Qu1Z Flashcards
Identify the two “forces” within the Department of Defense and explain their differences.
Operating Force- to fight
Generating Force- to maintain the fighting force
What are the functions of the Department of Defense?
- Support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic
- Ensure, by timely and effective military action, the security of the United States, its possessions, and areas vital to its interest
- Uphold and advance the national policies and interests of the United States.
Explain the Army’s two core competencies
Combined Arms Maneuver
Wide Area Security
*Fundamental to the Army’s ability to maneuver and secure land areas for the joint force
Four Functional Combatant Commands
STRATCOM (Strategic Command)
TRANSCOM (Transportation Command)
USSOCOM (United States Special Operations Command)
CYBERCOM (Cyber Command)
What are the functions of each of the four Functional Commands?
STRATCOM (Strategic Command): leads organization for nuclear planning and coordination with appropriate allied commanders
TRANSCOM (Transportation Command): Coordinate common-user land and sea movements while the Air Force Air Mobility Command coordinates common
USSOCOM (United States Special Operations Command): is unique among the CCMDs in that it performs certain Service-like
CYBERCOM (Cyber Command): Retains freedom of maneuver in cyberspace, accomplish the JFC’s objectives, deny freedom of actions to enemies, and enable other operational activities.
Identify the six Geographic Combatant Commands
NORTHCOM- Colorado Springs, CO PACOM- Camp HM Smith, HI SOUTHCOM- Doral, FL EUCOM- Stuttgart, Germany CENTCOM- MacDill AF Base, FL AFRICOM- Stuttgart, Germany
What is the function of the Joint Strategic Campaign Plan?
he JSCP is the primary document in which the CJCS carries out his statutory responsibility for providing unified strategic direction to the Armed Forces. -Operationalizes-
The Combatant Command Campaign Plan (CCP) allows the Geographic Combatant Commander (GCC) to execute which document?
JSCP- Joint Strategic Campaign Plan
What is the Joint Strategic Plan?
A blueprint for investing in America’s future and achieving the goals the President has laid out in the NSS and those in the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review. Nests with the SECDEF’s DPG
Explain the intent of Joint Regional Strategy and what is its DOD counterpart document or plan
A.) a three year regional strategy developed jointly by the regional bureaus of DOS and USAID that identifies the priorities, goals, and areas of strategic focus within the region.
B.) DoD equivalent- Joint Strategic Campaign Plan
Who leads the development of the Integrated Country Strategy (ICS)?
Led by the State Department Country Team for specific country, and is a three year strategy.
USSOCOM is defined as a “service like” component of the DOD. What does that mean in a practical sense in terms of organizing, training, equipping, and
providing forces for GCCs?
CDRUSSOCOM is responsible for organizing, training, equipping, and providing combat-ready SOF to the other CCMDs in support of the AOR specific Theater Campaign Plans. CDRUSSOCOM also develops strategy, doctrine, and tactics techniques, and procedures (TTPs) for the conduct of SO, to include military information support operations (MISO) and Civil Affair (CA) forces.
Explain the over-all goal of SOCOM 2035
To design unmatched SOF capabilities with the right capacities to meet future challenges, opportunities, and threats. A long term phased approach
What are the three imperatives of SOCOM 2035?
What are the three priorities of USASOC CAMPLAN 2035?
Restore balance
Solidify the 1st SFC(A) as a deployable and force-providing headquarters
Communicate the ARSOF narrative
What are the four USASOC capability pillars?
The Indigenous Approach
Precision Training
Developing, Understanding, and wielding influence
Crisis Response
What are the three USSOCOM operational components?
SOC- Joint Special Operations Command
TSOC- Theater Special Operations Command
SMU- Special Mission Unit
What are the four types of command relationships?
COCOM- Unified Combatant Command
OPCON- operational control
TACON- tactical control
ADCON- administrative control
Check for human rights violation
Leahy Amendment
3 Categories of Range of Military Operations (ROMO)
- Military Engagement: Routine interaction to build trust and confidence with a HN
- Security Cooperation: DoD interactions with HN security forces to build defense relationships, develop HN capabilities for self-defense, and for participation in multinational operations.
- Deterrence: Presentation of a credible threat of violence.
- Crisis Response and Limited Contingency (CONPLANS and OPLANS): Single, small-scale, limited-duration operation to protect US interests and prevent surprise attack or further conflict.