MOD A-NCOPD Flashcards
What are the two ways to write NCOER bullets?
ARE (Action, Result, Effect) and QQI (Qualitative, Quantitative, Impact)
What is the skill level for a MSG/1SG?
What is the SQI for Parachutist?
In regards to Character, ___________ allows a leader to anticipate what others are experiencing and to try and envision how decisions or actions affect them. It does not necessarily mean sympathy for another, but identification that leads to a deeper understanding.
What is the SQI for Ranger?
What is the ASI for Diver?
What is the ASI for Jumpmaster?
In accordance with DA PAM 623-3, how many bullet comments must be present in Part IV, Blocks c through i?
At least one.
Senior Raters have a constrained profile, meaning they can only give ______% or 1 of the first 4 reports they write for given NCO a _________ rating.
24%, Most Qualified
What would the PMOSC be for an E7 18D who is Ranger, Airborne, SFSC LvL 1 qualified, and speaks MSA?
What is the ASI for 18F?
The Rater is required to maintain a copy of the NCOER Support form for how long under normal circumstances?
Until the NCOER is Approved by the Unit and Submitted to HQDA/HRC.
What are the four Non-Directive approaches to counseling?
Suggest Alternatives, Recommend COA, Persuade, Advise.
Which type of counseling best fits this situation? One of your subordinates, SGT Somebody, will become eligible for promotion to SSG without a waiver next week. What type/category of counseling is the Most Appropriate for you to conduct in this situation?
Event (Promotion) Counseling
Every SF soldier will have at least how many characters in their PMOSC?
9 (the max)
You cannot skip ASI to put the Language in at the end. Any soldier without an ASI will have a PMOSC such as 18C3P00AD.
This type of counseling is conducted in order to review how well a subordinate executed his or her duties over a certain period of time. The counselor will communicate unit standards and objectives. Is a REQUIRED type of counseling under the NCO Evaluation System.
What is the ASI for MFF?
What is the skill level for a SGM/CSM?
What are the five Military Education Levels (MEL)
What are the three attributes according to the Army Leadership requirements model?
Character, Presence, and Intellect
SFC Taylor is a senior engineer sergeant on an SFOD-A. He is speaks Persian Farsi, is Ranger Qualified, and also serves as the Detachment SLJM. What is his PMOSC?
ACHIEVES block on NCOER: What is the most appropriate rating?
SSG Norris served as the senior weapons sergeant during his six month deployment ISO OIR. He planned and executed 11 combat patrols which led to the capture of three HVTs. This had an immediate impact and enduring effect by increasing security throughout entire region. SSG Norris’ mental and physical toughness far surpassed all other and is an example for his seniors, peers, and subordinates. Always sets high physical fitness standards for himself and teammates. Great asset and true team player.
Key words: Regional security, enduring, far surpassed, sets example for all.
What are the three competencies according to the Army Leadership requirements model?
Leads, Develops, and Achieves
The purpose of the Supplementary Reviewer on an NCOER is best described as what?
To ensure the report adheres to all regulatory requirements and policies as well as to provide oversight for inexperienced/unfamiliar Senior Raters. Supplementary Reviewers will be required if the Senior Rater is below the rank of SGM, CW3, O3; if there is no uniformed personnel in the rating chain; if the report is a “Relief for Cause.”
What is the ASI for Sniper?
INTELLECT block on NCOER: What is the most appropriate rating?
SSG Norris lacked the appropriate knowledge of the Army procurement and logistics processes during the Detachment PMT and Deployment. Because of this the unit’s DSOR was not successfully fulfilled and the impact on the team’s ability to meet mission objectives was severely diminished. SSG Norris has consistently been counseled on his failures. He’s not among the best you’ve seen. SSG Norris’ judgement, mental agility, and tact lack in all facets of his job.
Below the Army and organizational expectations for an NCO of his rank and MOS.
