Combat Flashcards
What are the general claims for fighting troops who shot?
In charge combat only:
- +1 vs. non-charging Cv, Cm, or Ch who shot
What are the charge combat claims for foot long spear?
If in 2+ ranks, not affected, badly affected or vs barricades:
- +2 vs Cv, Cm or Ch;
- +1 vs others
What are the charge combat claims for pikes?
If in 2+ ranks, not affected, badly affected or vs barricades:
- +2 vs Cv, Cm or Ch;
- +1 vs others.
- An additional +1 if in 4 ranks.
What are the charge combat claims for foot short spear?
+1 vs any
What are the charge combat claims for foot devastating charger?
If in 2+ ranks:
- +2 vs any foot;
- 0 vs El, or vs CL in good going;
- +1 vs others
Possible shatter even if 1 rank deep.
What are the charge combat claims for 2HCC?
+1 vs any foot
What are the charge combat claims for foot polearm?
+1 vs any
What are the charge combat claims for impact weapon?
+2 vs any
What are the charge combat claims for charging lancer?
If not affected or badly affected or vs barricades:
- 0 vs El, BWg, or standing to receive foot LSp/Pk/foot PA
- +2 vs others
Note: possible shatter
What are the charge combat claims for mounted long spear?
- 0 vs standing to receive LSp/Pk
- +1 vs others
What are the charge combat claims for mounted polearm?
If not affected, badly affected or vs barricades:
- 0 vs CL or MLSp
- +1 vs other mounted
Note: possible shatter
What are the charge combat claims for mounted short spear?
- 0 vs standing to receive foot LSp/Pk/foot PA
- +1 vs others
What are the charge combat claims for mounted devastating chargers?
If in 2+ ranks:
- 0 vs El, BWg, or standing to receive LSp/Pk
- +1 vs. others
Note: possible shatter
What are the charge combat claims for elephants?
- +3 vs close foot that are tribal/formed
- +2 vs other foot
- +5 vs Ch or BWg
- +4 vs Cv, Cm, or El
Note: possible shatter
What are the general claims for armor?
In melee combat only:
- +1 vs unprotected
- +1 FArm, -/FArm, ArmHrs/FArm if not vs 2HCC or El
Who can claim shove in combat?
- Those with the characteristic
- 2+ deep close infantry in GGo vs. loose/skirm foot
What are the melee claims for foot LSp?
If not affected, badly affected or vs barricades, and if in 2+ ranks:
- +2 vs Cv, Cm, or Ch
- +1 vs others
What are the melee claims for pike?
If not affected, badly affected or vs barricades and in 2+ ranks:
- +2 vs Cv, Cm, or Ch
- +1 vs others
If in 3+ ranks:
- an additional +1
What are the melee claims for polearm?
- +1 vs Cv, Cm, Ch, or El
- +1 vs others if 2+ ranks deep.
Note: BWg with PA only ever fight 1 rank deep
What are the melee claims for 2HCC?
- +2 vs Cv, Cm, or Ch
- +1 vs others
What are the melee claims for foot melee expert?
+1 vs any except El and Exp
What are the melee claims for mounted LSp?
+1 vs any
What are the melee claims for mounted PA?
+1 vs any
What are the melee claims for mounted melee expert?
- 0 vs 2+ deep foot LSp, Pk, or shieldwall in GGo
- 0 vs El
- +1 vs others
What are the melee claims for elephants?
- +2 vs close foot tribal/formed
- +1 vs other foot
- +4 vs Ch or BWg
- +3 vs Cv, Cm, or El
What are the melee claims for foot SSp?
What are the melee claims for CL?
What are the melee claims for mounted SSp?
What happens when a UG is broken in combat with respect to continued fighting?
The UG immediately stops fighting and rolls no dice. The opponent can choose to continue fighting against it.
(p. 152, L)
Describe the types of charges.
- Forced - you must pay cards to stop.
- Free - you don’t need cards to declare, but not forced.
- Prompted - you must pay cards to charge.
(pp. 116-118, B-D)
Can you claim both shatter and shove for a +3 during charge combat?
No, only the shatter for +2.
Can you charge a UG that you can’t see?
(p. 116, A2)
Who is normally forced to charge?
- Non-missile focused TuGs with CL/DC with a TuG <= 3 BW directly ahead
- Non-missile focused TuGs with a TuG <= 1 BW directly ahead
(p. 116, B2)
What turns a forced charge into a free charge?
