MOD B-Levels of War Flashcards
What is considered an umbrella term for operations and activities conducted by selectively trained SOF to develop an environment for potential future special operations?
Preparation of the Environment (PE)
What are the two ways congress can appropriate funds using the NDAA?
Permanently (codified into USC)
Temporarily (period of availability is limited to that NDAA)
What is the Range of Military Operations (ROMO)?
ROMO is the military instrument of national power as it applies to the GCC. It is everything available to the GCC when it comes to completing the mission. Think of it like a menu of options.
What National Security Document is written and signed by the POTUS?
The National Security Strategy
What are the 9 principle tasks of SF?
What are the three components to ROMO?
- Major Operations and Campaigns (OIR, OEF)
- Crisis Response (CRF, NEO, Humanitarian Assistance)
- Mil engagement, security, deterrence (IDAD, JCET/SFA)
What is a hybrid conflict?
It is defined as state actors assuming a non-state identity (Russia in Crimea) or an irregular force demonstrating state level combined arms capabilities (ISIS in Iraq/Syria).
What are the four USASOC capability pillars?
- The indigenous approach.
- Precision targeting.
- Developing understanding and wielding influence.
- Crisis response.
What are the three imperatives of SOCOM 2035?
- Missions we “must do.” (HR&R, CP-WMD)
- Missions we are “expected to do.” (CTTO, UW/Sensitive Activities, Provide capabilities.
- Missions we “should do.” (Transregional sync, prevent crisis’, POTFF)
What is the main difference between Unity of Effort and Unified Action?
Unity of Effort is when various governmental departments and agencies operate uni-laterally to achieve the same goal. Unified Action is when they operate bi-laterally. Unity of Effort is also the product of successful Unified Action.
What is the DoS counterpart to the CSCS in the CCP?
The Integrated Country Strategy (ICS) developed by the CoM for that country.
In regards to FID and SFA, what does the acronym OTERA stand for?
Organize, Train, Equip, Rebuild, Advise
What is the acronym used to identify the comprehensive approach the USG uses to achieve Unity of Effort?
Joint (2+ MILDEPS)
Interagency (2+ Departments or Agencies)
Intergovernmental (2+ nations through formal agreement)
Multinational (coalitions to achieve specific goal/mission)
What four documents are products from JSCP production/direction?
The Global Campaign Plan, Regional Campaign Plans, Functional Campaign Plans, CCMD Campaign Plans
What is the 2+3 model in regards to the main threats to national security?
Two State Actors: Russia and China
Three Rogue Actors: Iran, DPRK, VEOs
What are the generating forces under USSOCOM?
What is the purpose of the DoD Appropriations Act?
The DoDAA takes the NDAA and then appropriates funds to the defense activities. It is the actual “budget” and will provide funds to various LoAs once approved.
What are the three priorities of USASOC CAMPLAN 2035?
- Restore Balance.
- Solidify 1st SFC(A) as a deployable and force providing HQ.
- Communicate ARSOF narrative.
What are the three Lines of Effort in the National Defense Strategy?
- Rebuild the military and develop a more lethal joint force.
- Strengthen current alliances and attract new partners.
- Reform the Department for greater performance and affordability.
Which level of war can best be described as linking strategy and tactics by establishing operational objectives needed to achieve military end states and strategic objectives?
Which level of war can best be described as employment and arrangement of forces in relation to each other? Where the battles and engagements are planned and executed.
What are the three USSOCOM operational components?
What are the four Functional Combatant Commands (FCC)?
What are the two “forces” within the Department of Defense?
The Operating and the Generating force.