Movement Flashcards
What are the movement distances and terrain effects for close infantry?
3 BW in Good Going
3 BW in Rough (Affected)
2 BW in Difficult (Badly Affected)
What are the movement distances and terrain effects for loose infantry?
3 BW in Good Going
3 BW in Rough
3 BW in Difficult (Affected)
What are the movement distances and terrain effects for skirmish infantry?
4 BW in Good Going
4 BW in Rough
3 BW in Difficult (no effects in any terrain)
What are the movement groupings for Cv/Cm?
- Close Cv/Cm or those with ArmHrs
- Other loose Cv/Cm
- Skirmish Cv/Cm
What are the movement distances and terrain effects for close Cv/Cm (or with ArmHrs)?
4 BW in Good Going
2 BW in Rough (Badly Affected)
1 BW in Difficult (Badly Affected)
What are the movement distances and terrain effects for loose Cv/Cm (excl with ArmHrs)?
5 BW in Good Going
3 BW in Rough (Affected)
2 BW in Difficult (Badly Affected)
What are the movement distances and terrain effects for skirmish Cv/Cm?
6 BW in Good Going
4 BW in Rough
3 BW in Difficult (Affected)
What are the movement groupings for chariots?
- Close chariots or those with ArmHrs
- Other loose chariots
What are the movement distances and terrain effects for close chariots (or with ArmHrs)?
4 BW in Good Going
1 BW in Rough (Badly Affected)
not allowed in Difficult
What are the movement distances and terrain effects for loose chariots (excl with ArmHrs)?
5 BW in Good Going
2 BW in Rough (Badly Affected)
not allowed in Difficult
What are the movement distances and terrain effects for elephants?
4 BW in Good Going
3 BW in Rough
2 BW in Difficult (Affected)
What are the movement distances and terrain effects for battlewagons and mobile camps?
2 BW in Good Going
1 BW in Rough (Badly Affected)
not allowed in Difficult
What are the movement distances and terrain effects for artillery SuGs?
2 BW in Good Going
1 BW in Rough (Badly Affected)
not allowed in Difficult
How large a block can a general prompt?
2 to 5 UGs for mediocre -> legendary.
What modifiers are there when determining evade distance with a variable move distance roll?
- -2 BW if skirmish response
- -1 to die roll if poor
- -1 to die roll if cantabrian or african
- +1 to die roll (optional) if superior or exceptional
In what direction can you make a skirmish or run away response?
- away from charge
- to front
- to rear
What happens when a standing alone general is contacted by friends?
It is displaced the minimum necessary to make room.
(p. 79, #7)
What happens when a standing alone general is contacted by enemies?
It gets an immediate free move.
(p. 79, #7)
What happens when a general with a UG is contacted by another UG (either friend or enemy)?
In order of preference:
- Shift to the other side of the current file
- To the nearest file with space available
- Treat as with original file and replace when space becomes available
(p. 79, #7)
When with a UG, what free moves can a general choose to make?
None for elective moves. You move, you pay a card.
(p. 79, #7)
Can a general move to join a UG in the charge phase and then prompt them to charge?
No, a general only gets one move in a phase.
(p. 79, #8)
What happens to a general with a UG if that UG moves off the table?
The general stops at the table edge.
(p. 79, #8)
When can you apply a general’s colour upgrade?
- Once per phase
- For a prompted action they are involved in.
(p. 79, #9)
When can you hold more cards than your allowance?
- A professional general can hold one more than their allowance at the end of a turn.
- When a general is killed, their card allowance drops by 1 (unless mediocre - but then your are stunned and do lose your cards), but you don’t have to lose any cards as a result.
(p. 79, #10; p. 93, D3)
When can UGs violate the normal formation rules.
- When in combat, they may end up any any formation as dictated by the combat mechanics.
- They can also contract 1 rank during a charge as long as they remain at least 2 files wide.
(p. 79, #11; p. 119, penultimate bullet)
What prompted actions are allowed for UGs when in combat?
- MF1/MF2
- Breakoff moves F2-F4
(p. 79, #11)
What is a legal formation when out of combat?
- At least 2 files wide
- No more than 4 ranks deep
(p. 80, #12)
If a UG is not in a legal formation, when does it reform?
Immediately when out of combat. (And so before executing a pursuit after their opponent has routed.)
(p. 80, #13)
When can you employ the universal 1/2 BW shift and for what purposes?
With any move to:
- Align with or join to friends to form a block or overlap
- Avoid friends
- Avoid terrain
- Avoid the table edge
- Avoid non-charging enemy if doing a skirmish, run-away or break-off move.
(p. 80, #15)
When can you simply displace friendly SuGs?
