advoc arts review Flashcards
(n) a very good or exact copy of something
- a replica of the Eiffel Tower
- The weapon used in the raid was a replica.
(adj)connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities.
involving a lot of reading and studying rather than practical or technical skills.
good at subjects involving a lot of reading and studying.
not connected to a real or practical situation and therefore not important
(n) a large cinema/movie theater with several separate rooms with screens. multicines
(adj)historico conectado con el pasado, conectado con el estudio de la historia
- Women are not allowed to enter the monastery for historical reasons.
- historical documents/records/research
(n) a performance by musicians playing popular music or jazz in front of an audience; a similar performance by a comedian. a job, especially a temporary one
- a gig as a basketball coach
- to do a gig
(adj)including many famous performers
(n) genio
(adj) not following one style or set of ideas but choosing from or using a wide variety
-She has very eclectic tastes in literature.
(v) the title of a newspaper article printed in large letters, especially at the top of the front page.
a short summary of the most important items of news, read at the beginning of a news programme on the radio or television.
titular, encabezar, encabezar el reparto
- Do you mind if I listen to the headlines before we leave?
- The scandal was in the headlines for several days.
(adj)demanding something firmly and refusing to accept any opposition or excuses.
continuing for a long period of time in a way that cannot be ignored
insistente, apremiente, pesado
(adj)not very noticeable or obvious.behaving in a clever way, and using indirect methods, in order to achieve something. organized in a clever way.good at noticing and understanding things
sutil, imperceptible, agudo, ingenioso
- a subtle use of lighting in the play
- The job required a subtle mind.
- I decided to try a more subtle approach.
(adj)with little colour, excitement or interest; without anything to attract attention.
not having a strong or interesting taste
showing no strong emotions or excitement; not saying anything very interesting
soso, insipido, insulso, poco estimulante, tedioso,dieta blanda, afable, temblado.
- a bland smile
- After the meeting, a bland statement was issued.
- a rather bland diet of soup, fish and bread
- bland background music
(n)lineas (en un guión)
(n) a deep feeling of sadness that lasts for a long time and often cannot be explained. melancolia
- A mood of melancholy descended on us.
- There is a brooding melancholy in his black and white photography.
(adj) connected with one of the large areas that some countries are divided into, with its own local government.
connected with the parts of a country that do not include the capital city.
unwilling to consider new or different ideas or things
provincial, pueblerino, palurdo
- provincial assemblies/elections
- connected with the parts of a country that do not include the capital city
- unwilling to consider new or different ideas or things
(v) to organize and/or do a particular activity.
to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music.
to lead or guide somebody through or around a place
to behave in a particular way.
to allow heat or electricity to pass along or through it
- Copper conducts electricity well. (+sth)
- He conducted himself far better than expected.(yourself + adverb/preposition)
- The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city. (somebody/something + adverb/preposition)
- The negotiations have been conducted in a positive manner.
(adj) (of a person or their manner) rude and unkind; acting in a way that may hurt other people’s feelings.
x substance is rough and can be used to clean a surface or to make it smooth
aspero, desagradable, abrasivo
- abrasive kitchen cleaners
- an abrasive style/tone/comment
- Throughout his career he was known for his abrasive manner.
(nph) teatro provincial
provincial theatre
(adj)if a style, colour, etc. is X, it is pleasing and elegant in a way that is not too obvious
sutil, subestimado
(adj)very detailed and thorough, intimo, privado, profundo
- an intimate knowledge of the English countryside
- We’re not on intimate terms with our neighbours.
(adj)old-fashioned; belonging to a time in the past
anticuado, pasado de norma, datado
- Those TV comedies were OK in their day but seem incredibly dated now.
- These ideas seem a bit dated now.
(adj) (of people, animals or behaviour) noisy and full of life and energy
bullicioso, ruidoso, scandaloso, tempestuoso, embravecido.
- It was a challenge, keeping ten boisterous seven-year-olds amused.
- The children and the dogs raced out of the house to give me a boisterous welcome
(nph) evento de musica en vivo
live music event
(vph) reservar un lugar para un evento
book a venue
(n) a place where people meet for an organized event, for example a concert, sporting event or conference
- The band will be playing at 20 different venues on their UK tour.
- Please note the change of venue for this event.
(adj)in a state of complete confusion and lack of order
-The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour.