- The charge would put you in (or remain in) terrain that makes you affected or badly affected.
- They are Cv, Cm, or Ch that would contact elephants as currently positioned.
- They are foot and would contact Cv, Cm, Ch, or El in good going as currently positioned.
- They would contact obstacles, barricades, or battle wagons.
(p. 117, B3)
Which charges are free charges? (Other than forced charges turned into free charges.)
- UGs with CL/DC and a SuG <= 3 BW ahead
- Non-missile focused TuGs with a SuG <= 1 BW ahead.
- SuGs with a SuG <= 1 BW ahead
(p. 118, C)
What qualifies as a prompted charge?
- The target could be reached by a charge, and
- It is not a forced or free charge
(p. 118, D1)
When wheeling for a charge, is the wheeling blocked by the presence of an enemy SuG?
(p. 118, E, bullet #3)
Who may not charge?
- Battlewagons
- Artillery
- Camps
- Troops behind barricades or obstacles
- SuGs vs. TuGs
- unless the TuG is within 1 BW of breaking
(p. 119, first 2 bullets)
How are block charges affected by slowing effects of fire?
- The slowing effects are calculated individually for each UG, and the block moves at the speed of the resulting slowest UG.
- Prompting through fire affects the entire block.
(p. 119, bullet #4; p. 161, H5)
What movement mechanisms are available when a charge is blocked by friends (other than forced chargers bursting through)?
- You may use the universal 1/2 BW shift
- TuGs may displace a SuG up to 1 BW.
- Chargers may contract 1 BW to get past friends as long as they remain >= 2 BW wide.
- If they fail to get into combat, they reform into legal formation as soon as space allows.
(p 119, bullet #5)
When and how may a charge alter their marked direction?
- Optionally when their target has moved
- If they alter course, they must get as close to them as possible
(p. 84, 6.1; p. 132, L5)
What charge movement occurs after first contact?
Other files press forward 1 BW if by doing so they contact other enemy.
(p. 84, 6.3)
What happens when forced chargers meet friends?
- Forced charges pass through friendly files except those in combat.
- If a SuG is passed through it is destroyed
- If a TuG is passed through, take a KaB on both the chargers and those passed through
- Bases of files of a TuG passed through are moved backwards to make room and destroyed if they don’t fit.
(p. 120, F2)
What is the path of charge?
It is the area covered by the charging UG, continuing past troops doing a run away or skirmish response but blocked by enemy standing to receive.
(p. 120, G)
How does a file qualify for a flank/rear charge?
- The front of the file must start entirely behind the line extending the front of the file being charged at the time of the charge.
- There must be a 1 BW x 1 BW square adjacent to the flank or rear of the base charged that does not contain or is touched by any enemy TuG’s front edges or front corners.
(See figures pp. 121 & 123)
What happens when you contact the flank of a base but don’t qualify for a flank attack?
You simply conduct the combat as if fighting frontally.
(p. 122, 2nd paragraph)
What are the prerequisites for counter-charging and intercepting?
- To counter-charge, you must have been charged.
- To intercept, you must not have been charged.
(p. 124)
Do counter-charges and intercepts push back enemy SuGs?
(p. 124, I3)
Can you shoot at countercharges and intercepts?
Yes, if they go within 1 BW of troops with missile weapons.
(p. 124, I4)
What restrictions on wheeling are there for countercharges and intercepts?
- A countercharge can wheel up to 90° at the beginning.
- It must be toward the enemy it is responding to and you may not end up further away from its target.
- An intercept may not wheel.
(p. 124, I7)
What are the movement restrictions regarding enemy units when counter-charging or intercepting.
- You may not start or go closer than 1 BW of the charging unit you are responding to,
- but you must end in its path of charge.
- You may not contact any other enemy.
(p. 124, I7)
Who must make a run away or skirmish response to a charge?
- SuGs charged by TuGs unless:
- Defending barricades or obstacles,
- Entirely in rough or difficult terrain
- They have declared a charge
- They are in combat
- SuGs charged by SuGs when in cantabrian.
(p. 126, J1.1; p. 206, 9.4)
What units are capable of evading?
- Infantry skirmishers
- Missile-focused TuGs of Cv, Cm, or Ch not containing:
- Charging Lancers
- Devastating Chargers
- Fully Armored
- Armored Horses
(p. 84, 5.1; p. 126, J1.2; p. 184, C4)
What is the procedure for executing a run away or skirmish response?