A TuG may displace a friendly SuG:
- up to 1 BW
- for any movement
- if the SuG can not thereby target a new enemy,
- or charge a new SuG
(p. 80, #16; p. 114 K)
When can you push back enemy SuGs?
You are a TuG during the movement phase and
- You are not in terrain,
- It is not the second move of a double move
- They are not defending barricades or obstacles
- They are not in “close combat”. Note: as supporting files are not “fighting” they can be pushed back.
(p. 80, #17; p. 111 9.3.I, p. 210, 19.9 & 20.7, Clarifications regarding fighting.)
What interpenetrations are normally permitted without penalty?
Except on a charge, counter-charge, or intercept:
- Infantry Sugs may pass through any in any direction.
- All may pass through foot SuGs in any direction
- Special cases as specified by the army list
(p. 81, #18; p. 110 H5)
When charging, do you push back enemy SuGs?
No - they block your movement.
(p. 81, #19)
What is the specific protocol for reforming back into legal formation?
* Choose a file on which to reform.
- Move all files facing the same direction by the minimum necessary to join it.
- Turn and move all other bases by the minimum necessary to join these.
- If necessary, adjust width and depth create a legal formation.
(pp. 98-99, C1)
How does reforming impact further movement?
- A unit that reforms and then pursues may not make further moves that turn.
- If you reform but do not pursue, you are free to make normal moves that turn.
(p. 99, C2-3)
Mixed TuGs are affected by the worst of their troop types for movement. Is this still true if all bases of a given type are lost?
Yes. The rationale is that not all of those troops would have been lost.
(p. 100, A4)
What are the requirements for a SuG to be eligible for the “TuG a SuG” move?
- All bases of the SuG are entirely within 3 BW of the TuG.
- All bases of the TuG and SuG are facing the same direction.
- The SuG is in at least partial edge contact with the TuG.
- Note: They do not need to belong to the same command.
(p. 104)
If taking part in a “TuG a SuG” move, may the SuG make another move that turn?
No, taking part in the “TuG a SuG” is their prompted action for that turn.
(p. 104)
Which prompted actions can be done as a block move?
All except MF1/MF2 moves. (And I assume “recover wounds”).
(p. 105)
What are the requirements for a UG to be part of a block?
- All be in at least partial side edge contact with each other
- Be part of the same command
- Be entirely infantry, battle wagons, and/or elephants, or
- Be entirely cavalry, camelry, chariots and/or skirmish infantry
- Not contain any artillery
(p. 105, E)
What cards are required for a block move?
- One card for the most difficult move within the block,
- Plus a green card.
(p. 106, E1)
How many UGs can a block move contain?
- 2 to 5 UGs for a mediocre -> legendary general.
- SuGs being TuG’d do not count against this limit.
(p. 106, E2)
When is a UG considered out of command for prompting actions?
- Entirely outside the command range (8 or 10 BW) of the general.
- Belonging to a different command than the general. (Professional generals only, but must be in the command range of the general. Can’t involve allies.)
- The general is fighting with a different UG.
- Their general is dead and awaiting a replacement.
(p. 108)
What is the cost for prompting an out of command UG?
The action requires an additional colored card.
(p. 106)
How does terrain and visibility affect command ranges?
They don’t.
(p. 108, F, 1st bullet)
Can the universal 1/2 BW shift be combined with a Move and Shift?
(p. 109, G2)
What can pass through a camp?
(p. 109, H2)
What happens during a prompted action when you are allowed to pass through another UG but don’t have enough movement to do so?
- TuGs can invoke the universal move a SuG rule,
- TuGs may displace infantry SuGs to their rear if there is room,
- otherwise the move is not allowed.
(p. 80, #16; p. 109, H3)
May you wheel and turn while passing through friends as a prompted move?
Yes, if room allows.
(p. 109, H3.4)
May you wheel and turn while passing through friends as an outcome move?
No. (But you may use the 1/2 BW universal shift.)
(p. 110, H4.1)
What happens during an outcome move when you start to pass through friends but don’t have enough movement to clear them?
- SuGs are destroyed
- TuGs stop at friends and create KaBs as if they had burst through - so on both themselves and the UG burst through.
(p. 110, H4.2-3)
What happens when a unit interpenetrates a friendly unit during an outcome move but does not have enough movement to pass completely through?
The UG continues through to the other side if there is room. If there is insufficient room beyond the unit being interpenetrated:
- SuGs are destroyed. (Evades, Push Backs, Routs)
- TuGs stop at first contact with friends, causing KaBs on both themselves and those they would have burst through. (Evades, Routs)
- Note that for Push Backs this question is moot for TuGs as they can’t be pushed back.
(p. 110, H4.4)
What is an outcome move?
