of a particular thing, quality or meaning
- very rich
- acting either as an advantage or a disadvantage to somebody/something in a way that is unfair
- having more meaning than you realize at first and intended to make you think in a particular way
- containing bullets, film, etc
- very drunk
cargado, mal intencionado, borracho, rico
loaded adj
You don’t know what money problems are. You’re loaded!
- money that an organization such as a bank lends and somebody borrows
- the act of lending something; the state of being lent
loan n
I had to take out a loan to buy a new car.
an amount of money that is paid at one time and not on separate occasions
suma total, pago unioc
lump sum n
/lʌmp sʌm/
She was given a lump sum when she was made redundant.
hacer/realizar pagos
make payments v
/meɪk ˈpeɪmənts/
I never use online banking to make payments.
hacer/realizar transferencias
make transfers v
/meɪk ˈtrænsfɜːz/
Can you make transfers into your bank account from your computer?
organizr/manegar/dirigir tus cuentas
manage your accounts v
/ˈmænɪdʒ jɔːr əˈkaʊnts/
Online banking is a convenient way for people to manage their accounts.
a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy a house, etc., and you pay the money back over a particular number of years; the sum of money that you borrow
mortgage n
I can’t get a mortgage because I don’t earn much money.
- a particular time when something happens
- a special event, ceremony or celebration
- a suitable time for something
- a reason or cause
ocasion momento
occasion n
I’ve seen her on several occasions this week.
- used to emphasize that you are referring to one individual person, thing or type of thing and not others
- greater than usual; special
- very definite about what you like and careful about what you choose
particular, excepcional
particular adj
Is there any particular type of car you’d like to see?
having no money; very poor
pobre, sin un centmo
penniless adj
She arrived in 1978 as a virtually penniless refugee.
- [uncountable] a thing or things that are owned by somebody; a possession or possessions
- [uncountable] land and buildings
- a building or buildings . and the surrounding land
- [countable, usually plural] (formal) a quality or characteristic that something has
propiedad pertenencia
property n
He invested in the property market and lost most of his money.
- an act or a way of punishing somebody
- rough treatment
castigo, sancion, penalizacion, multa
punishment n
I had to pay a fine as punishment for not returning the books to the library.
- the intention, aim or function of something; the thing that something is supposed to achieve
- plural what is needed in a particular situation
- meaning that is important and valuable to you
- the ability to plan something and work successfully to achieve it
proposito, finalidad objetivo
purpose n purposes pl
Our main purpose is to raise money.
- a difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less trade and industrial activity than usual and more people are unemployed
- [uncountable] (formal) the movement backwards of something from a previous position
recession n
The economy is in recession.
- an amount of something such as time or money that you do not need to use or spend
- [plural] money that you have saved, especially in a bank, etc
- (suffix) that prevents the waste of the thing mentioned or stops it from being necessary
savings pl n
I keep my savings in an account at my local bank.
any of the units of equal value into which a company is divided and sold to raise money. People who own shares receive part of the company’s profits
shares n
Some people make money by buying and selling shares on the stock market.
the amount of money and level of comfort that a particular person or group has
estandard de vida, nivel de vida
standard of living n
/ˈstændəd əv ˈlɪvɪŋ/
The standard of living in many European countries is lower than it was years ago.
the business of buying and selling shares in companies and the place where this happens; a stock exchange
mercado de valores
stock market n
/stɒk ˈmɑːkɪt/
Some people make money by buying and selling shares on the stock market.
- having a lot of money, possessions, etc.
- the (…) people who are rich
rico, pudiente
wealthy adj
He was a wealthy old man. He lived in a mansion and had a luxury yacht.
- having a lot of money
2. in a good situation
well off adj
/wel ɒf/
He comes from a well-off family.
[countable] a legal document that says what is to happen to somebody’s money and property after they die
coluntad, testamento
will n
My mum left me all her paintings in her will.
personalidad atractiva
attractive personality n
/əˈtræktɪv pɜːsəˈnæləti/
I like women with attractive personalities.
- if two people, vehicles, etc. collide, they crash into each other; if a person, vehicle, etc. collides with another, or with something that is not moving, they crash into it
- [intransitive] collide (with somebody) (over something) (
pegarse, chocar
collide v
She was riding in a bus when it collided with a tram.
the physical beauty of a person
good looks n
/gʊd lʊks/
He relies on his good looks, because his personality is dreadful!
- large and showing success
2. buena cuenta corriente
healthy bank balance n
/ˈhelθi bæŋk ˈbæləns/
It is important to keep a healthy bank balance.
- very successful
- that flies very high in the air
pretencioso, ambicioso, exitoso, en lo alto
high-flying adj
/ˈhaɪ ˈflaɪɪŋ/
She is a high-flying career woman.
to have money,
con saldo a favor
in the black adj
/ɪn ðə blæk/
We managed to stay in the black this year, so we might have enough money for a short holiday.
to owe money to your bank because you have spent more than you have in your account
en rojo
in the red adj
/ɪn ðə red/
I’m in debt – my account is £200 in the red.
- to throw a set of three or more objects such as balls into the air and catch and throw them again quickly, one at a time
- to try to deal with two or more important jobs or activities at the same time so that y. ou can fit all of them into your life
- to organize information, figures, the money you spend, etc. in the most useful or effective way
hacer malabarismos
juggle v
It is sometimes hard to juggle a full-time job and domestic responsibility.
to contain or involve a lot of a particular type of thing, usually something bad
littered with adj
/ˈlɪtəd wɪð/
The divorce courts are littered with high earners.
the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis; also : such a state of awareness
mindfulness n
Is it true that people trained in mindfulness are happier?
- (computing) the ability of a computer to operate several programs at the same time
- the ability to do several things at the same time
multifuncion, multitarea
multitasking n
Teenagers today are used to multitasking – they do several things at the same time.
one pound in money
quid n
Can I borrow two quid for a sandwich?
- to accept the responsibility for something
- your way+ adv/prerp to push forward with your shoulder in order to get somewhere
- somebody/something + adverb/preposition to push somebody/something out of your way with your shoulder
- to carry something on your shoulder
empujar, cargar
shoulder v
When I got divorced, I had to shoulder the mortgage alone.
ser capaz de
be capable of v
/bi ˈkeɪpəbl əv/
Are you capable of doing this alone?
confront a challenge a problem, is normally followed by something unpleasant,
be faced with v
/bi feɪst wɪð/
What would you do if you were faced with unemployment?
tomar consciencia de loc verb
darse cuenta de loc verb
become aware of v
/bɪˈkʌm əˈweər əv/
I suddenly became aware of people looking at us.
to spend more time doing one particular thing than others
concentrate on v
/ˈkɒnsntreɪt ɒn/
Do you find it easy to concentrate on a particular task?
- to accept and control a difficult emotional situation so that you can start to live a normal life again despite it
- to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem
- to take the action that is necessary when you are involved with a particular person or type of person
resovler, lidiar
deal with v
/diːl wɪð/
I can’t deal with two problems at the same time.
to give attention, effort, etc. to one particular subject, situation or person rather than another
focus on v
/ˈfəʊkəs ɒn/
Please don’t disturb me. I’m trying to focus on this project.
to spend more money than one can afford
live beyond one’s means
/lɪv bɪˈjɒnd wʌnz miːnz/
I’m not surprised they went bankrupt. They were clearly living beyond their means.
to earn and spend equal amounts of money.
make ends meet
/ˈmeɪk endz miːt/
I can’t make ends meet ever since I got fired.
- (tr) to join
- (intr) to tally or correspond:
- (intr) to marry someone of a higher social class than oneself
marry up v
/ˈmæri ʌp/
What do you mean, you ‘married up’? I think you are as worthy as your husband.
not willing to spend or give much money
tight-fisted adj
/taɪt ˈfɪstɪd/
I wouldn’t waste my time asking him for money. He’s tight-fisted.
to marry someone of a lesser social class than oneself
marry down v
/ˈmæri daʊn/
Do you think you married down? Were you a lot wealthier than your husband?
departamneto de contabilidad
Accounts department n
/əˈkaʊnts dɪˈpɑːtmənt/
If you have a problem with your invoice, talk to the Accounts department.
