M_A Flashcards
How is the daily duty and scope block written?
o Starts with “Serves as” o Present tense, o series of phrases, o separated by semi colon, o ended in period
Reasons for Event counseling
o Superior or substantial o Crisis o Referral o Promotion o Transition
How do you determine # of rated months?
Total number of calendar days
How do you comment for NO APFT requirement?
Did not take
Failed height and weight
When should a Senior Rater conduct counseling?
o Initial
o Semi annual
When using EES for the 2166-9-1A, which info transfers to NCOER/2166-9-1?
o Admin data
Sub categories of Intellect
o Mental agility o Sound Judgement o Innovation o Interpersonal tact o Expertise
Which form/NCOER is used for CSM?
o 2166-9-3
When is the “most qualified” rating allowed for Senior Rater?
o ¼ o 2/9 o 3/13 o 4/17 o 5/21
What is/are the period(s) for performance counseling?
o During a specific rating period
Army leadership manual
o ADP 6-22
What/who is required for Relief for cause NCOER?
o Supplementary reviewer
Regulation for evaluations and reporting
o AR 623-3
Strategic Level report
o 2166-9-3
How long to keep 2166-9-1A?
o Until its accepted AND submitted to HRC
Different types of counseling
o Event
o Performance
o Professional Growth
What must be covered in initial counseling?
o Safety o Sharp o EO o Individual and unit readiness o Energy informed actions o Behavior Health goals
o 2166-9-2
Allows a leader to anticipate what others are experiencing?
o Empathy
How are bullets ranked?
o Most important / Highest
o Least Important / Lowest
How many Successive assignments are given by the Senior Rater?
How many Broadening assignments are given by the Senior Rater?
Sub categories for LEADS
o Leads by example o Leads others o Builds trust o Extends influence beyond Chain o Communicates
What format for Senior Rater?
o Narrative
Purpose of Supplementary reviewer
o Oversight and guidance
o 2166-9-1 Direct
PMOSC for E7 Delta who speaks Arabic (example)
o 18D4V5WAD
Define Leadership
The process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation
to accomplish the mission and improve the organization
Which DA Form is mandatory for use in counseling (initial and quarterly)
o 2166-9-1A/Support Form
PMOSC/BRANCH for Captain Senior Rater
o SF
Professional Growth counseling events?
o Future opportunities for schools/civilian o Future duty assignment o Special programs o Available resources o Reenlistment options o Promotions
The Senior rater rates what?
o Overall Potential / Same grade
When will follow up counseling be conducted?
o Quarterly
o Semiannually for reserve and NG
Initial counseling takes place when?
o 30 days
Sub categories of Presence
o Military and Professional Bearing
o Fitness
o Confidence
o Resilience
Topics in Senior Raters narrative
o Promotion o Broadening assignments o Successive Assignment o Level of assignments o Potential o Command
What type of profile is the Senior Rater? Constrained or Unconstrained? By what %
o Constrained for 24%
9 Character alpha numeric PMOSC?
o MOS 3 o Skill Level 1 o SQI 1 o ASI 2 o Language 2
Characters of Strong Bullets
Where do you find the Principle duty title?
Military education levels and SSD level
Areas of special emphasis
o Most important items that applied at any time during a rating period
Who dictates the Rating Chain?
Rules for NCOER
o Short and concise Lower case Double space between bullets Supports box checked Use example only once
Sub categories of Develops
o Creates a positive command/workplace environment, o Fosters esprit de corps o Prepares self o Develops others o Stewards the profession
What type of profile does the rater have?
o Unconstrained
Reason for submission code for annual
02 Annual
What does the rater assess?
o Overall Performance
Which for is a Direct level report?
o 2166-9-1
o Presence
o Character
o Intellect
o Lead
o Develops
o Achieve
What is stated if NCO is exempt from APFT/Profile?
Exempt from APFT requirement in accordance with AR40-501
The rater designates - Exceeds/Far exceeds? T/F?
Senior Rater – Most/Highly qualified? T/F?
Direct, Organizational and Strategic are for who?
Direct (E5 Below)
Organizational (E6- E8)
Strategic (E9)