It is an unprompted move that may allow you to pass through friends. These are run away, skirmish, rout, or a SuG being pushed back. It does not include pursuits. (Note that pursuits do not allow you to pass through friends.)
(p. 109;
What UGs are normally allowed to pass through what other UGs?
- Infantry SuGs may pass through any UG in any direction.
- All troops may pass through infantry and artillery SuGs in any direction.
- Those explicitly permitted by an army list.
(p. 110, H5)
Which cases are considered as bursting through friends, and what KaB tests do they cause?
- Skirmish infantry never burst through friends
- Run away and skirmish moves:
- Mounted SuGs cause a KaB test on UGs being passed through, including foot SuGs
- Mounted TuGs cause a KaB test on both themselves and the UGs being passed through.
- A routing UG:
- a routing TuG destroys a SuG.
- otherwise causes a KaB test on the UG passed through
- Forced charges (TuGs only):
- Passing through a SuG destroys it.
- Passing through a TuG causes a KaB test on both.
- Push Backs (SuGs only, not listed as a burst through, but acts like one)
- Mounted SuGs cause a KaB test on all but foot SuGs
(pp 110-111, H6; p. 166, figure for B7)
When is an enemy SuG not pushed back by a TuG?
- It is not in good going
- It is defending barricades or obstacles
- It is in combat
- It is a TuG’s second move.
(p. 111; p. 210 19.9 & 20.7)
If contacted by an enemy TuG during the movement phase, what can a SuG choose to do?
- Run away (as per normal run away rules but without any shooting)
- Be pushed back
(p. 111 I.3)
If making a run away move as a result of being contacted by an enemy TuG during the movement phase, does a SuG shoot during the run away response?
No. Shooting from run away responses only occurs during the charge phase and never during the movement phase.
(Clarifications: shooting is not mentioned in the turn sequence for the movement sub-phase.)
What are the mechanics of a TuG pushing back a SuG? (Movement only - not interpenetrations.)
The owner of the SuG chooses to either:
- Align the SuG 1 BW away and opposite the base that first contacted it, or
- Slide the SuG (keeping its facing constant relative to the table edges) so that it ends 1 BW away as measured from the TuG to the point first contacted on the SuG.
(p. 111, I3.2)
What happens when a pushed back SuG meets friends?
- The SuG pops out the other side if there is room and is destroyed if there is not.
- Infantry SuGs do not cause KaB tests, nor do Mounted SuGs passing through foot SuGs.
- Otherwise, mounted SuGs cause a KaB test on the UG passed through.
(p. 113 I4; p. 110 H5.2, 5.2, & 6.1)
Can a pushed back SuG make a prompted move later that turn if it has not already done so?
(p. 113, I5)
Where is the close proximity zone and who does it affect?
- The CPZ is 1 BW ahead of the front of all units.
- TuGs affect all enemy units
- SuGs only affect other SuGs
(p. 113, J1-2)
What are the restrictions when in a close proximity zone?
- No restrictions on charges
- Prompted moves can’t cross the line extending the front edge or penetrate deeper across it.
(p. 113, J3)
What moves are subject to a variable move distance?
- Run away
- Skirmish
- Routs
(p. 114, L)
What moves are limited by proximity to the enemy?
- Within 4 BW of enemy TuGs:
- Full Ahead With Shift
- Contract On The Spot
- Double Move
- Within 2 BW of enemy TuGs:
- Double Wheel
- Advance and Contract
What prompted moves can be included with a double move for skirmishers?
What prompted moves can be included with a double move for drilled troops?
- Advance
- Advance with Wheel
- Advance with Double Wheel
- Advance with Shift
- Advance and Contract
- Expand while Stationary
- Turn on the spot
What prompted moves can be included with a double move for formed troops?
- Advance
- Advance with Wheel
- Advance and Contract
- Expand while Stationary
What prompted moves can be included with a double move for tribal troops?
Advance - that’s it!
What is the rule for pressing forward in charge movement?
Once the charging UG has made contact, files not in contact must continue to advance up to 1 BW if by doing so they contact enemy.
(p. 131, L3)
How do you conduct a breakoff move when contacted in multiple directions?
You don’t - the breakoff move is prohibited in this situation.
(p. 150, K1.5)
AB (B are chariots 1 BW in depth)
Can unit B turn 90° to the right and move away?
Only if unit A is a SuG that can be pushed out of the way on the turn. The initial 90° turn must fit or else it can’t be done.
(See Note that displacing SuGs is limited to 1 BW (universal rule #16) and additional restrictions on no new units targetable by the SuG.)
Can a UG fighting only as a supporting file move away from combat?
Yes. Since you are not fighting in frontal combat you may move away.
(Common Questions)