Prompted Actions Flashcards
What prompted actions are available during the charge phase?
C1. Move SuGs to allow others to charge
C2. Prompt charges
C3. Stop forced charges
C4. Countercharge or intercept
CM1. Move generals
CM2. Generals <= 2 BW prompt through fire
What prompted actions are available during the Movement phase?
- 2 Charge/Move
- CM1. Move generals
- CM2. Generals prompt through fire
- 15 Movement
- 3 Miscellaneous
- M1. Switch flexibles/redress ranks
- M14. Double move
- M15. Move artillery
- 7 Advance
- M2. Advance directly ahead
- M3. Advance with a wheel
- M4. Advance with a double wheel
- M5. Full ahead with shift
- M6. Advance and contract
- M10. Turn 180° with move
- M11. Turn 90° with move
- 3 Stationary
- M7. Expand while stationary
- M8. Contract on the spot
- M9. Turn 90° or 180° on the spot
- 2 Fall Back
- M12. Fall back with Cv, Cm, Ch, Skirm Inf
- M13. Fall back with other troops
- 3 Miscellaneous
- 2 Move/Fighting
- MF1. Move unengaged bases to single file
- MF2. Turn 90°/180° to face enemy in contact
What prompted actions are available during the fighting phase?
- MF1. Move unengaged bases to single file
- MF2. Turn 90°/180° to face enemy in contact
- F1. Control pursuit
- F2. Break off Cv, Cm, or Ch from slower foot
- F3. Break off from other slower enemy
- F4. Break off from equal speed enemy
What prompted actions are available during the end of turn phase?
E1. Generals recover wounds
What are the cards required and special rules for the Move SuG to allow others to charge prompted action?
(C1) White card
- Only if it allows a charge.
- Only white moves are allowed.
What are the cards required and special rules for the Prompt Charges prompted action?
(C2) Green card for all
- Wheel up to 90° at the beginning of the charge
- An unengaged file of an engaged UG can charge 1 BW.
What are the cards required and special rules for the Stop Forced Charges prompted action?
(C3) NA/Green/Yellow/Red for Skirmishers/Dilled/Formed/Tribal
- Applies to non missile-focused DC/CL <= 3 BW of TuG and non-missile focused <= 1 BW of TuG
- Does not apply if >= 3 down in charge combat
What are the cards required and special rules for the Countercharge or Intercept prompted action?
(C4) Yellow/Yellow/Yellow/Red for Skirm/Drilled/Formed/Tribal
- Countercharge can wheel, intercept can not.
- Must end in the path of charge
- Normal move -1 BW
- May not start/go closer than 1 BW to chargers
(QRS; p. 124, I7)
What are the cards required and special rules for the Move General prompted action?
(CM1) Green card for all
- Maximum of 1 move per phase
- Applies to phase 2.1 (charge) or 4.3 (prompted moves) in movement phase.
What are the cards required and special rules for the General Prompting Through Fire prompted action?
(CM2) Yellow recovers 1 BW, Red recovers 2 BW
- Must be <= 2 BW of UG.
What are the cards required and special rules for the Switch Flexibles/Redress Ranks prompted action?
(M1) Green/Green/Yellow/Red for Skirm/Drilled/Formed/Tribal
- Neither allowed while in combat (not an MF action)
- Redressing ranks must maintain the same frontage
What are the cards required and special rules for the Advance (no wheels) prompted action?
(M2) White for all
- Advance must be directly ahead (and may be short)
- SuGs may contract/expand <= 2 BW
- Must be <= 2 BW after run away/skirmish
What are the cards required and special rules for the Advance with Wheel prompted action?
(M3) White/Green/Green/Yellow for Skirm/Drilled/Formed/Tribal
- One wheel <= 90° at any time
- SuGs may expand/contract <= 2 BWs at any time
What are the cards required and special rules for the Advance with Double Wheel prompted action?
(M4) Green/Green/Yellow/Red for Skirm/Drilled/Formed/Tribal
- Two wheels <= 90° at any time, except that
- Must move >= 1 BW directly ahead between wheels
- Must always be >= 2 BW from TuGs
What are the cards required and special rules for the Advance with Shift prompted action?
(M5) White/Green/Red/NA for Skirm/Drilled/Formed/Tribal
- Must move full distance directly ahead
- Shift 1 BW at end of move
- Must always be >= 4 BW from TuGs