Quiz Flashcards
Joint Special Operations Area (JSOA)
Special Operations Areas
SOA AKRON (Central Province of Sri Lanka)
SOA APPLE (encompassing the Gampaha, Colombo and Kaluthara Districts of Western Province, Kegalle and Rathnapura Districts of Sabaragamuwa Province, the Badulla and Monaragala Districts of Uva Province, the Batticaloa and Ampara Districts of Eastern Province and the Galle, Matara and Hambantota Districts of Southern Province.)
On order, SOTF-91 conducts special operations in JSOA SWORD to disrupt PRE government infrastructure, neutralize threats posed by LTTE military force and other threat groups, and degrade foreign influence IOT facilitate JTF conventional military operations, the transition of power back to the legitimate government of Sri Lanka, the restoration of regional security and the protection of US national interests.
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
Sri Lanka has been renamed?
People’s Republic of Elam (PRE)
LTTE is providing moral and material support in an ongoing collaboration with WHO?
Tamil National Retrieval Troops (TNRT)
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army (TNLA)
Militant Indian Tamil separatist organizations operating in Tamil Nadu, an Indian state along the maritime border with Sri Lanka.
SFODB 9110
Establish AOB 9110 at Diego Garcia, BIOT
SFODA 9111
ISOFAC, Diego, Garcia BIOT
O/o Infiltrate SOA AKRON and make contact with friendly resistance force
SFODA 9112
ISOFAC, Diego, Garcia BIOT
O/o Infiltrate SOA APPLE and make contact with friendly resistance force
SFODA 9113
O/o Infiltrate SOA APPLE and make contact with civil-military authorities in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka
SFODB 9114
Establish AOB 9120 at Bangkok, Thailand.
Detach, and Attach to SOJTF—OTG.
Provide command and control of SFODA 9121 and 9122 IOT coordinate and deconflict SOF activities and achieve unity of effort across the JOA.
Synchronize operational effects within JSOA SWORD with the JTF, OGA and coalition partners.
SFODB 9121
Deploy to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
SFODB 9122
Deploy to Tamil Nadu State, India
SFODA, 9123, 9124, 9126, 9134
Deploy to Diego Garcia, BIOT
Report OPCON to HHC.
Provide organic QRF military reserve capability in support of SOTF—91 OTG operations and activities.
BPT rapidly respond to developing situation within the JSOA, to include assistance to units deployed in hostile territory. Readiness condition and response time will be IAW unit SOP.
(e) (E) Maintain 24/7 ops for duration of operations
MISO Detachment
Deploy to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Detach and attach TPT 9A31 SFODA 9111.
Assist SFODA in the development and coordination of the resistance campaign plan. Conduct detailed target audience analysis (TAA)
BPT provide SFODAs with an early influence and information capability while developing an indigenous capability.
BPT employ MISO messaging to delegitimize adversary and legitimatize resistance.
Following transition, BPT promote new government legitimacy. MISO themes promote and reinforce newly formed government and military forces.
Area of Interest
The entirety of the island country of Sri Lanka, located between latitudes 5° and 10°N, and longitudes 79° and 82°E
Commander’s Intent
To degrade the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) civil-military capabilities in advance of the introduction of US conventional military forces. Additionally, enable the smooth transition to Foreign Internal Defense (FID) Operations in ISO JTF follow-on SSTR
Key Tasks:
1 Deploy and establish a SOTF in Diego Garcia, British
2 Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT)
3 Coordinate and improve the insurgent capabilities (UW)
4 Focus air interdiction through SR
5 Develop underground contacts and networks
6 Minimize instability during Phase IV, enable SSTR
The removal of LTTE military and political elements and the reassertion to power of the legitimate Sri Lankan Government
Essential Tasks
1 Infiltrate denied area without being compromised
2 Link up with and build rapport with resistance force
3 Develop area command
4 Organize guerrilla and train forces
5 Develop auxiliary and underground
6 Integrate with convectional forces invasion plan