Unusual Troops & Characteristics Flashcards
What troops can claim shatter and in what terrain?
- Elephants (any terrain)
- Charging Lancers (in good going)
- Devastating Chargers (only 1 rank required, any terrain)
- Mounted Polearms (in good going)
Who ignores shatter and when?
- Elephants (always)
- Defenders of barricades and obstacles
- unless against elephants
- 2+ deep shieldwall in good going
- unless against elephants
(p. 204, 4)
What roll causes a shatter?
- An S or skull
- Charge combat only
(p. 147, J2.1 & 2.2)
What are the effects of shatter?
Neighboring files (next to, parallel, and facing the same way) get a +2 in any unresolved combats.
(p. 147, J2.3)
What troops can cause shove?
- Those with the shove characteristic
- 2+ deep close infantry in GGo vs. loose/skirmish foot
(p. 148, J3)
Who ignores shove and when?
- Elephants (always)
- Those defending barricades or obstacles,
- unless against elephants
- 2+ shieldwall in good going
- unless against elephants
(p. 148, J3)
What roll causes a shove?
- An S or skull
- Both charge and melee combat
(p. 148, J3.1)
What are the effects of shove?
Neighboring files (next to, parallel, and facing the same way) get a +1 in any unresolved combat in the next phase.
(p. 148, J3.2)
Who can claim shieldwall?
Those that have the characteristic if:
- 2+ deep
- in close formation
- in GGo, and
- fighting to your front
- have not done a charge, countercharge, or intercept
(p. 205, 6.1 & 2)
What are the benefits of shieldwall?
- Cancels shatter & shove (except vs. elephants)
- Cancels mounted melee expert
(p. 148, J4.1; QRS)
Generals can not fight in the front rank with…
(p. 182, A3)
Can you have an unprotected elephant?
No, they are automatically considered protected.
(p. 182, A4)
How do shatter and shove affect elephants?
Not at all - they are immune to shatter and shove.
(p. 182, A5)
How many bases are in a TuG of battle wagons?
Two or four.
(p. 183, B.1)
What formations can a battlewagon UG be in?
There are two legal formations for battlewagons:
- Line formation (mobile: 2 BW deep, spaced by 1 BW)
- Column formation (defensive: 1 BW wide column)
(p. 183, diagram)
How do battlewagons switch back and forth between line and column formation?
By using an M9 Turn 90° on the spot prompted action.
(p. 183, B3)
What restrictions are there on battlewagons when wheeling in line formation?
(p. 183, B.4)
What restrictions are there on battlewagons when moving in column formation?
- The column may not be kinked.
- When wheeling, no corner may exceed the movement distance.
(p. 183, B.4)
What restrictions are there on shooting for battlewagons?
- They may only shoot when in column formation.
- They may only shoot from two of any four BW edges on its long edges.
(p. 183, B.5)
What are the special rules for battlewagons in combat?
- Each BW of frontage counts as a single file.
- Count as barricades if in column, but not in line.
- Note that you can overlap in line.
- Enemy can never count flank or rear against them whether in line or in column.
(pp. 183-184, B.6 & 7)
What prompted actions are prohibited for battlewagons?
They may not make MF1 or MF2 prompted actions.
(p. 184, B.10)
What unit group type is a standalone artillery unit?
A SuG.
(p. 184, C.1)
What troop type is an artillery unit incorporated into a TuG?
The same troop type as the TuG.
(p. 184, C.1)
Which units can always dismount (regardless of characteristics) and under what conditions?
- Cavalry and camelry can dismount,
- if within 6 BW of
- battle wagons
- fortified camp
- UGs behind barricades or obstacles
(p. 185, I.2)
What do cavalry and camelry dismount as?
Nothing if you don’t have equivalent foot figures! Unless otherwise specified in their list:
- same quality & training
- same missile weapons & shooting skill
- but not if charge-only shooters
- close infantry if FArm, otherwise loose
- combat shy
- keep short spear
- LSp if CL or MLSp
- PA if MPA
(p. 185, I.3)
What is flexible about flexible infantry?
- They can deploy as loose or close.
- They can switch between loose and close formation using an M1 prompted action.
(p. 186, H.1 & 2)
Which unit types can pass through battle wagons?
- All UGs may move through them in line formation.
- Only foot SuGs may pass through them in column formation.
(p. 184, B.10)
What benefits do Expendables get in combat?
All S results in charge combat are turned into skulls.
(p. 205, 7.1)
What liabilities do Expendables have in combat?
- They may not break off.
- They are removed at the beginning of the end of turn phase if still in contact with enemy, but do not cause KaB tests as a result.
- If destroyed or routed they still cause KaB tests.
(p. 205, 7.2)
What are the special rules for Fanatic?
- They retain the characteristic only if a general in their line of command is with them.
- When fanatic, they never break due to losses - they can only be destroyed.
(p. 205, 8)
Cantabrian can only apply to what type of troops?
(p. 206, 9)
When can you choose to switch in and out of cantabrian formation?
As part of any move in the movement phase except as part of TuG a SuG.
(p. 206, 9.1)
How are movement distances affected by cantabrian?
Movement distance is reduced by 1 BW for any prompted move starting or ending in cantabrian.
(p. 206, 9.1)
How does cantabrian formation affect shooting?
For all shooting except a run away response, experienced shooters are upgraded to skilled.
(p. 206, 9.2)