Urinary Flashcards
Bladder - combining form(s); Kidney - combining form(s); Renal pelvis - combining form(s)
Bladder - cyst/o
Kidney - nephr/o, ren/o
Renal pelvis - pyel/o
Renal cortex; medulla
The outer region of the kidney. This layer of tissue contains more than one million microscopic units called nephrons.
The medulla is the inner region of the kidney, and it contains most of the urine-collecting tubules.
Renal pelvis
Funnel-shaped area inside each kidney that is surrounded by the renal cortex and medulla. Where newly formed urine from the nephrons collects before it flows into the ureters.
Azotemia; Uremia
Azotemia is an elevation of the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) caused by a lack of blood flow to each kidney. Uremia can occur when this excess becomes toxic.
Uremia, or uremic poisoning, is a toxic condition resulting from renal failure in which kidney function is compromised and urea and other waste products normally secreted in the urine are retained in the blood.
Acute renal failure; Chronic kidney disease
ARF has a sudden onset and is characterized by uremia. Can be caused by the kidneys not receiving enough blood to filter due to dehydration or a sudden drop in blood volume or blood pressure from injury, burns, or a severe infection. Can be fatal if not reversed promptly.
CKD, or chronic renal disease or kidney failure, is the progressive loss of renal function over months or years. May result from diabetes mellitus, hypertension, or a family history of kidney disease. Can be life-threatening.
The presence of abnormally low concentrations of protein in the blood. Often associated with hyperproteinuria (high concentrations of protein in urine).
The dilation (swelling) of one or both kidneys. It can be caused by problems associated with the backing up of urine due to obstruction such as nephrolith (kidney stone) or a stricture (narrowing) of the ureter.
Hydroureter; Ureterectasis
Hydroureter is the distention of the ureter with urine that cannot flow because the ureter is blocked (usually accompanies hydronephrosis).
Ureterectasis is the distention of the ureter due to hydroureter or congenital abnormalities.
-ectasis means enlargement
Cystalgia, or cystodynia, means pain the bladder.
Interstitial cystitis
A chronic inflammation within the walls of the bladder. Symptoms similar to cystitis; however, they do not respond to traditional treatment.
Vesicoureteral reflux
The backward flow of urine into the ureters from the bladder. It is most common in infants and children.
Anuria; Diuresis; Dysuria; Nocturnal enuresis; Oliguria
Absence of urine formation by the kidneys; Increased output of urine; Difficult of painful urination; Bed-wetting, involuntary incontinence during sleep (enuresis means involuntary discharge of urine; Scanty urination, possibly due to dehydration, renal failure, or a urinary tract obstruction (the opposite of polyuria)
Urinary retention, the inability to completely empty the bladder when attempting to urinate. Associated with an enlarged prostate.
Voiding cystourethrography
A diagnostic procedure in which a fluoroscope is used to examine the flow of urine from the bladder and through the urethra
Nephrorrhaphy, the surgical fixation of a nephroptosis (floating kidney).
-pexy means surgical fixation
Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
ESWL, The most common kidney stone treatment. High-energy ultrasonic waves traveling through water or gel are used to break the stone into fragments, which are then excreted in the urine.
A surgical incision made in the urethral meatus to enlarge the opening
Suprapubic catheterization
The placement of a catheter into the bladder through a small incision made through the abdominal wall just above the pubic bone
Retrograde urography
A radiograph of the urinary system taken after a contrast medium has been placed in the urethra through a sterile catheter and caused to flow upward through the urinary tract.
An inflammation of both the renal pelvis and kidney. Usually caused by a bacterial infection that has spread upward from the bladder.