advoc migrations, departures, person history Flashcards
(n)everything that is around or near somebody/something
- to work in pleasant surroundings
- The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings.
(nph) sentido de responsabilidad
sense of responsibility
(nph)contratado por obra, contratado por trabajo
contract worker
sense of loss
do sth like a shot
(adj)existing in or involving many countries multinational companies/corporations
- A multinational force is being sent to the trouble spot.
- the huge profits made by multinational drug manufacturers
(nph)sensacion de pertenencia
sense of belonging
(v) to surround somebody/something completely in a circle
circundar, rodear, cercar
- Jack’s arms encircled her waist.
- The island is encircled by a coral reef.
- Snow covered the encircling hills.
(adj)desesperado, urgente, apremiante, perdido, salvaje, temerario
- The children are in desperate need of love and attention.
- He was so desperate for a job he would have done anything.
- She clung to the edge in a desperate attempt to save herself.
- I heard sounds of a desperate struggle in the next room.
(n) emigrante
(v) to make somebody feel angry or disappointed about something over a long period of time
amargar, agriar, avinagrar, evenenar
-Years of caring for her ageing parents had embittered her.
(v)to surround or cover something completely, especially to protect it
revestir, cubrir, encerrar
- The reactor is encased in concrete and steel.
- His upper body was completely encased in bandages.
(n)land covered with grass that is suitable for feeding animals
the circumstances of your life, work, etc
- on an area of permanent/rough/rich pasture
- I felt we were off to greener pastures
(n) legalidad
(vph) estar fuera del menu
be off the menu
(adj)perseguido, oprimido, acosado, molestado, fastidiado
(adj) (of a group of people) having strong relationships with each other and taking a close, friendly interest in each other’s activities and problems
-the close-knit community of a small village
pull a rug out from under sb
(vph) to become able to act independently and with confidence
find your feet
- I only recently joined the firm so I’m still finding my feet.
(n) legalizacion
(v) to take, send or bring goods or people secretly and illegally into or out of a country, etc
contrabando traficar,
-They were caught smuggling diamonds into the country.
-He managed to smuggle a gun into the prison.
smuggled drugs
-We do not yet know how the bomb was smuggled abroad.
go off the beaten track
(v) to improve the quality of something, often by adding something to it
enrich something with something Most breakfast cereals are enriched with vitamins.
to make somebody/something rich or richer
- enrich something
- The study of science has enriched all our lives.
- a nation enriched by oil revenues
- He used his position to enrich himself.
(n) a person who takes goods into or out of a country illegally
-a drug smuggler
(v)to change, or cause somebody to change, from one computer system to another.
to move programs or hardware from one computer system to another
emigrar, migrar, transmigrar, desplazarse
(v) to give somebody the power or authority to do something. to give somebody more control over their own life or the situation they are in
fortalecer, dar poder, dar fuerzas, hacer sentir poderoso, facultar, autorizar
(often passive)
- The courts were empowered to impose the death sentence for certain crimes.
-The movement actively empowered women and gave them confidence in themselves.
(n) a feeling of sadness because you are away from home and you miss your family and friends
-She soon got over her homesickness.
(v)to make something legal
(adj) contrabandeado
(v) to become an expert in a particular area of work, study or business; to spend more time on one area of work, etc. than on others
- Many students prefer not to specialize too soon.
- He specialized in criminal law.
- The shop specializes in hand-made chocolates.
(vph) tu corazon es en (lugar)
your heart is in (a place)
(v) to express or represent an idea or a quality.
to include or contain something
encarnar, personificar, ser la personificacion de, ser un ejemplo de
- a politician who embodied the hopes of black youth (embody sth)
- the principles embodied in the Declaration of Human Rights (be embodied in sth)
(v) to make something bigger; to become bigger.
make a bigger copy of a photograph or document
agrandar, extender, ensanchar
- There are plans to enlarge the recreation area.
- Reading will enlarge your vocabulary.
- We’re going to have this picture enlarged.
(adj)consisting of or decorated with many colours, especially bright ones
-a multicoloured dress
(v)to stay longer than the length of time you are expected or allowed to stay
quedarse demasiado, permanecer demasiado tiempo
-They overstayed their visa.
(v)to sink slowly down; to make something do this
resolver, llegar a un acuerdo, cerrar la disputa, instalarse, fijar residencia, acordar, fijar, posarse, depositarse, arreglar, poner en orden, pagar, pactar, poblar, colonizar, calmar..
- The contents of the package may have settled in transit.
- Please settle your bill before leaving the hotel.
- Two birds settled on the fence.
- He had to settle his affairs
(n) [uncountable] the state of being illegal
[countable] an illegal act
-No illegality is suspected.
