US HIST 106 Review ch. 1-3 Flashcards
- Wished to check big government
- Believed Those with ability should lead and fight corruption
- They were Reformers native born, middle class and white.
who made a practice
between 1903 and 1909
of exposing the
wrongdoings of public
figures and corporations
and highlighting social
and political problems.
Muckrakers pt.2
- Samuel Adams –wrote “The Great
American Fraud” in 1906 - Ida Tarbell wrote about Standard Oil
abuses. - Roy Baker wrote on unions & corrupt
labor bosses. - Lincoln Steffens –corruption in big
Upton Sinclair
- Published “The Jungle” in 1906
- Exposed filthiness of meat-packing industry.
- 1904 –2 month visit to Chicago’s Packingtown area
- Original focus on worker conditions.
- Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act
1906 - “I aimed at the public’s heart and by accident hit its
Triangle shirt waist company fire
- March 25 1911 –145
workers killed - Factory located in NYC,
top 3 floors of 10 story
building. - Employed mostly young
immigrant women. - Terrible safety
conditions and starvation
wages. - April 5 –80k protested
for better conditions.
Niagara movement
- Led by W.E.B. Du Bois.
- Pushed for
- Freedom of speech
and criticism - Unsubsidized press
- Manhood suffrage
- Abolition of all caste
distinctions - Belief in self dignity
of labor.
- Belief in self dignity
- 1909 –NAACP formed.
Workplace conflict
*Low wages and increased demands
equaled increased unrest.
*1900 - 1m belonged to union
*1920 - 5m unionized
*AFL - 1.6m members
*Unions despised by employers
labor conflict
Massachusetts a textile
town home to huge
woolen mills.
* Workers went on strike
against wage reduction
and called IWW for help.
* Emaciated children
walking through streets
of NYC stirred public
* Achieved a pay raise of
* IWW capitalized on
outbreak of war.
New urban culture
*1900-1920 increased middle-class lifestyle.
*Increased life expectancy but still high infant
*City took on modern form.
*More leisure time.
*Baseball a national pastime.
*1915 “Birth of a Nation” inspired second
*Vaudevilles(entertainment) popular.