Id.dioms Flashcards
a drop in the ocean
a very small amount that will not have much effect
a home from home
a place where you feel as relaxed as you do in your own home
a leopard cant change its spots
used for saying that someone will never change their behaviour or character
a sight for sore eyes
someone or something that you are very pleased to see
a stitch in time (saves nine)
used for saying that it is better to solve a problem now, rather than leave it until later when it may be more difficult to deal with
a stone’s throw (away/from)
very close (to)
Achilles’ heel
a weak feature of someone or something that could cause failure to be attacked
add fuel to the fire
make a bad situation worse
all in good time
used for telling someone to wait for something and not try to make you hurry
all mod cons
all modern conveniences, the machines and pieces of equipment in your house that make life easy and comfortable
an act of God
an event such as a flood, lighting or an earthquake that is produced by natural forces, and that people have no control over
as the crow flies
in a straight line (used for measuring distance)
at a loose end
with nothing in particular to do
at the drop of a hat
immediately or in a way that shows that you have no doubts about doing something
be born with a silver spoon in your mouth
have advantages because you come from a rich family
be on the same wavelength
understand the way another person thinks because you often have the same ideas
before your time
used for saying that something happened or existed before you were born or before you lived or worked somewhere
below/under par
below the usual or expected standard
big mouth
used as a criticism of someone when they say things they should not
blot on the landscape
something that makes a place look less attractive, for example an ugly building
break even
if a person or business breaks evens, they neither make a profit nor lose money
breaks the mould
change a situation by doing something that is very different from what most people usually do or have done in the past
bury your head in the sand
ignore a problem or an unpleasant situation and hope that it will disappear
change your tune
change your opinion or attitude
clean as a whistle
completely honest or legal
clean as a whistle
extremely clean
come clean (about sth)
tell the truth about something that you have kept secret
come rain or shine
used for saying that something always happens or someone always does something despide bad weather or difficult conditions
commuter belt
area surrounding a large city where many people who work in that city live
concrete jungle
unpleasant part of a city where many people who work in that city lives
couch potato
someone who spends a lot of time sitting at home watching television
cry over spilt milk
waste time feeling upset about something bad that has happened and cannot be changed
do sth on a whim
do because of a sudden feeling that you must have or do sth
down on your luck
having a long period of difficulty finding work and earning money
drawn the line (at)
say that you will definitely not allow or accept something
draw the short straw
be chosen to do something
fall short
not reach a particular level or to fail to achieve something you were trying to do
equal, or into two parts
fly of the handle
suddenly become extremely angry
follow your nose
do what you feel is right in a particular situation, although you are not certain
follow your nose
go straight forward, without turning
for good
permanently, withouth the possibility of change in the future
for the time being
for now
from time to time
sometimes, but not often
gain/get/have/take the upper hand
gain/get/have/Take control or advantage over a person or situation
get on like a house on fire
become good friends very quickly and have a lot to talk to each other about
get sth off your chest
talk to someone about sth that has been worrying you, so that you feel better about it
get the wrong end of the stick
understand sth completely wrongly
get/catch sb’s drift
understand the basic meaning
get/have your way
be allowed to have or do what you want
give sb a taste/dose of their own medicine
treat someone in the same bad way they treat other people
give sb your word
promise to do sth
give sth a miss
decide not to do sth that you usually do
go halves
share the cost of sth with someone so that you each pay 50%
go to your head
if success goes to your head, it makes you think that you are better or more important than you really are
grin and bear it
accept a difficult situation without complaining or showing how you feel
have a change of heart
change your opinion about sth or decide not to do sth you were planning to do
have your wits about you
be able to think quickly and make sensible decisions
(hear sth) on/through the grapevine
the way in which information spreads quickly from one person to another through conversation
home sweet home
used for saying that someone is annoyed/pleased with you
in the dark (about)
not knowing very much about something, because other people are keeping it secret from you
in the middle of nowhere
a long way any town or city
in the nick of time
just in time to prevent sth bad happening
in the sticks
in an area far from the town or city
its a broad as its long
used for saying that you cannot choose between two things or actions because they are equal
keep a straight face
remain serious and not laugh
keep sb posted
regularly give someone information about sth they are interested in, for example, how a situation is changing or developing
keep sth under your hat
keep sth secret
keep up with the Joneses
try to be as rich, successful etc as your neighbours
keep your hair on
used for telling someone not to get angry or upset
kick yourself
the very annoyed because you have made a mistake, missed an opoortunity, etc