What level of command can a USASMA graduate work at immediately following graduation?
They can start at BN staff (S3 Ops) or BN command level.
How long until a Rater is Qualified to submit an NCOER for a Rater Soldier?
90 Days
What three bullets will be present on every ARSOF NCO’s NCOER?
A bullet regarding APFT score, a bullet regarding OPI/DLPT score, and a bullet regarding support of SHARP and EO programs.
CHARACTER block on NCOER: What is the most appropriate rating?
SSG Norris performed very well during the year, constantly demonstrating a positive attitude, living the Army Values, and supporting both the SHARP and EO programs. He was always on time for formation and was respectful to others around him.
He did what was expected of an NCO of his grade. Nothing spectacular but within the standard of the unit and the Army.
Where can you reference career path outlines in order to guide subordinates in the right direction for professional growth?
DA PAM 600-25
The purpose of the Rater’s Overall Assessment in Part IV of an NCOER is to assess the Rated NCO’s overall ______ compared to _______ .
Performance, Other soldiers of the same rank within the Rater’s rating population.
What topics are covered by the Senior Rater Comments in Part V of an NCOER?
The rated NCO’s potential for promotion, command, schooling (military and civilian), broadening assignments, successive duty assignments and level of assignments, and/or retention when applicable. Narrative NOT Bullet format.
What are the four types of mentoring?
Prescriptive, Persuasive, Collaborative, Confirmative.
PRESENCE block on NCOER: What is the most appropriate rating?
SSG Norris passed his last APFT with a score of 287 with more than 95 points in all three events. Throughout the year he demonstrated excellence in all aspects of the PRESENCE attribute by far surpassing unit standards and was easily within the best upper third of NCO’s you have worked with. The confidence and resilience that he showed will have a long lasting impact on his peers and the unit.
Far exceeded standard by both USASOC and Army standards. Key words: Upper Third (top ninth is a good metric), Far Surpassed, Long Lasting Impact (enduring).
An ethical problem exists when you may have to choose between what?
- Right and Wrong
- Two Rights
- Shades of Gray
What are the three ways to develop soldiers?
Coaching, Mentoring, Counseling
What is the skill level for a SSG?
After initial counseling, how often must a Rater conduct follow up performance counseling for an Active Duty NCO and for a Reserve/National Guard NCO respectively?
How are bullets prioritized in each block?
Strongest to Weakest
What is the SQI for SFARTAETC?
What are Appointed Duties under the Duty Description in Part III of an NCOER?
Supplementary duties assigned to the NCO which are not normally included in the duty description. (EX: Paying Agent, EO/SHARP Rep, UPL, RSO, ect…)
What are the only two MTOE slots on an ODA that have the V SQI?
Junior Bravo and Junior Echo.
What is the four stage counseling process?
- Identify the need for a counseling.
- Prepare for the counseling.
- Conduct the counseling.
- Follow-Up.
What is the Army Pamphlet for Evaluation Reporting System?
DA PAM 623-3
What level of command can a JSOFSEA graduate work at immediately following graduation?
Company level first before moving up to BN level following company SGM time.
When must a Rater conduct Initial Counseling with the Rated Soldier?
Within the first 30 days of the rating period.
What is the skill level for a SGT?
How does trust influence the mission command?
Trust from the mission command fosters disciplined initiative to do the job with minimal guidance.
Who is involved in the counseling process during the rating period?
The rated soldier, the rater, the senior rater, and when applicable a supplementary reviewer.
What form is used to counsel NCOs in the rank of CPL through CSM?
DA Form 2166-9-1A (NCOER Support Form)
ACHIEVES block on NCOER: What is the most appropriate rating?
SSG Bochamps was in CLI for 5 weeks during the rating period. At the end of the program he scored a 0+/2 in his target language. He was counseled during the language course for providing minimal effort and lack of participation in the class.
What is the skill level for a SFC?
