Upper limb Flashcards
biceps brachii
Short head: coracoid process of scapula
Long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Tuberosity of radius
Distal half of anterior surface of humerus
Coronoid process of ulna
triceps brachii
Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Lateral head: posterior surface of humerus
Medial head: posterior surface of humerus
Olecranon of ulna
pronator teres
Coronoid process
Lateral surface of radius
flexor carpi radialis
Medial epicondyle of humerus
Base of 2nd metacarpal
palmaris longus
Medial epicondyle of humerus
Base of metacarpals
flexor carpi ulnaris
Medial epicondyle of humerus
Carpals and 5th metacarpal
flexor digitorum superficialis
Medial epicondyle of humerus
Shafts of middle phalanges of digits 2-5
flexor digitorum profundus
Proximal and medial surfaces of ulna
Bases of distal phalanges of digits 2-5
flexor pollicus longus
Anterior surface of radius
Base of distal phalanx of thumb
Lateral surface of humerus
Lateral surface of distal end of radius
extensor carpi radialis longus
Lateral surface of humerus
Dorsal aspect of base of 2nd metacarpal
extensor carpi radialis brevis
Lateral epicondyle of humerus (deep to ECRL)
Dorsal aspect of base of 3rd metacarpal
extensor digitorum
Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Dorsal aspects of shafts of digits 2-5
extensor carpi ulnaris
Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Dorsal aspect of base of 5th metacarpal
extensor pollicis longus
Posterior surface of ulna
Dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of thumb
extensor pollicus brevis
Posterior surface of radius
Dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx of thumb
abductor pollicus longus
Posterior surface of radius & ulna
Base of 1st metacarpal
Supinates forearm and when it is supine, flexes forearm; short head resists dislocation of shoulder joint
biceps brachii
Flexes forearm
Chief extensor of forearm; long head resists dislocation of humerus
triceps brachii
Pronates and flexes forearm (at elbow)
pronator teres
Flexes and abducts hand (at wrist)
flexor carpi radialis
Flexes hand (at wrist)
palmaris longus
Flexes phalanges
flexor digitorum superficialis
flexor digitorum profundus
Flexes phalanges of the 1st digit (thumb)
flexor pollicus longus
Relatively weak flexion of forearm; maximal when forearm is in mid-pronated position – landmark for division of anterior/posterior compartments
Extend and abduct hand at the wrist joint; active during fist clenching
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extensor carpi radialis longus
Extension of phalanges
extensor digitorum
Extends and adducts hand at wrist joint (also active during fist clenching)
extensor carpi ulnaris
Extends thumb
extensor pollicus brevis
extensor pollicus longus
Abducts & extends thumb
abductor pollicus longus