- a strong feeling of affection for somebody/something
- belief in and support for an idea or a set of values
- a tool that you can fix onto a machine, to make it do another job
- the act of joining one thing to another; a thing that joins two things together
- (British English) a short time spent working with an organization such as a hospital, school or part of the armed forces
6.(computing) a document that you send to somebody using email
aditamiento, accesorio, nexo, adjunto, cariño, apego
attachment n
She sent me the photo as an attachment, but I can’t open it.
a short high sound such as that made by a car horn or by electronic equipment
bio, pitido
beep n
If you leave your message after the beep, we’ll call you back.
- signals that use a wide range of frequencies
- a way of connecting a computer to the Internet, which allows you to receive information, including pictures, etc., very quickly
banda ancha
broadband n
If I didn’t have fast broadband, I wouldn’t be able to work from home.
- having a lot to do; perhaps not free to do something else because you are working on something
- spending a lot of time on something
- full of people, activity, vehicles, etc
- full of work and activity
- being used
- too full of small details
busy adj
I tried calling her, but her phone is busy.
cargar ell telefono
charge my phone v
/tʃɑːdʒ maɪ fəʊn/
I need to charge my phone – the battery is very low.
contactos del telefono
contacts n pl
I can give you her phone number if you want. She’s in my list of contacts.
a computer file with information in it that is sent to the central server each time a particular person uses a network or the Internet
cookie n
A cookie is a computer file that is sent to a central server when you use the internet.
- the reporting of news and sport in newspapers and on the radio and television
- the range or quality of information that is included in a book or course of study, on television, etc
- the amount of something that something provides; the extent to which something covers an area or a group of people
- protection that an insurance company provides by promising to pay you money if a particular event happens
cobertura, cubierta
coverage n
There wasn’t any mobile coverage in the village, so I couldn’t call you.
- an arrangement that you make, with a shop/store for example, to pay later for something you buy
- money that you borrow from a bank; a loan
- the status of being trusted to pay back money to somebody who lends it to you
- if you or your bank account are in credit, there is money in the account
- a sum of money paid into a bank account; a record of the payment
- a payment that somebody has a right to for a particular reason
abonar, atribuir, credito, reconocer
credit n
I have no credit on my mobile. Can I borrow yours?
to prevent somebody/something from leaving or reaching a place or communicating with people outside a place
cut off v
/kʌt ɒf/
We were suddenly cut off in the middle of the conversation.
to remove something that has been written or printed, or that has been stored on a computer
delete v
I’ve deleted my essay by mistake!
to get data from another computer, usually using the Internet
download v
Films can take a long time to download.
- busy doing something
- having agreed to marry somebody
- (of a telephone line) being used
- being used
engaged adj
I couldn’t get through. The line’s engaged.
to make somebody/something available for a particular purpose
free up v
/friː ʌp/
I need to delete some files to free up more space on the hard drive.
- to reach somebody
2. to make contact with somebody by telephone
get through v
/get θruː/
I called you at the office, but I couldn’t get through. The line was busy.
give me a call
/gɪv miː ə kɔːl/
Can you give me a call this afternoon?
hang up v
/hæŋ ʌp/
Sorry, I have to hang up now. My flight is about to board.
disco duro
hard drive n
/hɑːd draɪv/
I save most of my photos on the hard drive.
the phone number at the house or apartment where you live
home phone n
/həʊm fəʊn/
Do you want my mobile number or my home phone?
- the set of keys for operating a computer or typewriter, or the set of letters that you can click on to write on a smartphone or tablet
- the set of black and white keys on a piano or other musical instrument
- an electronic musical instrument that has keys like a piano and can be made to play in different styles or to sound like different instruments
keyboard n
Using the mouse is quicker than typing on the keyboard.
a small set of buttons with numbers on used to operate a telephone, a television or an electronic device
keypad n
The keypad on my home phone doesn’t work. I have to buy a new one.
a telephone connection that uses wires carried on poles or under the ground, in contrast to a mobile/cell phone
landline n
I’ll be at home so you can call me on my landline.
- [uncountable] the act of starting to use a computer system, usually by typing a name or word that you choose to use
- [countable] the name that you use to enter a computer system
log in v (log on)
/lɒg ɪn/
You can log in with your username and password.
hacer unas llamadas
make a few calls
/meɪk ə fjuː kɔːlz/
I can’t leave now. I still have to make a few calls.
noun a small laptop computer, designed especially for using the Internet and email
netbook n
A netbook is a small laptop computer. It’s designed especially for using the internet.
a combination of numbers or movements on the screen that allow you to use an electronic device
passcode n
Please enter the passcode to connect to the network.
- a secret word or phrase that you need to know in order to be allowed into a place
- (computing) a series of letters or numbers that you must type into a computer or computer system in order to be able to use it
password n
Your password to access your online bank account shouldn’t be too easy to guess.
connected with a system of paying for a service just before you use it rather than paying for it later
pay-as-you-go adj
/peɪ əz juː gəʊ/
My mobile is pay-as-you-go. I need to top up my credit from time to time.
cobertura telefonica
phone signal n
/fəʊn ˈsɪgnəl/
I can’t get a phone signal. The reception is so poor here.
- a computer menu, window, etc. that can be brought to the screen quickly while you are working on another document; a computer window, especially one containing an advert, that appears on the screen, although it has not been requested
- a shop, restaurant, etc. that opens quickly somewhere and is designed to only use that location for a short period of time
pop-up n
/ˈpɒp ʌp/
I like reading the paper online, but I find advertising pop-ups very annoying.
llamada perdida
missed call n
/mɪst kɔːl/
I know he’s been trying to call me because I have three missed calls from him.
to connect somebody by telephone
put through v (sb)
/pʊt θruː/
If you hold, I’ll put you through to the Accounts department.
- [uncountable] (especially British English) the area inside the entrance of a hotel, an office building, etc. where guests or visitors go first when they arrive
- [countable] a formal social occasion to welcome somebody or celebrate something
- [singular] the type of welcome that is given to somebody/something
- [uncountable] the quality of radio and television signals that are broadcast
- [uncountable] the act of receiving or welcoming somebody
recepcion bienvenida
reception n
There was very bad reception on my phone.
to use up or finish a supply of something
run out v
/rʌn aʊt/
I’m afraid the printer isn’t working. The black ink has run out.
(= read by using the mouse to move the textdown)
scroll down v
/skrəʊl daʊn/
If you scroll down the page, you’ll see the attachment at the bottom.
- a set of surroundings; the place at which something happens
- the place and time at which the action of a play, novel, etc. takes place
- a position at which the controls on a machine can be set, to set the speed, height, temperature, etc
- [plural] the place on a computer or other electronic device where you can choose the way that it works or looks; the particular choices that you make
- music written to go with a po. em, etc
- a piece of metal in which a precious stone is fixed to form a piece of jewellery
- a complete set of equipment for eating with (knife, fork, spoon, glass, etc.) for one person, arranged on a table
settings n pl
If you want to change the time on your mobile, go to the settings.
usually used in orders to tell somebody to speak more loudly
speak up v
/spiːk ʌp/
I can’t hear you very well. Could you speak up a little?