What Army Regulation governs the Evaluation Reporting System?
AR 623-3
What are the six standard rules that apply to bullet comments on the NCOER?
- Short, concise, and to the point.
- Start with action word or possessive pronoun.
- Be double-spaced between bullets.
- Preceded with “o” and start lowercase.
- Must support the box checked.
- Can only discuss a topic/example once.
How many of each, successive and broadening assignments, will a Senior Rater list on an NCOER?
2 Successive and 1 Broadening.
PRESENCE block on NCOER: What is the most appropriate rating?
SSG Bochamps scored a 253 on his last APFT with 80 points for PU, 85 points for SU, and an 88 on the 2MR. SSG Bochamps’ professional bearing and confidence has had a positive impact on the Detachment and is what you would expect from an NCO in the Regiment.
He did what was expected of an NCO of his grade. Nothing spectacular but within the standard of the unit and the Army.
What are the eight ARSOF core attributes?
Integrity, Courage, Perseverance, Personal Responsibility, Professionalism, Adaptability, Team Player, Capability.
When the Rater assess the rated solder and the rated soldier is in the rank of SSG(P) filling an MTOE slot of the next higher grade, who will the Rater compare him/her against?
The population of SFC.
DEVELOPS block on NCOER: What is the most appropriate rating?
SSG Norris designed a three week assessment and selection process for the Djiboutian Anti-Terrorism Unit (ATU) and was recognized by the commander of the Djiboutian Forces. This program has resulted in two platoons being formed which had an immediate impact to the organization. During the deployment he accounted for all Detachment equipment including 11 detachment weapons, 6 trucks, 4 ATVs, and numerous optics worth an excess of $20,000,000. His performance was in the top-third of all SSG’s in the company.
Above the standard, upper third but not the number one guy; had immediate, short-term impact on your mission.
What does the acronym STEP stand for and what does it mean?
Select, Train, Educate, Promote
STEP is the Army promotion framework that dictates how a soldier will make the next rank. They are selected, trained (SSD or DLC), educated (MEL such as SLC), then promoted once all prior steps are complete.
What is the SQI for for no special qualifications?
What is the SQI for Military Mountaineer?
Which type of counseling best fits the situation? You are the supervisor of SFC Smith who was eligible for promotion but did not get selected for MSG this year. You want to meet with SFC Smith to discuss his short and long term goals, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for schools, and future duty assignments in order to help him develop a solid plan of action so he can achieve his professional and personal goals. What type/category of counseling would be the MOST appropriate?
Professional Growth Counseling
What are the three major categories of developmental counseling?
Event, Performance, Professional Growth.
How does the Army define Leadership and where can you reference this definition?
Leadership is defined as the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.
ADP/ADRP 6-22 (Army Doctrine Reference Publication)
What are the five tenets of Profession of Arms?
Military Expertise, Trust, Honorable Service, Esprit de Corps, Stewardship of the Profession.
Where can you reference the Army counseling process?
ATP 6-22.1 (Army Techniques Publication)
What is the SQI for Ranger-Parachutist?
LEADS block on NCOER: What is the most appropriate rating?
SSG Norris is one of the most trusted medics in the company. He always seeks to accomplish the mission efficiently and with superior results. SSG Norris took disciplined initiative while serving as the PI for over 200 Egyptian SOF personnel. This had an immediate impact by increasing security in your AO as well as strengthening confidence in US/Egypt SOF relationships.
Above the standard, upper third but not the number one guy; had immediate, short-term impact on your mission.
What will be written in the APFT comments section for a pregnant NCO who has not taken the APFT within the last 12 months?
“Exempt from APFT requirements in accordance with AR 40-501.”
What is the ASI for Air Assault?
According to how the Army defines leadership, what are the three things Leaders must provide in order to influence others to accomplish the mission?
Purpose, Direction, and Motivation
What are the three major approaches to counseling?
Non-Directive, Directive, Combined.