UW Flashcards
Definition of UW
Actions conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, and guerrilla force in a denied area
Types of UW
Large scale
Small scale
two types of cells
Cells in parallel
Cells in Series
cell in series
provides a division of labor
Plausible deniability
Cells in parallel
creates redundancy, compartmentalization, and validation
types of insurgency (phasing and timing)
Latent or incipient
guerrilla warfare
War of movement
7 phases of UW
Preparation Initial Contact Infiltration Organization Build-Up Employment Transition
Initial Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB)
IO campaign
Feasibility assessment of UW as primary mission
Initial Contact
Pilot team plans infil
pilot team establishes contact with PF
Continued Feasibility assessment
Most Risk
Infil pilot team
infil ODA
Conduct UW area assessment
Most Crucial Compartmentalization Mutual Objectives Build rapport assess GF capabilities
Build up
Confidence targets
define enemy center of gravity
Gaining popular support
Expanded scope of operations
interdiction and MISO
full blown operations
conduct link up with conventional forces
Transition to FID
Demobilize G-Force to police or secFOR
mission objectives are met
protect the newly installed government
Underground functions
covert and clandestine network forms shadow govt
conducts subversion
urban sabotage
Auxiliary functions
Clandestine network provides logistics
Early warning
Guerrilla Force Functions
Overt force conducts raids
Resistance Movement
a unique type of insurgency that focuses on the removal of an occupying power
Concept of achieving aims through a strategy of armed conflict and subversion against an indigenous government or occupying power.
Organized use of subversion and violence
Area Command
The irregular organization structure established within an unconventional warfare operational area to command and control irregular forces advised by USASF
Area Complex
Clandestine, dispersed network of facilities to support resistance activities in a given area
Phasing and timing Objectives Leadership Ideology Organization and Operational patterns
Environment and Geography
External Support
What do the 7 dynamics do
Provide a framework for planners to analyze insurgencies and a combination of these dynamics that can organize and increase efficiency of a movement
6 core activities of UW
Preparation of the Environment Intelligence Operations Non-conventional assisted recovery Guerrilla Warfare Sabotage Subversion