- (of liquid or gas) to move or pour out in a continuous flow; to produce a continuous flow of liquid or gas
- adverb/preposition to move somewhere in large numbers, one after the other
- to move freely, especially in the wind or water
- (in schools) to put school students into groups according to their ability
- (computing) to play video or sound on a computer by receiving it as a continuous stream, from the Internet for example, rather than needing to wait until the whole of the material has been downloaded
stream v
5. You don’t need to download the video. You can just stream it.
- a small round solid piece of medicine that you swallow
- an amount of another substance in a small round solid piece
- a flat piece of stone that has words written on it, especially one that has been fixed to a wall in memory of an important person or event
- a small computer that is easy to carry, with a large touch screen and sometimes without a physical keyboard
- (North American English) a number of pieces of paper for writing or drawing on, that are fastened together at one edge
tablet n
Tablets usually have large touch screens.
- [countable] the quality of somebody’s voice, especially expressing a particular emotion
- [singular] the general character and attitude of something such as a piece of writing, or the atmosphere of an event
- [countable] the quality of a sound, especially the sound of a musical instrument or one produced by electronic equipment
- [countable] a shade of a colour
- [uncountable] how strong and firm your muscles or skin are
- [countable] a sound heard on a telephone line (British English)
- [countable] one of the five longer intervals in a musical scale, for example the interval between C and D or between E and F♯
- the pitch (= how high or low a sound is) of a syllable in speaking
- a particular pitch pattern on a syllable in languages such as Chinese, that can be used to distinguish different meanings
tone n
Please leave a message after the tone.
- to raise the level of (a liquid, powder, etc) in (a container), usually bringing it to the brim of the container:
- (Banking & Finance)
a. to increase the benefits from (an insurance scheme), esp to increase a pension when a salary rise enables higher premiums to be paid
b. to add money to (a loan, bank account, etc) in order to keep it at a constant or acceptable level
recargar, rellenar
top up v
/tɒp ʌp/
I need to top up my mobile phone.
a screen on a computer, tablet (4), etc. which allows you to give instructions to the computer by touching areas on it
touch screen n
/tʌtʃ skriːn/
Some older people find it difficult to use mobiles with touch screens.
desconectar mi telefono
unplug my phone v
/ʌnˈplʌg maɪ fəʊn/
You can unplug your phone now. It’s fully charged.
- (on something) a report or broadcast that gives the most recent information about something; a new version of something containing the most recent information
- (computing) the most recent improvements to a computer program that are sent to users of the program
update n
You should set up automatic updates.
computing. the name you use in order to be able to use a computer program or system
username n
Enter your username and password to log in.
- a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope, that causes infectious disease in people, animals and plants
- (informal) a disease caused by a virus
- instructions that are hidden within a computer program and are designed to cause faults or destroy data
virus n
There’s a computer virus that deletes all your files and then emails itself to everyone on your contacts list. It’s a nightmare!
- unable to stop taking harmful drugs, or using or doing something as a habit
- spending all your free time doing something because you are so interested in it
addicted to adj
/əˈdɪktɪd tə/
Are you addicted to your phone?
(of a building or car) having a system that cools and dries the air inside it
aire acondicionado
air-conditioned adj
/ˈeə kənˈdɪʃnd/
In the summer, I spend most of my time in air-conditioned buildings.
a piece of software that you can download to a device such as a smartphone or tablet (4), for example to look up information or to play a game
app n
I’ve downloaded a new dictionary app for my phone.
comportarse como un niño
behave like a child
/bɪˈheɪv laɪk ə tʃaɪld/
Lou is so dependent. I think she behaves like a child sometimes.
(in a way that is) too great, difficult, etc. to be believed
de no creer, increible
beyond belief
/bɪˈjɒnd bɪˈliːf/
My mum irritates me beyond belief.
- a road, passage, etc. that is closed at one end The first street we tried turned out to be a dead end.
- a point at which you can make no further progress in what you are doing
sin futuro
dead-end adj
/ded end/
He’s in a dead-end job in a factory.
- needing somebody/something in order to survive or be successful
- addicted to something (= unable to stop taking or using it)
- (formal) affected or decided by something
dependent on adj
/dɪˈpendənt ɒn/
I refuse to be dependent on a smartphone to have a social life.
do your ˈbit
do your share
/duː jɔː ʃeə/
You certainly help with the cleaning, but you don’t do your share of the cooking.
not harmful to the environment
eco-friendly adj
/ˈiːkəʊ ˈfrendli/
Is your new fridge eco-friendly?
bored or unhappy, especially with a situation that has continued for too long
in informal British English, but this is not considered correct in standard English.
fed up with adj
/fed ʌp wɪð/
People are fed up with all these traffic jams.
making you feel happy and pleased about life
feel-good adj
/fiːl gʊd/
I usually watch a feel-good movie when I’m down.
poner el modo niño
go into ‘child mode’
/gəʊ ˈɪntə tʃaɪld məʊd/
When you live with your parents, it is easy to go into ‘child mode’.
making new discoveries; using new methods
ground-breaking adj
/ˈgraʊnd ˈbreɪkɪŋ/
I’m reading a paper on ground-breaking research. This will change the world of medicine!
to give something to a person in authority, especially a piece of work or something that is lost
hand in v
/hænd ɪn/
Check your exam before you hand it in.
(of a telephone, etc.) able to be used without needing to be held in the hand
hands-free adj
/hændz friː/
I prefer hands-free phones, especially for the car.
- able to improve a particular situation
2. (of a person) willing to help somebody
helpful to adj
/ˈhelpfl tə/
People are generally helpful to foreign tourists.
[only before noun]
(of shoes) with very high heels
high-heeled adj
/haɪ hiːld/
How can you wear high-heeled shoes on a trekking trip?
(of sounds) very high
high-pitched adj
/haɪ pɪtʃt/
I can’t stand his high-pitched voice.
involving a lot of danger and the risk of injury, death, damage, etc
high-risk adj
/haɪ rɪsk/
Do you do any high-risk sports like bungee jumping?
made at home, rather than produced in a factory and bought in a shop/store
home-made adj
I love home-made food. It’s much better than restaurant food.
- needing something that is bad for you, especially a drug
2. (informal) enjoying something very much, so that you want to do it, see it, etc. as much as possible
hooked on adj
/hʊkt ɒn/
A lot of people are hooked on American TV series.
- wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much
- enthusiastic about an activity or idea, etc
- liking somebody/something very much; very interested in somebody/something
afficionado a
keen on adj
/kiːn ɒn/
Couples are not as keen on getting married as they used to be.
designed to reduce the amount of work or effort needed to do something
que ahorra trabajo
labour-saving adj
/ˈleɪbə ˈseɪvɪŋ/
The washing machine was probably my mum’s favourite labour-saving device.
[usually before noun]
done, decided or organized just before something happens or before it is too late
last-minute adj
/lɑːst ˈmɪnɪt/
Do you do a lot of last-minute revision before an exam?
having an effect that is strong enough to change someone’s life
life-changing adj
/ˈlaɪf ˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ/
Being in an accident was a life-changing experience for him.
- travelling or involving travel between places that are far apart a long-distance commuter
- operating between people and places that are far apart
long-distance adj
/ˈlɒŋ ˈdɪstəns/
I think long-distance relationships are very difficult to maintain.
to become angry or excited
lose your cool
/luːz jɔː kuːl/
Don’t lose your cool if you can’t answer a question.
- below the usual cost
2. producing or supplying something that is cheap or costs less than usual to buy
low-cost adj
/ləʊ kɒst/
Concentrate on what you know. Have you ever travelled on a low-cost airline?
not willing to listen to new ideas or to the opinions of others
de mente estrecha
narrow-minded adj
/ˈnærəʊ ˈmaɪndɪd/
I don’t think it’s true we all get more narrow-minded as we get older.
organizacion without the aim of making a profit
non-profit organization n
/nɒn ˈprɒfɪt ɔːgənaɪˈzeɪʃn/
She works for an independent non-profit organization.
having a complete preoccupation with someone or something, to an extent that seems extreme to others
obsessed with adj
/əbˈsest wɪð/
without having eaten somethin
on an empty stomach
/ɒn ən ˈempti ˈstʌmək/
- (of a person) willing to listen to and think about new ideas
open to adj
/ˈəʊpən tə/
Some old people aren’t as open to new ideas as younger people are.
feeling pleased and satisfied about something that you own or have done, or are connected with
proud of adj
/praʊd əv/
I’m very proud of my daughter’s sporting achievements.
