US History Final Flashcards
What sailor was the first to cirumnavigate the globe? (Set sail in 1519 with 5 ships, and only 18 of his original crew made it)
Ferdinand Magellan
Who conquered the Aztecs of Mexico?
Hernando Cortez
Where did Ferdinand Magellan die?
The Phillipines
What explorer spent 20 years in China?
Marco Polo
Who wrote Marco Polo’s story which fired imagination of Europe’s merchants?
What was made by Pope Alexander VI dividing the world between Spain and Portugal?
Line of Democratization
Who reached Newfoundland providing England’s claim to North America?
John Cabot
Who did Pocahontas marry?
John Rolfe
What Jamestown leader enforced the biblical principle of no work, no food?
John Smith
Who sponsored two attempts to colonize Virginia?
Sir Walter Raleigh
What happened to Sir Walter Raleigh’s two settlements?
- First abandoned in 1586
* Second (Roanoke) John White returned to all had vanished, fate is a mystery
Who was a member of the Sea Dogs, a group that attacked Spanish ships?
Sir John Hawkins (along with Sir Francis Drake)
Who founded Pennsylvania?
William Penn
Who was the proprietor of Georgia?
James Oglethorpe
Who was the founder of Rhode Island?
Roger Williams
What was the 1st written Constitution?
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
What document (written by Pilgrims) expressed willingness to submit to laws and leadership of the colony?
Mayflower Compact
Who wrote History of Plymouth Plantation and was also the governor of Plymouth?
William Bradford
Who discovered a waterway from Long Island to Albany?
Henry Hudson
Who purchased Manhattan for $24 worth of cloth and trinkets?
Peter Minuit
Where was the First Library?
What road was traveled mainly by Scotch-Irish through the wilderness?
Great Philadelphia Wagon Road
What food was standard fare on the frontier?
Salt Pork
Who led the movement for smallpox inoculation as means of fighting the disease?
Cotton Mather
What was the standard educational text?
New England Primer
Which French monarch made powdered hair pieces were popular?
Louis XIII
What was a paddle shaped board used as a first book for children?
Who preached “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” during the Great Awakening?
Jonathan Edwards
Which Presbyterian minister graduated from the Log College?
Gilbert Tennant
Who founded a school for training Indians as missionaries to their own people?
Eleazer Wheelock
Which Dutch Reformed pastor came to New Jersey and preached about practical Christian living?
Theodore Frelinghuysen
What was the first Bible printed in America?
Algonquin Bible
What Indian tribe lived in New England?
Quakers are also known as…
Society of Friends
What are Quakers guided by?
“Inner Light”
Who was the outstanding evangelist of the Great Awakening?
George Whitefield (preacher in Philadelphia)
What was the first book published in America?
Bay Psalm Book (hymnal)
What act required colonists to board and help supply provisions for the soldiers?
Quartering Act
What event sparked the French and Indian War?
Governor Dinwiddie ordered Lieut. Col. Washington to clear territory of Ohio River
Who gave a powerful speech to the House of Burgesses?
Patrick Henry
Who was the British general who was defeated by using European battling style (as opposed to guerrilla warfare the Indians were using)?
Edward Braddock
What act attempted to tax legal and commercial documents (proposed by Grenville)?
Stamp Act
Who was the French leader that destroyed Ft. Oswego and Ft. William Henry?
What was the key campaign in the French and Indian War?
The attack on the French Canadian capital, Quebec (captured Ft. Duqesne and secured the forks of the Ohio)
How did the capture of Ft. Duquesne occur?
Braddock was sent to attack Ft. Duquesne and attempted to fight in European manner
What was the turning point of the revolutionary war?
What were first engagements of the American Revolution?
Lexington and Concord
How did Britain and America settle who would possess Oregon?
Extended border along 49th parallel
Who was Davy Crockett?
Tennessee frontiersman, killed at the Alamo
Who was General Santa Anna?
Dictator of Mexico who wanted to crush any rebellion
What did the Webster-Ashburton Treaty accomplish?
Resolved dispute over Maine’s border
Who led men to explore California?