(n)an examination of something, with the intention of changing it if necessary.
a report in a newspaper or magazine, or on the Internet, television or radio, in which somebody gives their opinion of a book, play, film/movie, etc.; the act of writing this kind of report.
a ceremony that involves an official inspection of soldiers, etc. by an important visitor.
a lesson in which you look again at something you have studied, especially in order to prepare for an exam.
a report on a subject or on a series of events.
analizar, revisar, hacer crítica, análisis
- a review of customer complaints
- to publish a review of recent cancer research
- a book review
- the government’s review of its education policy
- The case is subject to judicial review.
(adj)very exciting and enjoyable
estimulante, excitante, tonificante, vivificante
-My first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience.
(n) intimidad, relaciones intimas
The old intimacy between them had gone for ever.
(adj)extremely happy or excited
-My euphoric mood could not last.
(n)exhibicion. an amount of money that is given as a prize to a student. the act of showing a skill, a feeling, or a kind of behaviour
(nph) galeria de arte publica
public art gallery
(adj) used, happening or located outside rather than in a building
exterior, al aire libre
-outdoor clothing/activities
(vph) producir una pelicula
produce a film
(adj)ordinary; not special in any way
-His academic record was unimpressive.
(n) a state of complete confusion and lack of order. caos
- economic/political/domestic chaos
- Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads
(adj) (sometimes disapproving) showing strong emotions, sometimes in a way that other people think is unnecessary
-an emotional outburst/response/reaction
(n) the amusing or strange aspect of a situation that is very different from what you expect; a situation like this.
the use of words that say the opposite of what you really mean, often as a joke and with a tone of voice that shows this
- The irony is that when he finally got the job, he discovered he didn’t like it.
- ‘England is famous for its food,’ she said with heavy irony.
(adj) thick and sticky like syrup; containing syrup.
(disapproving) extremely emotional and romantic and therefore unpleasant; too sentimental
meloso, almibarado, empalagoso, como sirope
- Heat the liquid until it is thick and syrupy.
- a syrupy romantic novel
(nph) herramienta quirurgia
surgical instrument
(vph) to learn something by memorizing without giving any thought to what is being learned.
learn by rote
I learned history by rote; then I couldn’t pass the test that required me to think.
- If you learn things by rote, you’ll never understand them
(v) to combine together to form a whole
to write a letter, etc. usually with a lot of care and thought
componer musica
to manage to control your feelings or expression
- Emma frowned, making an effort to compose herself.
- Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.
- Ten men compose the committee.
(nph) compañia de ballet
ballet company
(adj)respected and admired as very important or of very high quality
prestigioso, ilustre, respetado
- a prestigious award
- a prestigious university
- the city’s most prestigious and exclusive hotel
(adj) does not have enough space for the people in it.
(of people) not having room to move freely
(of somebody’s writing) with small letters close together and therefore difficult to read
estrecho, apretado, ilegible, contraido
-working in cramped conditions
(nph) rendimiento academico
academic perfomance
(adj) very strange or unusual
estrafalario, estrambotico, raro, extraña
(vph) dirigir una orquestra
conduct an orchestra
(adj)very famous and talked about a lot by people, especially in a way that shows admiration.
mentioned in stories from ancient times
legendario, famoso, bien sabido
- a legendary figure
- legendary heroes
(adj)histórico, trascendente, revelante, importante en la historia
- The area is of special historic interest.
- in historic times
(n) an object that is made by a person, especially something of historical or cultural interest
All students will benefit from the study of primary sources and genuine artefacts from the past.
(n) describing events or telling a story narrative fiction
- a narrative poem
(adj)special, good or unusual and therefore worth remembering or easy to remember
facil de recordar, memorable, sobresaliente, recordable
- a truly memorable occasion
- The city is memorable for its fantastic beaches.
- Her novels are full of memorable characters.
(vph)llevar al escenario
take to the stage
(adj)feeling or expressing sadness, especially when the sadness is like an illness
melancolico, triste, depresivo
(v)to show something in a public place for people to enjoy or to give them information.
to show clearly that you have or feel a particular feeling, quality or ability.
exponer, mostrar, demostrar, presentar, poner de manifiesto.
- The patient exhibited signs of fatigue and memory loss.
- They will be exhibiting their new designs at the trade fairs.
