Chapter 14- Civil War Flashcards
What was the North’s motive for fighting?
Preservation of Union at all costs
What are the dates of the Civil War?
April 12, 1861-April 9, 1865
What was the South’s motivation for fighting?
Preservation of State’s rights at all costs
What were the North’s advantages during the war?
- Population
- Food production
- Industrial output
- Strong Navy
- Good transportation facilities
What were the South’s advantages during the Civil war?
Better trained leaders
Head start in preparation
Accustomed to outdoor life
Slaves to take care of crops
What was the North’s strategy?
Anaconda Plan
What was the Anaconda Plan?
Capture Richmond and the Mississippi River, Blockade ports to cut off imports and exports
What were the South’s strategies?
Defensive, outlast the enemy’s will to fight
Where was the war in the East fought mainly in?
What was the first major battle of the Civil War?
First Manassas (Bull Run)
What was the name of the speech given by President Lincoln dedicated to a battleground which became a cemetary?
Gettysburg Address
This Confederate general was known for his bold spirit and reckless way of fighting; led Confederate army during Second Battle of Mannassas?
Jeb Stuart
This Union general saved General Rosecrans from a serious defeat and earned himself the nickname Rock of Chickamauga?
General Thomas
Which admiral captured New Orleans?
Admiral Farragut
Who was the Union General in command of Fredericksburg?
General Burnside
This Union general was very organized, but often thought he was outnumbered and would not fight.
General McClellan
The Confederates first ironclad was named the Virginia. What was it’s original name?
The Merrimack
This document freed the slaves in all Confederate States.
Emancipation Proclamation
Which town in Central Georgia was captured and burned by the Union army?
What was the most decisive battle of the war?
Which union commander became Lincoln’s most valuable general?
How many fatalities were there in the Civil War?
What was the Union’s first ironclad called?
Who was the president of the Confederacy?
Jefferson Davis
What is the name of the village where Lee met Grant to surrender?
Appomattox Courthouse
What was the name of a British ship that was stopped by a Union ship?
Who was the Union General that met Lee at Gettysburg?
General Mead
What were the names of the 4 slaves states that stayed in the Union?
Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware,
The surrender of this town gave the Union complete control of Mississippi River?
Vicksburg (didn’t celebrate 4th of July for 81 years)
Abraham Lincoln’s running mate in the 1864 election?
This union general led a destructive march from atlanta to the sea
What was the name of the Union general who replaced Burnside and said “May God have mercy on Lee, for I will have none”
Fighting Joe Hooker
What was the bloodiest single day in the civil war?
What was the name of the system used to raise troops?
There were 3 battles that took place near Chattanooga, what were they?
Chicamauga, Missinary Ridge, Lookout Mountain
Who was the Union general that led the offensive at Manassas Junction?
And who was the Southern General?
McDowell; Beauregard
Who was the Union general who forced Confederate troops out of Chattanooga?
William Rosecrans