(v)to surround or to cover somebody/something completely.
engulf somebody/something to affect
envolver, sepultar, tragar
-somebody/something very strongly Fear engulfed her.
-He was engulfed by a crowd of reporters.
The vehicle was engulfed in flames.
(v) to feel very sad, especially because somebody has died.
to make you feel very sad
hacer luto, apenarse, afligirse, llorar la muerte de
-They are still grieving for their dead child.
-grieving relatives
- It grieved him that he could do nothing to help her.
grieve somebody
-Their lack of interest grieved her.
(adj)peligroso, inseguro
- Jobs nowadays are much more insecure than they were ten years ago.
- As an artist he was always financially insecure.
- He’s very insecure about his appearance.
- She felt nervous and insecure.
(v)to fix something firmly into a substance or solid object an operation to remove glass that was embedded in his leg.
to send a journalist, photographer, etc. to an area where there is fighting, so that he or she can travel with the army and report what is happening
to place a sentence inside another sentence.
- The bullet embedded itself in the wall.
- embedded reporters in the war zone
(adj)speaking or using several different languages.
written or printed in several different languages
- multilingual translators/communities/societies
- a multilingual classroom
- a multilingual phrase book
(adj) conocido, familiar, comun, informal, descarado, confianzas
- You seem to be on very familiar terms with your tutor.
- After a few drinks her boss started getting too familiar for her liking.
- well known to you; often seen or heard and therefore easy to recognize
(v) to make it possible for somebody to do something-
to make it possible for something to happen or exist by creating the necessary conditions
activar, habilitar, posibilitar, permitir
- The software enables you to create your own DVDs.
- Insulin enables the body to use and store sugar. (enable sth to do sth)
- a new train line to enable easier access to the stadium
(n) a person who treats another person or group of people in a cruel and unfair way
perseguidor, acosador
-The missionaries suffered death at the hands of their persecutors.
(nph) inmigrante ilegal
illegal immigrant
(adj)having several different functions
- a multifunctional device
(nph) sentido del humor
sense of humour
things are looking up
(adj) especialista
(v)to become very sad because somebody has died or gone away
añorar, extrañar
- She pined for months after he’d gone.
- The Major’s dog pined badly when her master died.
(adj) ilegal
(n) a person who goes to live in a new country or region
colono, colonizador
-white settlers in Africa
(nph) empresa multinacional
multinational corporation
(adj) golpeado
(nph) sentido del deber
sense of duty
(v) to make something more interesting or more fun
avivar, alentar, animar, amenizar
(adj)at risk of no longer existing
- 14% of primate species are highly endangered.
- These orang-utans are critically endangered due to habitat loss.
- The sea turtle is an endangered species .
(nph) buscador de asilo
asylum seeker
(adj) for or including people of several different races, religions, languages and traditions
- We live in a multicultural society.
- a multicultural approach to education
sense of urgency
(n)the act of treating somebody in a cruel and unfair way, especially because of their race, religion or political beliefs.
the act of deliberately annoying somebody all the time and making their life unpleasant
persecución, acoso,
- the victims of religious persecution
- They fled to Europe to escape persecution.
(v)to put somebody/something in a situation in which they could be harmed or damaged
arriesgar, exponer, estar en peligro de extinción, poner en peligro, estar en vias de extinción
- The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes.
- That one mistake seriously endangered the future of the company.
- He denied possessing a rifle with intent to endanger life.
(n) the crime of taking, sending or bringing goods secretly and illegally into or out of a country
-drug smuggling
(v)to build a wall, fence, etc. around something.
to surround something.
to put something in the same envelope, package, etc. as something else
envolver, encerrar, rodear, cercar
- The yard had been enclosed with iron railings.
- Please return the completed form, enclosing a recent photograph.
- Low hedges enclosed the flower beds.
(adj) sad because you are away from home and you miss your family and friends
- I felt homesick for Scotland.
- She felt homesick for her country.
- She was beginning to get a bit homesick.
(n) living in a country that is not your own
- expatriate Britons in Spain
- expatriate workers
(adj) legal
(n)an area of study or work that somebody specializes in a business degree with a specialism in computing.
[uncountable] the fact of specializing in a particular subject.
especializacion, especialidad
- Dr Crane’s specialism is tropical diseases.
- Our clients are aware of the various specialisms which our business provides.
(v)to treat somebody in a cruel and unfair way, especially because of their race, religion or political beliefs.
to deliberately annoy somebody all the time and make their life unpleasant
perseguir, acorsar, oprimir, fastidiar, molestar
- Throughout history, people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs.
- persecuted minorities
- Why are the media persecuting him like this?
(vph) to want or miss somebody/something very much
pine for sth/sb
-She was pining for the mountains of her native country.
(nph)empleado estacional
seasonal employee