- not new; owned by somebody else before a second-hand bookshop (= for selling second-hand books)
(especially British English) - (often disapproving) (of news, information, etc.) learned from other people, not from your own experience
segunda mano
second-hand adj
/ˈsekənd hænd/
Have you ever bought a second-hand car?
libro de autoayuda
self-help book n
/self help bʊk/
I might read a self-help book if I needed advice.
bored with or annoyed about something that has been happening for a long time, and wanting it to stop
sick of adj
/sɪk əv/
People are sick of being bombarded with depressing news.
falta de sueño
sleep-deprived adj
/ˈsliːp dɪˈpraɪvd/
You might be sleep-deprived, but at least you’ll finish your novel!
to hide or store something so that it can be used later
almacenar, guardar, esconder
squirrel away v
/ˈskwɪrəl əˈweɪ/
I had to live at my parents’ for a year to be able to squirrel away some money.
to become or make somebody become too anxious or tired to be able to relax
stress you out
/stres juː aʊt/
Last-minute searching for things can really stress you out before an exam.
behaving in a way that other people think is polite or correct
well-behaved adj
/wel bɪˈheɪvd/
Children who are not well-behaved will be asked to leave.
- (of a thing) badly damaged and/or no longer useful because it has been used a lot
- [not usually before noun] (of a person) looking or feeling very tired, especially as a result of hard work or physical exercise
agotado, exhausto
worn-out adj
/wɔːn aʊt/
You need to replace those worn-out running shoes.
- (especially North American English) (British English also lorry) a large vehicle for carrying heavy loads by road
- an open railway vehicle for carrying goods or animals
- a vehicle that is open at the back, used for carrying goods, soldiers, animals, etc
- a vehicle for carrying things, that is pulled or pushed by hand
truck n
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a truck driver.
thinking carefully about all the facts, especially the problems or difficulties, of a situation
all things considered
/ɔːl θɪŋz kənˈsɪdəd/
All things considered, smartphones have both pros and cons.
otro a disadvantage or problem that makes something a less attractive idea
another drawback
/əˈnʌðə ˈdrɔːbæk/
Another drawback is the price.
otro punto a favor
another point in favour
/əˈnʌðə pɔɪnt ɪn ˈfeɪvə/
Another point in favour of this technology is that smartphones allow us to live our lives spontaneously.
comportamiento antisocial
antisocial behaviour n
/ˈænti ˈsəʊʃl bɪˈheɪvjə/
It is very hard to deal with antisocial behaviour in the classroom.
a method or plan for extricating oneself from an undesirable situation
exit plan n
/ˈeksɪt plæn/
So you’re going back to your parents’. Have you got an exit plan?
- (of a wound or cut) to become badly infected festering sores/wounds
- (of bad feelings or thoughts) to become much worse because you do not deal with them successfully
enconarse, supurar, , descomponerse, pudrirse
fester v
Don’t allow a slight worry to fester, or it will turn into a problem.
en primer ylugar y mas importante
first and most important
/fɜːst ənd məʊst ɪmˈpɔːtnt/
First and most important, smartphones give us an incredible amount of information.
a person that you share a house with, but who is not one of your family
housemate n
I have a new housemate. He moved in just yesterday.
used when you want to mention another person or thing after something else
in addition
/ɪn əˈdɪʃn/
In addition, smartphones can be very expensive to repair.
Tending to deal with situations calmly and diplomatically; not aggressive or hostile:
non-confrontational adj
/nɒn kɒnfrʌnˈteɪʃnl/
I asked both teachers and students to remain non-confrontational.
not only that
/nɒt ˈəʊnli ðæt/
Not only that, but people should be able to use it whenever they want.
- (at something) something to act as an official in charge of something, especially a sports event
- (at something) (formal) to do the official duties at a public or religious ceremony
oficiar, presidir
officiate v
A referee from a neutral country will officiate the game.
after considering all the information
on balance
/ɒn ˈbæləns/
On balance, I think smartphones have had a positive impact on our lives.
- to irritate or annoy somebody slightly; to make somebody slightly worried
- (about/over something) /(at somebody) (for something)
to argue about something unimportant; to criticize somebody for something that is not important
queja, , preocupacion innecesaria, detalla fastidioso.
niggle v
I asked both teachers and students to remain non-confrontational.
considering everything; in general
on the whole
/ɒn ðə həʊl/
On the whole, I think smartphones have made our lives easier.
una desventaja
one disadvantage
/wʌn dɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/
One disadvantage of smartphones is that they make it too difficult to disconnect.
a person who works slowly and steadily but without imagination
trabajador lento, pero laborioso
plodder n
I was never a brilliant student. I was more of a plodder.
corazon palpita rapidamente
racing heart n
/ˈreɪsɪŋ hɑːt/
I had a racing heart when I saw my team out on the pitch.
mantenerse concentrado
stay focused
/steɪ ˈfəʊkəst/
You have to stay focused and believe in what you are doing.
el mayor beneficio
the greatest benefit
/ðə ˈgreɪtɪst ˈbenɪfɪt/
The greatest benefit of tourism is that it has a real economic impact on local businesses.
used to add a point that is even more important
what is more
/wɒt ɪz mɔː/
What is more, I think everybody should have a smartphone.
.1 [countable] part of a camera that automatically adjusts itself, so that the picture will be clear
2. [uncountable] the ability of a camera to do this
autofocus n
I always use autofocus when I take photos.
[only before noun]
happening twice a year
biannual adj
The committee has biannual meetings in October and March.
(with somebody/something) (formal) to exist together in the same place or at the same time, especially in a peaceful way
co existir
coexist v
Several different species now coexist peacefully side by side.
- something to stop a possibly dangerous or difficult situation from developing, especially by making people less angry or nervous.
- something to remove the fuse from a bomb so that it cannot explode
desacticar, calmar
defuse v
The police are trying to defuse racial tension in the community.
something to make something easier to understand and less complicated by explaining it in a clear and simple way
Will you demystify the workings of this new program for me?
- (something) (against something) (finance) to reduce the value of the money of one country when it is exchanged for the money of another country
- something to give a lower value to something, making it seem less important than it really is Work in the home is often ignored and devalued.
infravalorar, subestimar, devaluar
devalue v
The pound was devalued against the US dollar.
- if two people disagree or one person disagrees with another about something, they have a different opinion about it
- if statements or reports disagree, they give different information
diferir, disentir, estar en desacuerdo
disagree v
He thinks we should buy a new car. But I disagree.
- (doing) something to stop doing, using or providing something, especially something that you have been doing, using or providing regularly
- discontinue something to stop making a product
descontinuar, interrumpier
The company has decided to discontinue the free gym membership.
(from something) (formal) to leave a vehicle, especially a ship or an aircraft, at the end of a journey
disembark v
We had just disembarked from the boat and felt a bit dizzy.
not honest; intending to trick people
dishonest adj
I don’t like him. I think he’s dishonest.
not allowed by the law
illegal adj
Are you sure what you’re doing is not illegal? It doesn’t look right to me.
- born to parents who are not married to each other
2. (formal) not allowed by a particular set of rules or by law
illegitimate adj
They had an illegitimate child.
- (of a person) not knowing how to read or write
- (of a document or letter) badly written, as if by somebody without much education
- (usually after a noun or adverb) not knowing very much about a particular subject area
illiterate adj
A large percentage of the rural population was illiterate in the 1800s.
not sensible or thought out in a logical way
illogical adj
I don’t think you are right. Your conclusion is illogical.
treated unkindly or harshly.
ill-treated adj
/ɪl ˈtriːtɪd/
As a child, she was ill-treated by her stepmother.