- Determine if the response is a run away or skirmish move
- Roll for shooting if the path of charge is ahead and within 1 BW.
- Make a variable distance roll.
- Decide on direction: to your front, rear, or directly away from the charge
- Move the UG - If moving away from the charge then first turn (not measured) and/or wheel (measured) to align with the path of charge.
- Adjust facing: - away from the chargers if doing a run away - towards the charges if doing a skirmish move
(pp. 127-128, J2-4.5)
If you ran away/skirmished but did not qualify to roll for shooting, can you shoot later in the shooting phase?
(p. 128, J4.5.3)
After a run away or skirmish response, what prompted moves can you make later in the turn?
Prompted moves are limited to:
- M2 - Advance
- M9 - Turn in place (180° only)
- M10 - Turn 180° with move
Moves are further restricted to 2 BW and may not contain wheels.
(pp. 128-129, J4.6)
What happens during a run away or skirmish move when you meet the table edge?
- Turn and/or wheel along the edge to move away from the enemy.
- A SuG (but not flexibles) meeting your rear edge is lost.
- A TuG (including flexibles) meeting your rear edge stops and takes an immediate KaB test.
(p. 129, J4.7)
Can you charge a unit that you are touching?
(p. 132, M2)
If you are touching a unit but not fighting it, how can you move to create combat?
- You can only create a melee combat, not a charge combat.
- If in front corner/front corner (any corner?) contact:
- it may align 1 BW in movement to create a frontal combat
- it may use MF1 moves to move a file into combat
- it may wheel to create a flank combat
- If in side edge to side edge contact, it may make an M9 turn 90° to create a melee combat on the side.
(p. 132, M2; Also see which implies that 2.1 should cover front corner to any corner contact, not just front corner/front corner)
What happens if by pressing forward a new UG is contacted that could normally run away or skirmish?
- The UG does a run away/skirmish/stand to receive per the normal rules
- It does not get to shoot. (But you must have been within 1 BW of the path of charge - so why didn’t you shoot earlier?)
- It doesn’t get to shoot later in the turn having made an evade during the charge phase.
(p. 84, 6.3)
What happens when a charging TuG catches a SuG?
If in good going:
- You fight if:
- the TuG was within 1 BW of breaking
- the SuG is a flexible in skirmish formation
- otherwise the SuG is removed and the TuG continues with its full charge move.
(p. 84, 6.4; p. 186, J5)
What is the general procedure for determining the order of combat?
- The active player determines the first combat to complete, then alternatively with the inactive player.
- A “combat” is a series of contiguous files that are fighting.
- Within a combat, the active player chooses the first file to fight, then alternatively with the inactive player.
- At any time if there are any files suffering from a shatter or shove result, those files must be chosen to fight before choosing any files not suffering shatter or shove.
(p. 143, F)
What is the procedure for aligning?
- Move the front bases of your files < 1 BW so that they are in edge-to-edge and at least one corner-to-corner contact.
- Rear bases can be moved < 2 BW.
- The relative position of all bases - including generals - is maintained.
- Note that the universal rule for a TuG displacing a SuG < 1 BW applies.
- A TuG not in combat can be displaced < 1 BW to make room.
- Side edge contact that were frontal combats may only align into frontal supporting file positions and not flank positions.
(p. 135, B5; p. 137 B8; Glossary: “Align”)
When may you align?
- SP2.7 - just before charge combat
- SP4.2 - just before movement
- SP5.1 - just before combat
May you align out of flank/rear contact?
You may not do so to avoid flank/rear combat.
(p. 136, B6)
May you align from frontal contact into flank contact?
No. You may never go from frontal combat into flank combat through alignment.
(p. 136, B6)
Can you align such that a UG breaks contact with an enemy UG?
You may not align a UG entirely out of frontal contact with an enemy UG unless:
- another UG in the same alignment takes its place and
- it remains fighting enemy with its front edge.
(p. 137 B7; Errata)
When two bases are in fighting contact with another base, who decides which of the two bases fights?
The owner of the two bases.
(p. 141, E3)
What is the procedure for removing bases killed in combat?
- The principal is that the front base dies, rear ranks move forward to take its place.
- If rear ranks have enemy in contact with flank/rear, move the enemy in contact up as well.
- If removing a base results in losing contact entirely with an enemy UG, remove another base if possible.
