Chapter 10 Flashcards
Who were the new leaders of America?
John Q. Adams
Daniel Webster
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
What 6 new states entered the union?
Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinios, Alabama, and Missouri
What is a Protective Tariff?
High tax designed to protect manufacturers from foreign competition
When was the Second National Bank approved, and what was it?
Approved in 1816 to provide uniform currency, loans, and a depository for government
What were “internal improvements”?
Funding for roads, canals, harbor development
What 2 things caused the “Panic of 1819”?
- Price of cotton fell
* Irresponsible actions from private banks
What amendment proposed that further introduction of slavery be prohibited?
Tallmadge Amendment
What was the Missouri Compromise?
Missouri entered the union as a slave state, Maine enters as a free state.
No further slavery N. 36º 30
What was democratization?
The increased openness of the political process, change in who could vote, how electors were selected, and emergence of 2 party system
What are closed meetings of party electors to select candidates?
Who won the 1824 election and how? (aka Corrupt Bargain)
John Quincy Adams made President with only 31% of the popular vote
Who were the candidates in the 1828 election (rematch)?
Jackson vs. Adams
What was Andrew Jackson’s nickname?
Old Hickory
What is it called when faithful part workers are awarded appointments to public office?
Spoils System
Jackson’s friends and close advisors were known as his…
Kitchen Cabinet
Which tariff raised rates up to 50%?
Tariff of 1828 (Abomination)
What was the Nullification Crisis?
Southern states claimed Tariff of 1828 was unconstitutional and could be nullified
Who were the two lawyers that argued over the Constitutionality of the Tariff of 1828 in court?
Webster and Hayne
Which state threatened secession about the Tariff of 1828?
South Carolina
What was the Force Bill?
Granted the President the power to use Army and Navy
What was the Compromise Tariff of 1833 and who was it proposed by?
Providing a gradual lowering of rates; proposed by Henry Clay
Who was the national bank president?
Nicholas Biddle
What new party was there in 1832, and what did they do?
Anti-Masonic party issued a platform (statement describing where it stood on issues) and held a nominating convention (a gathering of delegates to select candidate)
What did Jackson want to do with the Indians?
Jackson wanted to move all tribes to the West
How was the Black Hawk War caused?
The Indians Sauk and Fox crossed back to reclaim land after being moved by the govt
What war was caused led by Osceola in Florida?
Seminole War
What was a new party made up of former Republicans and other political parties?
Whig Party
Who was the Little Magician; Jackson’s hand picked successor?
Martin van Buren
What is the 5 year depression during van Buren’s presidency known as?
Panic of 1837
Jackson forcibly removed the Cherokee, this is known as the…
Trail of Tears
Who was the first President to die in office?
William Henry Harrison
Who became President after van Buren? (His VP)
John Tyler
What was Specie Circular?
Public lands could only be purchased with gold or silver
The banks Jackson would put Federal funds into were known as…
“Pet Banks”