1.not moving
2. unable to move
inmovil, paralizado.
immobile adj
He stood immobile by the window, watching us depart.
- (of people and their behaviour) not considered to be good or honest by most people
- not following accepted standards of sexual behaviour
immoral adj
Stealing is not only illegal, it is also immoral.
- (usually disapproving) lacking friendly human feelings or atmosphere; making you feel unimportant
- not referring to any particular person
impersonal adj
I don’t like big companies. They tend to be impersonal
- not sensible or realistic
- (of people) not good at doing things that involve using the hands; not good at planning or organizing things
poco practico
impractical adj
It was an impractical idea and nobody thought it would work.
not suitable or appropriate in a particular situation
inappropriate adj
Do you think colourful clothes are a bit inappropriate for a funeral?
- not able to do something incapable of something incapable of speech
- not able to control yourself or your affairs; not able to do anything well
incapable adj
My children are incapable of working by themselves.
- (of people) unable to express yourself clearly, often because of emotion
- (of sounds) not clear and hard to understand
- not logical or well organized
incoherent adj
His speech was incoherent and nobody understood it.
a person who does not have the skill or ability to do their job or a task as it should be done
incompetent adj
I won’t work with him again. He’s completely incompetent.
- (of a place) difficult to stay or live in, especially because there is no shelter from the weather
- (of people) not giving a friendly or polite welcome to guests
poco hospitalario
inhospitable adj
The Atacama desert must be an inhospitable place to live.
concerning the governments of two or more countries
There will be an intergovernmental conference to look at climate change.
not based on, or not using, clear logical thought
irrational adj
Fear of spiders is pretty irrational.
- not arranged in an even way; not having an even, smooth pattern or shape
- not happening at times that are at an equal distance from each other; not happening regularly
- not normal; not according to the usual rules
- (grammar) not formed in the normal way an irregular verb
- (of a soldier, etc.) not part of a country’s official army
irregular adj
My attendance at the gym has been very irregular this term.
not important to or connected with a situation
irrelevant adj
It is irrelevant if I believe your excuses or not.
too valuable or special to be replaced
irreplaceable adj
These antiques are irreplaceable.
(somebody/something) (…) what, how, etc… to fail to understand somebody/something correctly
misunderstand v
Sorry, I misunderstood you. I thought you weren’t coming.
a word with only one syllable, for example, ‘it’ or ‘no’
monosyllable n
A lot of common English verbs are monosyllables.
a pill or medicine containing several vitamins
multivitamins n pl
The doctor told me to take multivitamins because I was feeling a bit weak.
a building such as a shed or stable that is built near to, but separate from, a main building
construccion anexa
outbuilding n
She lived in a farmhouse with several outbuildings.
- something to grow too big to be able to wear or fit into something
- somebody to grow taller, larger or more quickly than another person
- something to stop doing something or lose interest in something as you become older
outgrow v
My daughter has outgrown most of her clothes.
somebody/something to be greater in number than somebody/something
superar en cantidad
outnumber v
The demonstrators outnumber the police.
a person who goes to a hospital for treatment but does not stay there
paciente externo
outpatient n
I have to go to the hospital twice a week as an outpatient.
the act of eating more than you need or more than is healthy
comida en exceso
overeating n
My sister goes through periods of compulsive overeating.
a person who already holds a first degree and who is doing advanced study or research; a graduate student
postgraduate n
I’m doing a postgraduate course in literary translation.
(for/of something) something that must happen or exist before something else can exist or be done
precondition n
A ceasefire is an essential precondition for any negotiation.
- somebody/something (in/as something) to give back a job or position that had been taken away from somebody
- something (in/as something) to return something to its previous position or status
reincorporar, readmitir
reinstate v
He was innocent so he was reinstated in his old post.
not as good as normal; not acceptable
substandard adj
This work is totally substandard. It’s not acceptable.
having much greater power, knowledge, etc. than is normal
superhuman adj
When he lifted her up, he seemed to have superhuman strength.
- not attractive or pleasant to look at
2. not good, interesting or pleasant
unattractive adj
What makes a voice sound unattractive to you?
not having enough people working and therefore not able to function well
understaffed adj
This restaurant is really understaffed. They clearly need to hire more waiters.
- something to open something that is fastened, tied or wrapped
- something to cancel the effect of something
- somebody/something (formal) to make somebody/something fail
undo v
Why don’t you try to undo the damage?
- feeling worried or unhappy about a particular situation, especially because you think that something bad or unpleasant may happen or because you are not sure that what you are doing is right
- not certain to last; not safe or settled
- that does not enable you to relax or feel comfortable
- used to describe a mixture of two things, feelings, etc. that do not go well together
incomodo molesto
uneasy adj
- that does not have permission or approval from somebody in authority
- that is not part of somebody’s official business
unofficial adj
Unofficial estimates put the figure at two million.
- something to make a piece of machinery, computer system, etc. more powerful and efficient
- somebody (to something) to give somebody a more important job
- somebody (to something) to give somebody a better seat on a plane, room in a hotel, etc. than the one that they have
- something to improve the condition of a building, etc. in order to provide a better service
upgrade v
I was incredibly lucky on my flight to New York. I was upgraded to business class!
csalud publica
public health n
/ˈpʌblɪk helθ/
Smoking is a public health issue.
a small reptile with a rough skin, four short legs and a long tail
lizard n
Some people keep lizards as pets.
cuadro abstacto
abstract painting n
/ˈæbstrækt ˈpeɪntɪŋ/
Mark Rothko specialised in abstract painting.
containing or using a substance, for example penicillin, that can destroy or prevent the growth of bacteria and cure infections
antibiotics n pl
Most antibiotics are made from bacteria.
calmar l trafico
calm traffic v
/kɑːm ˈtræfɪk/
The city council should do something to calm the traffic around schools.
something to officially take something away from somebody, especially as a punishment
confiscate v
I had my tweezers confiscated at an airport once.
- something to officially take something away from somebody, especially as a punishment.
- something to end an organization or a system gradually in an organized way
desmontar, desmantelar
dismantled adj
This sculpture is made from dismantled engines.
an area of a subject or situation that is not clear or does not fit into a particular group and is therefore difficult to define or deal with
zona gris
grey area n
/greɪ ˈeəriə/
Online copyright is still a bit of a grey area.
(at somebody/something) to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc
muesca, fgesto, mohin
grimace v
She grimaced as the needle went in.
difficult or impossible to read
illegible adj
I can’t read my doctor’s handwriting. It’s almost illegible.
- something (on/upon something/somebody) to introduce a new law, rule, tax, etc.; to order that a rule, punishment, etc. be used
2.something (on/upon somebody/something) to force somebody/something to have to deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant - something (on/upon somebody) to make somebody accept the same opinions, wishes, etc. as your own
- to expect somebody to do something for you or to spend time with you, when it may not be convenient for them
- yourself (on/upon somebody/something) to make somebody/something accept or be aware of your presence or ideas
impose v
My boss has imposed a ridiculous set of rules after the accident last week.
en blanco y negro
in black and white
/ɪn blæk ənd waɪt/
My uncle sees everything in black and white. He’s not very subtle.
(to do something) the fact of not being able to do something
incapacidad, inutilidad
inability n
His inability to concentrate on anything really irritates me.
causing trouble or problems, especially concerning what you need or would like yourself
inconvenient adj
Having to take care of my sister’s dogs is terribly inconvenient.
to get involved in and try to influence a situation that does not concern you, in a way that annoys other people
meterse interferir
interfere v
There is no evidence that using your mobile phone on a plane will interfere with the systems.
a mistake such as a spelling mistake that is made when a book, etc. is printed
errata, error de imprenta
misprint n
The first book ever printed in Oxford had a misprint. The date was wrong.
unexpectedly; without warning
out of the blue
/aʊt əv ðə bluː/
We were talking about work when out of the blue she asked if I was married.
