Prep.Phrases Flashcards
across the board
involving everyone or everything in a company, an industry, etc
at all times
at home
done or taking place at home
(of a parent) staying at home rather than going out to work
(old-fashioned) a party in somebody’s home
at reduced rates
at the forefront
in or into an important or leading position in a particular group or activity
by and large
used when you are saying something that is generally, but not completely, true
by hand
by a person rather than a machine
if a letter is delivered by hand, it is delivered by the person who wrote it, or somebody who is sent by them, rather than by post/mail
a person without money, a home or a job, who lives on the streets
(without money, a home or a job, and living on the streets
certain to be defeated)
down the drain
(to be) wasted; (to get) very much worse
for good
for instance
for example
for nothing
without payment
with no reward or result
in a position
. able to
in a quandary
the state of not being able to decide what to do in a difficult situation
in a sense
en cierto sentido, en cierto modo, en cierta manera
in captivity
en cautividad
in charge of
a cargo de
in comparison with
en comparacion con .
in conjuction with
en conjunto con, en colaboracion con
in earnest
in fact
de hecho
in harmony with
armonizar con, de acucerdo con, hacerjuego con, pegar con
in many respects
You use expressions like in this respect and in many respects to indicate that what you are saying applies to the feature you have just mentioned or to many features of something.
in no time
very quickly; almost instantaneously
in one’s good books
llevarse bien
in other words
en otras palabras.
in practice
en la practica.
in pursuit of
buscando, en busca de, en persecucion
in search of
If you go in search of something or someone, you try to find them. buscando, en busca de
in season
en celo, en temprada
in shape
en forma
in terms of
desde el punto de vista
in the footsteps of
en los pasos de?
in the mood of
en el humor para.
in the vicinity
1near; close to (a place)
about; approximately (the amount, etc. specified)
in the wild
Animals that live in the wild live in a free and natural state and are not looked after by people.
in this position
en esta posicion
in tune with
en sintonia con, en armonia con
in vain
en vano
(take) into account
tener en cuenta, tomar en cuenta
off the beaten track
place that is off the beaten track is in an area where not many people live or go.
on a large scale
a gran escala
on a regular basis
de forma regular
on deck
a sus puestos, a mano
on hand
a mano.
on impulse
por impulso, sin pensalro, If you do something on impulse, you suddenly decide to do it, without planning it.
on location
escenarios naturales, usado en peliculas
on offer
en oferta
on production
en produccion.
on purpose
a proposito, a drede.
on request
a pedido
on sale
de rebajas
on the dole
estar cobrando el paro
on the ground
en el suelo
on the lookout
a la caza, en vigilancia.
on the market
en el mercado
on the part of
por parte de
on the right/wrong track
en el camino adecuado/equivocado
on the threshold of
en el umbral de, a las puertas de
on the underground
out and about
de un lado para otro
out of place
fuera de lugar
out of the question
fuera de discusion, imposible
out of work
over the hill
f you say that someone is over the hill, you are saying rudely that they are old and no longer fit, attractive, or capable of doing useful work.
to a great extent
en gran medida
to go
para llevar
under (an) illusion
bajo una ilusion
under canvas
If you are living and sleeping under canvas, you are living and sleeping in a tent.
up for sale
a la venta, para vender
propmetedor, prometedora
actualizado, al dia
with difficulty
con dificultad
within reach (of)
al alcance, a la mano