upper limb muscles - forearm Flashcards
whats the deep fascia of the forearm called
the antebrachial fascia
on an E12 slide what bone is more superficial, what can this tell us
the ulna is closer to the skin, its less deeply buried. so this shows us the medial side of the arm.
so it is the posterior compartment that also extends laterally around the radius
how many muscles are in the anterior compartment of the forearm
8 muscles, 5 superficial and 3 deep
what are the 5 superficial arm muscles of the anterior compartment
pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis and the flexor carpi ulnaris
what is the common flexor origin
this is the medial epicondyle of the humerus, it is where all 5 of the superficial anterior compartment muscles connect to.
what muscles are in the deep group of the anterior arm compartment
3 of them there are.
flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profondus, pronator quadratus
common attachment site proximally of the deep anterior compartment muscles
dont have one lol, get punked. they attach to the ulna/ radius/ interosseous membrane.
distal attachments of pronator teres and what movement it provide
attaches to the radius. so is a good pronator when the arm is extended
where do the flexor carpi radialis and the flexor carpi ulnaris attach and what movemnt it do
they attach to the metacarpal bones - hence the name carpi. thus flex the wrist joint as they run across it
what is attachment site of flexor digitorum superficialis and its movements
its tendons divide to have a tendon either side of the middle phalanx of fingers 2-5, flexion at the finger
distal attachment of the palmar longus and movement
the palmar aponeurosis, hence wrist flexion
whats the distal attachment of the pronator quadratis and movements
kinda just attaches to the radius and ulna in a square sort of shape, pronation. hence the name
distal attachment site and movements of the flexor pollicis longus
distal phalanx of the thumb, thus does thumb flexion
attachments of the flexor digitorum profundus and movements
the tendons of this muscle run between the two tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis and goes to the distal phalanx. so it does finger flexion at the distal interphalangeal joint of fingers 2-5.
how many muscles are in the posterior forearm compartment and what are their classifications
7 superficial and 5 deep
what are the 7 superficial muscles of the posterior forearm and their classification
brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus - attaching to the lateral supracondylar ridge
extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digit minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris, anconeous ( lateral epicodyle is the common attachment site of all of these)
whta are the deep muscles of the posterior arm and their common proximal attachment
supinator, abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus and the extensor indicis. These attach to the radius, ulna or the interosseous membrane.
so kinda don’t really have a common distal attachment
whats the distal attachment of the brachioradialis and what movement it do?att
attaches to the styloid process of the radius, hence pronation and supination
whats the common distal attachment of the extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, and extensor carpi ulnaris, and their function
all attach to the base of metacarpals, hence they do wrist extension
what is the distal attachment of the extensor digitorum and movement
via extensor hood to bases of middle and distal
phalanx of 2nd -5th fingers, finger extension
why are the finger flexors more powerful than the finger extenders
because of teh oblique tendinous bands running between the tendons of the muscles that extend the fingers
what is the extensor hood
when the tendons of the extensor digitorum divide into 3 parts, a central band and two lateral bands. this arrangement forms an extensor hood.
central band to the middle phalanx and the lateral bands to the distal phalanx.
what muscle makes the extensor hood
the extensor digitorum tendons
whats the tendinous hood and what makes it
its a covering sheath over the extensor expansion. it if formed by tendinous fibres of various muscles - the lumbricals, interossei, extensor digiti minimi and the extensor indicis.
what are the boundaries of the anatomical snuff box
anteriorly: tendons of the extensor pollicis brevis and the abductor pollicis longus
posteriorly: tendon of the extensor pollicis longus.
floor: scaphoid and trapezium
roof: superficial branch of the gradual nerve and origin og the cephalic vein
this space also contains the radial artery.
distal attachment and function of the supinator muscle
the radius and supination duh
distal attachment and function of the abductor pollicis longus
abduct the thumb at the carpometacarpal joint as base of first metacarpal joint
whats the distal attachments and function of the extensor pollicis brevis
proximal thumb phalanx, so thumb extension
attachment and function of the extensor pollicis longus
distal thumb phalanx, hence thumb extension
attachment of the extensor indicis and function
extensor hood of the index finger, so index finger extension