(somebody) (for something) to make somebody pay too much for something
cobrar de mas
overcharged adj
I’m not coming back to this restaurant. They have clearly overcharged us.
- a detailed description of somebody/something
2. a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especially of the head and shoulders
portrait n
The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous portraits in art history.
something to treat things that have already been used so that they can be used again
recycle v
Paper can only be recycled six times.
an unimportant fact, idea, event, etc. that takes people’s attention away from the important ones
maniobra de distraccion
red herring n
/red ˈherɪŋ/
The letter was a red herring. It had nothing to do with the murder at all.
official rules that seem more complicated than necessary and prevent things from being done quickly
papeleo, tramites burocraticos
red tape n
/red teɪp/
We had to deal with so much red tape that we decided to cancel the tour.
a painting, etc. that you do of yourself
self-portrait n
/self ˈpɔːtrət/
As a painter, I’m quite tempted to do a self-portrait.
the art of painting or drawing arrangements of objects such as flowers, fruit, etc.; a painting, etc. like this
still life n
/stɪl laɪf/
She prefers landscapes to still life.
not seen or noticed
desapercibido inavertido
unnoticed adj
Her achievements passed almost unnoticed.
- sloping upwards
- battle, struggle, task, etc. an argument or a struggle that is difficult to win and takes a lot of effort over a long period of time
cuesta arriba
uphill adj
It’s going to be an uphill struggle to motivate the team after last week’s defeat.
a thing that is useless and no longer needed, although it may have cost a lot of money
cachivache trasto
white elephant n
/waɪt ˈelɪfənt/
That sculpture is a real white elephant. We don’t know what to do with it.
- the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth
- a mixture of gases that surrounds another planet or a star
- the air in a room or in a confined space; the air around a place
- the feeling or mood that you have in a particular place or situation; a feeling between two people or in a group of people
atmosphere n
There was a lovely atmosphere at the local market.
- very exciting or impressive (usually in a pleasant way)
2.very surprising
imprensionante, asombroso,
breathtaking adj
The views from our hotel room were breathtaking.
a style of electronic music that is not fast or lively and is intended to make you relaxed and calm
relajarse, calmarse
chill out v
/tʃɪl aʊt/
You’ve been working too much. You need to chill out now.
- a style of cooking
- the food served in a restaurant (usually an expensive one)
cuisine n
I love Italian cuisine.
- not interesting or exciting
- light/colors: not bright or shiny
- weather; not bright, with a lot of clouds
- sound: not clear or loud
- not very severe, but continuous pain
- person: slow in understanding
- trade: (especially North American English) not busy; slow
aburrido, soso, apagado, sin brillo, nublado
dull adj
The museum is pretty dull, but the café is good.
- something to make something longer or larger
- something to make something last longer
- something to make a business, an idea, an influence, etc. cover more areas or operate in more places
- adverb/preposition to relate . to or include somebody/something
- adverb/preposition to cover a particular area, distance or length of time
- adverb/preposition to make something reach something or stretch
- something to stretch part of your body, especially an arm or a leg, away from yourself
- (formal) to offer or give something to somebody
- somebody/something/yourself to make somebody/something use all their effort, abilities, supplies, etc
extender ampliar
extend v
There were so many things to visit that we decided to extend our trip.
(informal) to have a short holiday/vacation in a place where you can relax
get away from it all
/get əˈweɪ frəm ɪt ɔːl/
It’s been a crazy time at the office. I need to book a holiday and get away from it all.
to travel on holiday/vacation carrying your equipment and clothes in a backpack
go backpacking v
They went backpacking in Argentina last year.
ir de camping
go camping v
/gəʊ ˈkæmpɪŋ/
Have you decided to go camping this year?
irse de vacaciones
go on holiday v
/gəʊ ɒn ˈhɒlədeɪ/
When are you going to go on holiday? Is it next week?
(informal) to become widely available for sale
hit the shops
/hɪt ðə ʃɒps/
My new book hits the shops tomorrow. I’m so nervous.
(of things or people) making you feel admiration, because they are very large, good, skilful, etc
impresionante, impactante, sorprendente
impressive adj
The view is really impressive – you should go and have a look.
without hurrying
sin prisa, pausado
leisurely adj
We took a leisurely stroll along the beach.
- full of life and energy; active and enthusiastic
- (of a place, an event, etc.) full of interest or excitement
- (of colours) strong and definite
- busy and active
vivaz animado alegre
lively adj
It’s a really lively area at night.
far away from other people, houses, etc
off the beaten track
/ɒf ðə ˈbiːtn træk/
We found a tiny café in the backstreets of Venice, right off the beaten track.
(of a place) with too many people or things in it
overcrowded adj
The hotel pool is always overcrowded.
too high an opinion of somebody/something; to put too high a value on somebody/something
sobrevaorado, sobreestimado
overrated adj
I think that restaurant is overrated. It’s not as good as people say.
- (of a place, building, scene, etc.) pretty, especially in a way that looks old-fashioned
- (of language) producing strong mental images by using unusual words
picturesque adj
We went to a very picturesque little fishing village yesterday.
to arrange for an event, etc. to take place at a later time or date
posponer retrasar
postpone v
My mum wasn’t feeling well so we decided to postpone the trip.
to get back your strength and energy by resting for a while
recharge your batteries
/riːˈtʃɑːdʒ jɔː ˈbætriz/
A week’s holiday is all I need to recharge my batteries.
- far away from places where other people live
- far away in time
- of people) not closely related
- (computer system) that you can connect to from far away, using an electronic link
- (from something) very different from something
- (of people or their behaviour) not very friendly or interested in other people
- not very great
remoto, lejano
The temple was really remote. We had to walk for four hours to get there.
1. something (for/to something)/ something to do something to change the time at which something has been arranged to happen, especially so that it takes place later T 2 something (finance) to arrange for somebody to pay back money that they have borrowed at a later date than was originally agreed reprogramar, cambiar
reschedule v
We’ll have to reschedule the meeting.
probar la cocina local
sample the local cuisine
/ˈsɑːmpl ðə ˈləʊklkwɪˈziːn/
When I’m visiting a foreign country, I love to sample the local cuisine.
the part of a town facing the sea/ocean
paseo maritimo
seafront n
We went for a walk along the seafront after dinner.
to begin a journey
set off
/set ɒf ɒn ə ˈdʒɜːni/
I can’t see you tomorrow. I’m setting off on a journey.
- take in
- devote oneself fully to
soak up v
/səʊk ʌp/
It was such a beautiful scene that we sat down to soak up the atmosphere.
very impressive
spectacular adj
We saw some spectacular scenery on the road trip.
(of a child) rude and badly behaved because they are given everything they ask for and not enough discipline
spoilt adj
The seafront has been spoilt by all the new hotels.
a slow relaxed walk
stroll n
I’ve been working at home all day. I’m going for a stroll to get a breath of fresh air.
1.(informal) cheap, badly made and/or lacking in taste
2. (of paint, glue, etc.) not dry and therefore slightly sticky
chabacano, hortera
tacky adj
The souvenirs were all plastic Eiffel Towers and key rings – really tacky stuff.
making you feel the need to sleep or rest
agotador, xtenuante
tiring adj
What do you do to relax after a tiring day?
(informal, disapproving)
attracting or designed to attract a lot of tourists
touristy adj
The shops are quite touristy, but we bought some nice things.
- (of a place) beautiful because it has not been changed or built on
- (of a person) not made unpleasant, bad-tempered, etc. by being praised too much
unspoilt adj
It’s a lovely city, almost completely unspoilt by tourism.
- (something) (from something) to undo something that has been wrapped into a ball or around something
- to stop worrying or thinking about problems and start to relax
desenrollar relajarse
unwind v
You need to unwind a bit. Why don’t you go for a walk?
to stroll or amble around without any purpose evident; to roam around.
wander round v
/ˈwɒndə raʊnd/
We wandered round the old town for hours.