John C. Fremont
Who wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Who was Harriet Tubman?
Guided many to freedom ($40,000 reward for her capture) (known as the “Moses” of her people)
What was the first state to secede from the Union?
South Carolina
How did Stephen Douglas propose to decide slavery within territories?
Popular Sovereignty
Who was the President of the Confederacy?
Jefferson Davis
What occured at Harper’s ferry?
•John Brown captured the arsenal and took several citizens captive
Who was the Republican candidate that won the election of 1860?
Abraham Lincoln
Who was Robert E. Lee?
Commander of a company of Marines was sent in to recapture arsenal
Where were the first shots of the Civil War fired at?
Ft. Sumter
Who were the Midnight Riders? (warned about attacks of Lexington & Concord)
Paul Revere, Samuel Prescott, and Billy Dawes
What was the darkest time of the war for the U.S?
Valley Forge 1777-78
Who was Baron von Steuben?
German drillmaster
What were Hessians?
British-paid German mercenaries
Who was Marquis de Lafayette?
French aristocrat who fought and led in the Continental army
Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Who commanded the Green Mountain Boys?
Ethan Allen, also captured Fort Ticonderoga
What political party was John Jay and Alexander Hamilton?
Federalists; authored the Federalist papers which explained and defended the Constitution
What was the Virginia Plan?
Bicameral (2 houses) legislature, number of representatives would be based based on state population (presented by Edmund Randolph)
What was the New Jersey Plan?
Unicameral legislature, each state 1 vote (presented by William Paterson)
Who was “Cato”?
Pen name of Gov. George Clinton for anti-federalist papers
What did the the Articles of Confederation accomplish?
First document to unite the colonies under one government
Who was the Father of the Constitution?
James Madison
Whow was the “great American statesman”?
Benjamin Franklin
Who won the election of 1796, and what party was he from?
John Adams; Federalist
What did James Madison support in the early years of the U.S.
Supported a national bank; strong Federalist
Who made a treaty with the British in 1793?
John Jay (Jay's treaty) Terms: Britain would abandon forts, open ports to US ships, and the US agreed to pay debts owed British merchants
What was the “undeclared war”?
Quasi War
Who attacked New York City?
The British fleet attacked NYC under the leadership of General William Howe in July 1776
What were Hamilton’s supporters called, and what did they support?
Federalists, stood for a loose interpretation of the Constitution
What would a national bank do?
Would issue a uniform currency, and its branches throughout the country would provide a source for business loans, a spur to economic expansion (Proposed by Hamilton)
What was Washington’s response to the war France declared on Britain?
Proclamation of Neutrality
What is the Bill of Rights?
Document containing every American citizen’s fundamental rights; first ten ammendments to the Constitution
Who was Francis Scott Key?
Lawyer who wrote the national anthem (Star Spangled Banner)
Who was the first activist chief justice of the Supreme Court?
John Marshall
Who was Tecumseh?
Indian leader who tried to overthrow U.S. with an Indian confederacy
What was James Madison’s response on the assumption of state debt?
He was against it
What was the Louisiana Purchase?
Purchase of Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million. Expanded U.S. to the west coast.
Who was the Prophet?
Tecumseh’s brother, who led an Indian religious revival
Define: Protective Tariff
High tax designed to protect manufacturers from foreign competition
What was Andrew Jackson’s nickname?
Old Hickory
What was the Missouri compromise?
When Missouri applied for statehood, a balance between slave and free states needed to be made. So…Maine (free state), Missouri (slave state), & No futher slavery N. of 36º 30º
What is nullification?
The idea that a state can reject the federal governments laws
What was the Nullificatin Crisis?
How was it stopped?
- Southern states claimed they could nullify the Tariff of 1828 (raised rates up to 50%)
- Stopped by Compromise Tariff of 1833 (gradual lowering of rates)
Henry Clay’s nickname is…
The Great Compromiser
What is the spoils system?
Faithful party workers are awarded appointments to public office; instigated by Andrew Jackson
Who negotitated for a strip of land in Southern Arizona to be used for the continental railroad?
James Gadsden
Who won the election of 1844?
James Polk (dark horse of election)