- If a base is removed that has not fought yet, fight with that base before removing it.
(p. 143, G)
What are the requirements for being a supporting file?
- Be a neighbor of the file being supported.
- Have not fought yet in the current phase.
- Fulfill the following, or be in a position to fulfill them if aligned:
- Be in front corner or at least partial side edge contact with the enemy file that your neighbor is fighting.
- Be aligned parallel to the file being supported and facing the same direction.
- If beyond the fight, be within at least 1 BW of the light of fighting.
(See p. 146, I1 & 3; Clarifications: “aligning” can refer to aligning by either player.)
Do supporting files affect melee and/or charge combat?
Melee combat only.
(p. 146, I4)
How do you calculate the dice used for a supporting file.
- Calculate the dice it would use as if fighting in the position of the file it is supporting, then
- Downgrade the dice by 1 color in the table
- Red + White => Red
- Black => nothing
(p. 146, I5)
What combat choices are available to a rear base when contacted in flank or rear?
- It may give ranks to a base in front of it, or
- It may fight the base in flank/rear contact.
(p. 150, K1.1)
What option is available to a file contacting an enemy’s flank when that flank file is destroyed?
The file may move forward up to 1 BW to contact new enemy.
(p. 85, 7.4)
What are the restrictions on attacking fortified camps?
They may only be attacked by infantry or elephants.
(p. 175, E2)
What are the restrictions on attacking unfortified camps?
(p. 175, E2)
Do camps pursue?
That would be amusing. I mean, no.
(p. 175, E3)
What do camps fight as?
As a TuG of:
- Loose infantry
- Protected
- As their quality grade (poor -> superior)
- No characteristics, except barricades if fortified.
(p. 175, E4.1 & 2)
Which frontages of a camp fight?
All of them fight frontally.
(p. 175, E4.3)
What happens when the target of a charge is destroyed before the charger is moved?
It will move ahead full during SP 2.6. Note that the target must be destroyed: all bases removed. If simply broken, the charging UG moves into contact as normal.
(Forums Jan 2021)
Can camel-mounted infantry claim the charge combat claim for camels vs. cavalry or chariots?
No - camel mounted is not the same as camelry.
If a general fighting in the front rank leaves that file but joins another file of the same UG and continues to fight in the front rank, does the UG suffer a KaB test?
If you have a base with integral cannons, does that qualify for the KaB test for charging cannons?
No, you must be a base with the artillery troop type classification to claim the KaB test against charging enemies.
(See forum
If a file is undergoing multiple combats, does a general fighting in the file contribute to all combats?
Infantry pursue into contact with an enemy UG. During the ensuing charge combat, do they qualify as “Standing to Receive”?
Yes, the infantry count as “standing to receive” if they moved to contact during an outcome phase since they did not charge, countercharge, or intercept.
What are the general claims for troop quality level?
In both charge and melee, +1 for each level better quality.
What are the general claims for fighting vs. combat shy?
+1 in both charge and melee combat.
What are the general claims for a general fighting in the front line?
For both charge and melee combat:
- +2 for a legendary general
- +1 for other generals
What are the general claims for fighting the flank or rear of an opponent?
- +4 in charge combat
- +2 in melee combat
What are the general claims related to terrain?
For both charge and melee combat:
- +1 if fighting uphill
- +2 if your opponent is affected
- +3 if your opponent is badly affected
What are the general claims for shatter and shove?
If fighting to your front:
- +2 for shatter in charge combat only
- +1 for shove in both charge and melee combat
- If you claim shatter, you can not claim shove
What are the general claims for TuGs vs. SuGs?
+2 in both charge and melee combat
What are the general claims for foot not standing to receive?
In charge combat only:
- +1 Cv, Cm, Ch, El vs. foot not standing to receive.
What are the general claims for mounted fighting foot?
For Cv, Cm, Ch in good going vs. loose/skirmish foot:
- +1/+2 in charge combat
- 0/+1 in melee combat
What general claims to camels have?
If fighting to their front:
- +1 vs. Cv/Ch in charge combat only
- Does not include camel-mounted infantry
(QRS; Clarifications)
Can a supporting file subsequently charge (up to 1 BW) to contact new enemy?
(p. 119, 3rd bullet. “If some part of an UG is blocked or already engaged in combat, it may still charge with other files… Glossary for “Engaged Bases” describes supporting files as engaged.)