- to come near to somebody/something in distance or time
- to speak to somebody about something, especially to ask them for something or to offer to do something
- something to come close to something in amount, level or quality
- something to start dealing with a problem, task, etc. in a particular way
approach v
As we were approaching Gatwick, it started to snow.
(humorous) not able to see well
as blind as a bat
/əz blaɪnd əz ə bæt/
Your mother is as blind as a bat. She should have her eyes tested.
(informal) very deaf
as deaf as a post
/əz def əz ə pəʊst/
My grandad is as deaf as a post, so you have to speak up a little.
(informal) behaving in a way that other people approve of
as good as gold
/əz gʊd əz gəʊld/
She’s been as good as gold. She took all her medicine without complaining.
very quickly
as quick as a flash
/əz kwɪk əz ə flæʃ/
When I pressed the button, the nurse came as quick as a flash.
determined not to change your opinion or attitude
as stubborn as a mule
/əz ˈstʌbən əz ə mjuːl/
My husband is as stubborn as a mule. He refuses to go to the doctor about his back
very thin
as thin as a rake
/əz θɪn əz ə reɪk/
He’s lost a lot of weight since his illness. He’s as thin as a rake.
very pale
as white as a sheet
/əz waɪt əz ə ʃiːt/
She’s as white as a sheet. I think she’s going to faint.
a strip of cloth used for tying around a part of the body that has been hurt in order to protect or support it
vendaje, aposito
bandage n
If you twist your ankle, you should probably put a bandage round it.
- a swelling on the surface of the skin that is filled with liquid and is caused, for example, by rubbing or burning
- a similar swelling, filled with air or liquid, on metal, painted wood or another surface
blister n
These shoes have given me blisters.
- a blue, brown or purple mark that appears on the skin after somebody has fallen, been hit, etc
- a mark on a fruit or vegetable where it is damaged
cardenal, moraton
bruise n
I fell down and got a bruise on my arm.
- (of a surface) not even;
- (of a journey) uncomfortable with a lot of sudden unpleasant movements caused by the road surface, weather conditions, etc
disparejo, lleno de bultos
bumpy adj
It was a good landing, if a bit bumpy.
- to move in a circle, especially in the air
2. circle something to draw a circle around something
circle v
The plane circled the airport.
- [uncountable] a lack of heat or warmth; a low temperature, especially in the atmosphere
- (contable) a common illness that affects the nose and/or throat, making you cough, sneeze, etc
cold n
I’ve got a headache and a sore throat. I think I’ve caught a cold.
a situation which makes problems, often one in which you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equal importance
dilemma n
The pilot had a bit of a dilemma – should he try to land in the high wind or not?
to have dinner at the expense of someone else mainly for the sake of one’s knowledge or conversation about (a subject or story)
dine off v
/daɪn ɒf/
I’ve dined off that story for years – people always love to hear about it.
cno te hara daño
do one any harm
/duː wʌn ˈeni hɑːm/
Sleeping a bit less than eight hours a night won’t do you any harm.
hacer la cantidad recomendada
do the recommended amount
/duː ðə rekəˈmendɪd əˈmaʊnt/
Do the recommended amount of activity. It will help you stay healthy.
brings you some benefit
do you good
/duː juː gʊd/
Why don’t you take up swimming? It will do you good.
- seeming or likely to be dishonest
- not working well; not in good condition
- involving risk, danger or difficulty
arriesgado, chungo, sospechoso, corrupto
dodgy adj
Her job involves some risk. She sometimes has to travel to dodgy places.
you dont have to believe me
don’t take my word for it
/dəʊnt teɪk maɪ wɜːd fɔːr ɪt/
Miracle diets don’t exist. Don’t take my word for it – just do some research.
to drink a lot of alcohol regularly
drink like a fish
/drɪŋk laɪk ə fɪʃ/
He drinks like a fish. He really ought to cut down.
informal. to eat a lot
eat like a horse
/iːt laɪk ə hɔːs/
Some people can eat like a horse and not put on weight.
to be shown to be not true or not good enough
fall down v
/fɔːl daʊn/
I think his argument falls down on the specifics.
an illness of the stomach caused by eating food that contains harmful bacteria
food poisoning n
/fuːd ˈpɔɪzənɪŋ/
We all got food poisoning after eating in that restaurant.
ganar altura
gain height v
/geɪn haɪt/
The plane started gaining height.
an extremely strong wind
gale-force winds n pl
/geɪl fɔːs wɪndz/
There is a bad storm in Glasgow with gale-force winds.
(informal, disapproving) to talk in a boring or complaining way about something
go on about v
/gəʊ ɒn əˈbaʊt/
t was fun at first, but when he started going on about it I stopped listening.
to watch something without becoming involved in it yourself
mirar observar
look on v
/lʊk ɒn/
A couple looked on as we were attacked.
to have an effect/no effect on somebody/something
make a difference
/meɪk ə ˈdɪfrəns/
make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in somebody/something)
Does it really make a difference?
tomar decisiones
make decisions
/meɪk dɪˈsɪʒnz/
You’re constantly making decisions based on what you want versus what you know is right.
extremely small
minuscule adj
The chances of winning the lottery are minuscule.
a small accident or piece of bad luck that does not have serious results
contratiempo, percance, accidente
mishap n
I had a series of mishaps on my last trip.
nada que ver con
nothing to do with
/ˈnʌθɪŋ tə duː wɪð/
My decision not to have an operation had nothing to do with fear.
to go through a town, etc., stopping there for a short time but not staying
pass through v
/pɑːs θruː/
We didn’t stay in the village, we just passed through.
la gente subestima el riesgo
people underestimate the risk
/ˈpiːpl ʌndərˈestɪmeɪt ðə rɪsk/
People underestimate the risk of sunbathing.
ca danger or difficulty, especially one that is hidden or not obvious at first
obstaculo, dificultad, inconveniento
pitfall n
She tried to avoid the potential pitfalls of buying a house.
- [uncountable] a substance made of lime, water and sand, that is put on walls and ceilings to give them a smooth hard surface
- [uncountable] a white powder that is mixed with water and becomes very hard when it dries, used especially for making copies of statues or holding broken bones in place
- a piece of material that can be stuck to the skin to protect a small wound or cut; this material
yeso, gasa, aposito
plaster n
I cut my finger while cooking dinner, so I put a plaster on it.
used to say that somebody should think of a failure as being something that they can learn from
put these incidents down to experience
(also chalk something up to exˈperience)
/pʊt ðiːz ˈɪnsɪdənts daʊn tu ɪkˈspɪəriəns/
I’ve always put these incidents down to experience.
- [countable, usually singular] an area of red spots on a person’s skin, caused by an illness or a reaction to something
- (of something) a lot of something; a series of unpleasant things that happen over a short period of time
rash n
If I eat peanuts, I come out in a rash.
[usually passive] (informal) to cheat somebody, by making them pay too much, by selling them something of poor quality, etc
rip off v
/rɪp ɒf/
I had the feeling I had been ripped off by my insurance company.
chocar con, tropezarse, encontrarse con
run into v
/rʌn ˈɪntə/
I’m generally delighted to run into other Britons when I’m travelling.
lanzarse a
shoot back up v
/ʃuːt bæk ʌp/
The plane suddenly shot back up in the air.
- an extra and usually bad effect that a drug has on you, as well as curing illness or pain
- an unexpected result of a situation or course of action that happens as well as the result you were aiming for
efectos secundarios
side-effects n pl
/ˈsaɪd ɪˈfekts/
All drugs have side-effects. Some of them can be quite bad.
(informal) to sleep very well
sleep like a log
/sliːp laɪk ə lɒg/
She sleeps like a log. I don’t think she’ll ever have problems with insomnia.
alejados de
stand off from
/stænd ɒf frəm/
Travellers are busy standing off from humanity while tourists are having a great time together.
