dependent prep. Flashcards
a ban on
an official rule that says that something is not allowed
a rise in
absent from
not in a place, not present
access to
the opportunity or right to use something or to see somebody/something
account for
amazed at
appeal to
approve of
to think that somebody/something is good, acceptable or suitable
argue about
discutir por, discutir sobre
as for
con respecto a, en cuanto a
associate with
juntarse con, ir con
available for
aversion to
.a strong feeling of not liking somebody/something
aware of
beneficial to
beneficioso para
(the) benefit of
el beneficio de .
blame for
culpar por .
blame on
culpar a .
boast about
jactarse, alardear
(be) bound for
con destino a , con rumbo a
brilliant at
brillante en
capable of
capaz de
cast (an) eye over
to look at or examine something quickly
cast as
cast doubt on
to say, do or suggest something that makes people doubt something or think that somebody is less honest, good, etc
catch in the act of
pillar en el acto de
cater for
abastecer, proveer
central to
characteristic of
caracteristica de
combination of
combinacion de
come to terms with
to reach an agreement with somebody; to find a way of living or working together
compare to
comparar con
compatible with
compatible con.
comply with
acatar/seguir las ordenes de
concentrate on
concentrarse en
(be) conducive to
(conduciente propicio)
confide in
confiar en, contar, hacer una cofidencia
content with
conformarse con
cost of
coste de, precio de
crazy about
loco sobre algo
credit for
curious about
curioso sobre
cuts in
cortes en
decline in
a continuous decrease in the number, value, quality, etc. of something
deficient in
not having enough of something, especially something that is essential
degree in
demand for
derive from
derivar provenir de
devote to
to give an amount of time, attention, etc. to something
differ from
diferir de
different from
diferente de
discourage from
distract from
distraer de
dozens of
docenas de
dream about
soñar sbre
(a) drop of
elaborate on
profundizar, explicar mejor
emphasis on
poner enfasis en
encounter with
a meeting, especially one that is sudden, unexpected or violent
engrossed in
concentrado en, absorto en
excuse for
disculpar por
experienced in
con experienca en
expression of
extent of
alcance de, extension de
familiar with
familiar con
famous for
famoso por
fed up
harto de
fill with
llenar con
flat out
in a way that is definite and direct; completely
come/get to grips with
to begin to understand and deal with something difficult
go on and on
calentar la cabeza hablar sin parar
habit of
habito de
hail from
to come from or have been born in a particular place
harmful to
have a word with
have (my) work cut out for (me)
identify with
immune to
impact on
in harmony with
in search of
indebted to
indulge (in)
insist on
interested in
involve in
isolated from
(the) key to
kind of
levels of
loads of
make a go of
make the most of
melt in (my) mouth
notify of
obsessed with
opt for
optimistic about
out of (work)
present at
prior to
provide with
put a stop to
qualify for
react to
ready for
remind of
resign (myself) to
respect for
responsible for
result in
rich in
risk of
safe from
serious about
shed light on
shower with
similarity to
snowed under
specialise in
stem from
subject to
succeed in
superior to
take a large bite out of
take a look at
take account of
take issue with
terrible at
there is little prospect of
thrive on
tons of
(a) touch of
transform into
typical of
wade through
wipe the floor with
worry about
wouldn’t bet on
wrestle with
yearn for
to want something very much, especially when it is very difficult to get