(n) punto, puntada (dolor en el estomago)
(adj)sounding loud and rough
estridente, ruidoso, estrepitoso,escandaloso, ronco,
- raucous laughter
- a raucous voice
- a group of raucous young men
(nph) herramienta/instrumento cientifico
scientific instrument
(n) something very successful, especially a very successful book or film/movie
-a Hollywood blockbuster
(adj)connected with the main tune in a piece of music. melodious. melódico.melodioso
(vph) grabar una pelicula
shoot a film
(adj)débil, pusilánime
(vph) ser la palabra correcta
be the right word
(v) to recognize the good qualities of somebody/something.
to be grateful for something that somebody has done; to welcome something.
to understand that something is true.
to increase in value over a period of time
agradecer, revalorizarse, apreciar.
- What I failed to appreciate was the distance between the two cities.
- I would appreciate it if you paid in cash.
- Their investments have appreciated over the years.
(v)to be present at an event. to go regularly to a place. to pay attention to what somebody is saying or to what you are doing. to happen at the same time as something. to be with somebody and help them ir, asistir,atender, ocuparse, ayudar
- The President was attended by several members of his staff.
- She dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity.
- She hadn’t been attending during the lesson.
- How many people attend church every Sunday?
- We’d like as many people as possible to attend.
(n) personaje en un libro o pelicula. a person, particularly an unpleasant or strange one. reputacion que tienes. the way that something is, or a particular quality or feature that a thing, an event or a place has. all the qualities and features that make a person, groups of people, and places different from others
- There were some really strange characters hanging around the bar
- She was a victim of character assassination (= an unfair attack on the good opinion people had of her).
- the delicate character of the light in the evening
- to have a strong/weak character
- character traits/defects
(n) a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especially of the head and shoulders.
a detailed description of somebody/something
- He had his portrait painted in uniform.
- a portrait of life at the French court
(v) to carefully examine or consider something again, especially so that you can decide if it is necessary to make changes
to think about past events, for example to try to understand why they happened
to look again at something you have studied, especially in order to prepare for an exam
reseñar, criticar. reconsiderar, repasar
(nph) un seguidor devoto
a devoted following
(n) audienca, reunión con una persona importante
- His book reached an even wider audience when it was made into a movie.
- an audience with the Pope
- The audience was/were clapping for 10 minutes.
(n) objects such as rings and necklaces that people wear as decoration
(n) euforia
-Euphoria soon gave way to despair.
(nph) sala de conciertos, auditorio
concert hall
(n) a person who makes sculptures
(n) a feeling of being very happy and excited. jubilo regocijo, alegria.
the exhilaration of performing on stage
(nph) estadio al descubierto
open-air stadium
(nph) con una pizca de ironia
a hint of irony
(n) persona famosa o el hecho de ser famoso
(n) comedia
(adj) involving science; connected with science.
(of a way of doing something or thinking) careful and logical
- a scientific discovery
- scientific knowledge
- sites of scientific interest
- He took a very scientific approach to management.
- We need to be more scientific about this problem.
(nph) club de la comedia
comedy club
(v) to do something, such as a piece of work, task or duty.
to entertain an audience by playing a piece of music, acting in a play, etc
to work or function well or badly
representar, actuar, desempeñar, llevar a cabo.
- She performed less well in the second test.
- I’m looking forward to seeing you perform.
- to perform an experiment/a miracle/a ceremony
(n) papel en una película
(vph) aparecer en el escenario
appear on stage
(adj)nervous, especially about what might happen
(of a film/movie, book, piece of music, etc.) having a sharp exciting quality
nervioso, tenso, inquieto, provocador
- She’s been very edgy lately.
- I’m feeling a bit edgy about the exam tomorrow.
- After the recent unrest there is an edgy calm in the capital.
- a clever, edgy film
(n)instalacion, lugar donde una maquinaria especial es guardada, el hecho de poner alguien a cargo, pieza de escultura moderna
(n)toda la gente que actúa o participa en una pelicula. molde. escayola cuando se te rompe un hueso. an act of throwing something, especially a fishing line
the way that a person or thing is or appears
- He has an unusual cast of mind.
- I disliked the arrogant cast to her mouth.
(vph) llenar un evento
fill a venue
(n) all the recorded music previously produced by a musician
-The entire Beatles’ back catalogue has been put online.