- [countable] one of the small lines of thread that you can see on a piece of cloth after it has been sewn; the action that produces this
- [countable] one of the small circles of wool that you make around the needle when you are knitting
- [countable, uncountable] (especially in compounds) a particular style of sewing or knitting that you use to make the pattern you want
- [countable] a short piece of thread, etc. that doctors use to sew the edges of a wound together
- [countable, usually singular] a sudden pain in the side of your body, usually caused by running or laughing
stitches n pl
That’s a deep cut. It may need stitches.
- an act of hitting a ball, for example with a bat or racket
- a single movement of the arm when hitting somebody/something
- any of a series of repeated movements in swimming or rowing
- (often in compounds) a style of swimming
- the person who sets the speed at which everyone in a boat rows
- an act of moving your hand gently over a surface, usually several times
- a mark made by moving a pen, brush, etc. once across a surface
- (of something) a single successful action or event
- each of the sounds made by a clock or bell giving the hours
- a sudden serious illness when a blood vessel (= tube) in the brain bursts or is blocked, which can cause death or the loss of the ability to move or to speak clearly
derrame cerebral, apoplejia, golpe
stroke n
The stroke left him paralysed.
a doctor who is trained to perform surgery (= medical operations that involve cutting open a person’s body)
surgeon n
Do you know which surgeon will be operating on you?
las ventajas superan a las desventajes
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
/ði ədˈvɑːntɪdʒɪz aʊtˈweɪ ðə ˈdɪsədvɑːntɪdʒɪz/
I know you don’t want to take these pills for the rest of your life, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
an infectious disease like a very bad cold, that causes fever, pains and weakness
la gripe
the flu
/ðə fluː/
She’s off sick today. I think she’s got the flu.
- a situation in which there is a lot of sudden change, confusion, disagreement and sometimes violence
- a series of sudden and violent changes in the direction that air or water is moving in
turbulence n
We had the worst turbulence I have ever experienced.
to become something
turn into v
/tɜːn ˈɪntə/
Our dream holiday turned into a nightmare.
- to be found, especially by chance, after being lost
- to arrive (of a person)
- (of an opportunity) to happen, especially by chance
turn up v
/tɜːn ʌp/
Tourists turned up in large groups.
on the move
we’re off
/wɪər ɒf/
We’re off to Holland now.
- to work very well My new car goes like a dream.
2. to happen without problems, in the way that you had planned
works like a dream (/go)
/wɜːks laɪk ə driːm/
My new medication works like a dream. I feel so much better.
molestarse, molestaria
would bother
/wʊd ˈbɒðə/
Very few of us would bother to get insurance for a trip to London.
a drug that makes a person or an animal unable to feel anything, especially pain, either in the whole body or in a part of the body
anaesthetic n
The dentist gave me a local anaesthetic before she pulled out my tooth, so at least I didn’t feel any pain.
feeling that it is not worth making an effort
demotivated adj
I get very demotivated when I feel I’m not making progress.
- an amount of a medicine or a drug that is taken once, or regularly over a period of time
- (informal) an amount of something
dose n
Repeat the dose after eight hours.
- [uncountable] the act or process of causing or getting a disease
- [countable] an illness that is caused by bacteria or a virus and that affects one part of the body
Ear infections tend to be painful.
salud mental
mental health n
/ˈmentl helθ/
It affected his mental health.
a platform in a harbour where boats come in to load, etc
quay n
We sat on the quay, watching the fishermen mend their nets.
- [countable] the act of showing a film/movie or television programme
- [uncountable, countable] the testing or examining of a large number of people or things for disease, faults, etc
revision, proyeccion
A screening is a medical test when there are no symptoms.
an organization for helping animals in need
animal charity n
/ˈænɪml ˈtʃærəti/
He works for an animal charity.
activista por los derechos de los animales
animal rights activist n
/ˈænɪml raɪts ˈæktɪvɪst/
She is an animal rights activist.
- the sound of a dog
- to give orders, ask questions, etc. in a loud, unfriendly way
- something (British English) to rub the skin off your knee, etc. by falling or by knocking against something
bark v
The dog is barking. There might be someone at the door.
- the hard pointed or curved outer part of a bird’s mouth
- (humorous) a person’s nose, especially when it is large and/or pointed
3 (old-fashioned, British English, slang) a person in a position of authority, especially a judge
beak n
Male blackbirds have yellow beaks.
1 a European bird: the male is black with a yellow beak and the female is brown with a brown beak
2 a black N American bird, larger than the European blackbird, related to the starling
blackbird n
A blackbird has nested in my garden.
to keep animals or plants in order to produce young ones in a controlled way
bred in captivity
/bred ɪn kæpˈtɪvəti/
The bear was bred in captivity.
1 [countable] the back part of the leg between the ankle and the knee
2. [countable] a young cow
3 [countable] a young animal of some other type such as a young elephant or whale
calf n
The cow had a calf last night.
1 a baby bird, especially a baby chicken
2 (old-fashioned, ) a way of referring to a young woman
There were a few chicks in the yard.
- one of the sharp curved nails on the end of an animal’s or a bird’s foot
- a long, sharp curved part of the body of some types of shellfish, used for catching and holding things
- part of a tool or machine, like a claw, used for holding, pulling or lifting things
Be careful with the cat’s claws. They’re sharp.
specie of (used about groups of animals, plants, etc.) at risk of no longer existing
endangered species n
/ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd ˈspiːʃiːz/
The sea turtle is an endangered species.
- [countable, uncountable] the conditions that affect the behaviour and development of somebody/something; the physical conditions that somebody/something exists in
- the natural world in which people, animals and plants live
- (computing) the complete structure within which a user, computer or program operates
environment n
It is important to respect natural animal environments.
- a thin flat part that sticks out from the body of a fish, used for swimming and keeping balance
- a thin flat part that sticks out from the body of a vehicle, an aircraft, etc., used for improving its balance and movement
aleta, aleron, estabilizador
Fish use their fins for swimming.
a very young horse or donkey
I love foals. They are so beautiful.
- [uncountable] the soft thick mass of hair that grows on the body of some animals T
- [uncountable] the skin of an animal with the (..) still on it, used especially for making clothes
- [uncountable] an artificial material that looks and feels like(..)
- [countable] a piece of clothing, especially a coat or jacket, made of real or artificial (..)
- (British English)
= scale - [uncountable] a greyish-white layer that forms on a person’s tongue, especially when they are ill/sick
Some animals are hunted for their fur.
a small orange or red fish. Goldfish are kept as pets in bowls or ponds.
I have to buy a new tank for the goldfish.
- [intransitive] (of animals, especially pigs) to make a short, low sound in the throat
- [intransitive, transitive] (of people) to make a short, low sound in your throat, especially to show that you are in pain, annoyed or not interested; to say something using this sound
The pigs grunted and everybody laughed.
1 [countable] a structure made for bees to live in studying the life of bees in the hive
2 [countable] the bees living in a
3 [countable, usually singular] a place full of people who are busy
4 hives [uncountable]
= urticaria
There was a hive full of bees in the park near the school.
the hard part of the foot of some animals, for example horses
hoof / hooves n/ npl
/huːf, huːvz/
They have to shoe the horse’s hooves.
- [countable] a hard pointed part that grows, usually in pairs, on the heads of some animals, such as sheep and cows.
- [uncountable] the hard substance of which animal (..) are made
- [countable] a simple musical instrument that consists of a curved metal tube that you blow into a hunting (..)
- [countable] a device in a vehicle for making a loud sound as a warning or signal
Rams have curved horns.
cazado por deporte
hunted for sport
/ˈhʌntɪd fə spɔːt/
Some animals are hunted for sport.
condiciones inhumanas
inhumane conditions n
/ɪnhjuːˈmeɪn kənˈdɪʃnz/
Chickens were transported in inhumane conditions.