knee-high to a grasshopper
very small, because you were very young
know sth inside out
be very familiar with
know what’s what
know the important facts about a situation
last word in
the newest and best type of sth
lay/put your cards on the table
tell people exactly what you are thinking or what you are intending to do
let nature take its course
allow sth to develop without trying to influence
let off steam
shout or do sth that allows you to get rid of anger
let sleeping dogs lie
leave a person or situation alone if they might cause you trouble
let off steam
shout or do sth that allows you to get rid of anger
let sleeping dogs lie
leave a person or situation alone if they might cause you trouble
let your hair down
relax and enjoy yourself because you are in a comfortable environment
life and soul of the party
someone who is very lively at social events
like two peas in a pod
used for saying that you should accept other people’s beliefs and way of life, even if they are very different from your own
lock, stock and barrel
including every part of a particular thing, situation, place, etc
lose your bearings
become confused about where you are and where other things are
make a beeline for
go towards someone or sth in the quickest and most direct way
make yourself at home
feel relaxed and behave in the same way as you do in your own home
never/dont look a gift horse in the mouth
if you are given sth good, you should not complain about it or try to find things that are wrong with it
no rhyme or reason
used for emphasising that there is no reason or explanation for sth
not have a leg to stand on
not have any way of proving that you are right about sth
not to see the wood for the trees
used for saying that someone cannot understand what is important in a situation because they are thinking too much about small details
off the beaten track
away from populated areas or areas popular with tourist
on good terms (with)
have a good relationship with someone
on the spur of the moment
if you do sth on the spur of the moment, you do it suddenly and do not take time to plan it or think carefully about it
on the street
with no place to live
on the town
spending the evening enjoying yourself in bars, clubs, theatres, etc
once in a blue moon
very rarely
out of the blue
happening in a way that is sudden and unexpected, and does not seem connected with anything that happened before
out of this world
extremely good or impressive
over the top
more than what is considered normal
pride of place
in the place that is most central or important
pull (a few) strings
use your influence or in order to get sth you want or to help someone, especially when this unfair
put sth in perspective
provide a sensible way of judging how good, bad, important, etc sth is in comparison with other things
put two and two together
guess what is happening or what something means based on what you have seen or heard
put your feet up
sit down and relax, especially with your feet raised off the ground
quick/slow on the uptake
taking a very short/long time to understand or realise sth
recharge your batteries
rest after being very busy, so that you will be ready to start working again
red tape
documents, rules or processes that cause delays
reinvent the wheel
waste time and effort trying to do sth that someone else has already done well
ring a bell
sth that rings a bell sounds familiar to you, although you cannot remember the exact details
round the bend
satellite town
town or city that is close to and depends on a larger city
sb is only human
used for saying someone has been weak in the ways most people are weak and should not be blamed for their behaviour
see eye to eye (with sb)
agree with someone or have the same opinion as them
set your heart on
decide that you want sth very much
six of one (and) half a dozen of the other
used for saying that two things are equally good or bad
speak volumes
provide a lot of information, especially in an indirect way
split hairs
argue or worry about very small details or differences that are not important
steal the show
receive a lot of attention because you give the best performance in a show or other event
stick your guns
refuse to change what you are saying or doing despite the opposition or criticism of other people
stop dead in your track
suddenly stop, for example because you are surprised
take a short cut to
follow a path that is quicker and shorter than the usual way
take stock (of)
spend some time thinking about the situation you are in before you decide what to do next
take the law into your own hands
punish someone in your own way without involving the police or the courts, often by doing sth illegal yourself
take the scenic route
follow a longer path than the usual one because it is more attractive
tell tales
tell someone in authority about bad things that someone else has done, because you want them to be punished
the edge over
and advantage that makes someone or sth more successful than other people or things
the luck of the draw
used for saying people have limited control over what life brings them
the other day
the powers that be
the people who control a situation
the tools of the trade
the skills and equipment that you need in order to do your job
throw the book at sb
punish someone very severely
tidy sum/amount
large sum/amount
touch wood
used when you have said that you have food luck in order to prevent bad luck from happening to you
turn over a new leaf
change your life by starting to be a better person or stopping a bad habit
under sb’s thumb
completely controlled by someone else
up in arms about
angry and complaining about sth
variety is the spice of life
used for saying that different experiences and situations make life enjoyable or interesting
your flesh and blood
your relative