(n) a person who writes novels
-a romantic/historical novelist
(n) the part of a piece of music that is sung, rather than played on a musical instrument
- backing vocals
- In this recording Armstrong himself is on vocals
(nph) cine multisalas
multiplex cinema
(n) a tune, especially the main tune in a piece of music written for several instruments or voices.
a piece of music or a song with a clear or simple tune.
the arrangement of musical notes in a tune
- a few bars of melody drifted towards us
- old Irish melodies
- a haunting melody
- The melody is then taken up by the flutes.
(adj) difficult in an interesting way that tests your ability
done in a way that invites people to disagree or argue with you, or shows that you disagree with them
desafiante, exigente, ratador
- challenging work/questions/problems
- a challenging and rewarding career as a teacher
- She gave him a challenging look. ‘Are you really sure?’ she demanded.
(adj) widely accepted and used for a long time; traditional in style or idea
connected with or influenced by the culture of ancient Greece and Rome classical studies
ancient in its form and no longer used in a spoken form.
simple and attractive
- the classical economics of Smith and Ricardo
- classical studies
- These are classical examples of food allergy.
- classical Arabic
- the classical elegance of the design
(adj)saying or doing the same thing many times, so that it becomes boring.
repeated many times
repetitivo, reiterativo, monótono
- a repetitive task
- a repetitive pattern of behaviour
(adj)accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best or most important of its kind.
with all the features you would expect to find; very typical.
elegant, but simple and traditional in style or design; not affected by changes in fashion.
people say “when they find “x”d something very amusing, when they think somebody has been very stupid or when something annoying, but not surprising, happens
clasico, tipico
- a classic novel/study/goal
- a classic example of poor communication
- a classic grey suit
- She’s not going to help? Oh, that’s classic!
(n)the first public performance of a film/movie or play
(vph) to make someone laugh a lot
have sb in stiches
(vph) subir al escenario, ir al escenario
go on stage
(n)a large group of people who play various musical instruments together, led by a conductor.
the seats that are nearest to the stage in a theatre
- the Scottish Symphony Orchestra
- The competition gave the young composer her first opportunity to write for a full orchestra.
(n) the normal order and way in which you regularly do things.
a situation in which life is boring because things are always done in the same way.
a series of movements, jokes, etc. that are part of a performance.
a list of instructions that enable a computer to perform a particular task
rutina y usual.
- She needed a break from routine.
- Make exercise a part of your daily routine.
- a dance routine
(n) a person who plays an instrument or performs alone
(n) a person who performs stand-up comedy
(n) la cantidad de cosas o personas que un objeto o edificio puede tener, la habilidad de entender algo, capacidad de producción de una fabrica. el puesto oficial o funcion que tiene una persona
- acting in her capacity as manager
- intellectual capacity
(nph) instrumento medico
medical instrument
(nph) gran fan de
great fan of
(vph) encabezar un evento
headline a venue
(vph) estadio descubitoer
appreciate art
(adj) full of exciting and extreme emotions or events; behaving or reacting to something in an exaggerated way
-a melodramatic plot full of deceit and murder
(vph) dirigir una orquestra
lead an orchestra
(v) to travel around a place, for example on holiday/vacation, or to perform, to advertise something, etc
visitar, pasear, haver un tour
- He toured America with his one-man show. (tour something)
- We spent four weeks touring around Europe. (tour around something)
(nph) capacidad de audiencia
capacity audience
(adj)having great love for somebody/something and being loyal to them
leal, fiel, devoto
They are devoted to their children.
(vph) componer musica
write music
(n) audición
She had an audition for drama school.
(adj)to broadcast something on television
-a televised debate
(n) ganar a alguien, conseguir el control de algo, evitar algo, pegar. to mix something with short quick movements with a fork, etc. to make a path, etc. by walking somewhere or by pressing branches down and walking over them. to do or be better than something
- If we go early we should beat the traffic.
- Beat the eggs up to a frothy consistency.
- a well-beaten track (= one that has been worn hard by much use)
- The hunters beat a path through the undergrowth
- He beat me at chess.
- The government’s main aim is to beat inflation.
- Nothing beats home cooking.
(n) escultura
(n) festival
a day or period of the year when people stop working to celebrate a special event, often a religious one
(adj)belonging to the same time.
belonging to the present
- He was contemporary with the dramatist Congreve.
- life in contemporary Britain