Pre-Battle System Flashcards
What is the general sequence for the pre-battle system?
- Determine invader/defender
- Determine territory type
- Set battle location (on PBS map)
- Select and place terrain
- Outscouting
- Deploy army (includes flank marches and ambushes)
How do you determine invader/defender?
- Roll a white to red die for mediocre to legendary army commander, rerolling ties.
- Winner chooses to be invader/defender.
- If won with a skull, winner can choose a strategic intercept as invader.
How do you determine the territory type?
- After invader/defender selected, each draws PBS cards as indicated by the army builder.
- Each the secretly chooses one which are revealed simultaneously.
- Winner choose a territory type from the defender’s list, ties go to defender.
During the pre-battle system, when are played cards returned to the pack?
After the entire pre-battle system has been completed.
How large are compulsory terrain pieces?
From 6 BW x 6 BW to 10 BW x 10 BW.
How large are optional terrain pieces?
From 4 BW x 4 BW to 8 BW x 8 BW.
How wide is a deep water secure flank?
Up to 6 BW.
How wide are the flank sectors?
10 BW.
What is the order of terrain selection and placement?
* Defender places a secure deep water flank, or:
* Defender followed by invader place secure flank terrain pieces. These are on player's own side, compulsory sized, not moved, and may touch each other. * Choose compulsory items alternately, starting with defender. * Place compulsory items alternately, starting with defender. * Choose optional items alternately, starting with defender. * Place optional items alternately, starting with defender.
How many terrain pieces are selected for the Very Dense terrain type?
- Compulsory: 2 Rough/Open Area and 2 Difficult
- Optional: Up to 3 any per player
How many terrain pieces are selected for the Dense terrain type?
- Compulsory: 1 Rough/Open Area and 2 Difficult (total)
- Optional: Up to 2 any (each player)
How many terrain pieces are selected for the Normal terrain type?
- Compulsory: 2 Rough/Open Area/Difficult (total)
- Optional: Up to 2 any (each player)
How many terrain pieces are selected for the Open terrain type?
- Compulsory: 1 Rough/Open Area/Difficult (total)
- Optional: Up to 1 (each player, no impassable)
How many terrain pieces are selected for the Featureless terrain type?
- Compulsory: none
- Optional: Up to 1 (no impassable)
When dicing for terrain placement, where do you place terrain based on the die roll?
- 1/2 = left flank (from rolling player’s perspective)
- 3/4 = center
- 5/6 = right flank
- odd = must touch edge
When rolling to move terrain placed by your opponent, what do the various die rolls allow you to do?
- 1-3 = no change
- 4 = move up to 6 BW
- 5 = or pivot
- 6 = or remove
What are the placement restrictions for compulsory and optional terrain pieces?
- They must fit entirely in the given flank/center sector.
- When placed, they must be at least 2 BW away from all other terrain pieces except deep water.
- If moved, they may touch but not overlap other terrain pieces.
Describe the outscouting process.
- Keep and or discard any cards left over from determining terrain density and secure flank.
- Deal new cards to bring you up to your total for outscouting listed on the army builder.
- Compare totals of 5 best cards:
- red = 40%
- yellow = 20%
- green = 10%
- Difference is the amount one army has been outscouted by the other. If equal, no outscouting occurs.
(QRS; p. 65 9; p. 68)
Describe the general deployment zone (excluding camps and ambushes).
- All must be placed >= 6 BW from center line on own side.
- Except for secure flanks, only SuGs can be placed within 5 BW of a side table edge.
Ignoring terrain restrictions, where can camps be placed?
On the rear table edge, entirely within 6 BW of center, or between the center and a secure table edge.
(p. 174, D3)
Describe the deployment process.
- An outscouted army places their camp and the outscouted % of their army.
- Both players place ambushes and flank marches.
- Generals are placed on flank march/bluff cards.
- Generals in ambush are not placed yet.
- The outscouting army places their camp and the same outscouting % of their army.
- If there was no outscouting then the defender followed by the invader places their camp and 1/3 of their army.
- Thereafter, the players alternate placing 1/3 of their army.
- Defender, then invader, place generals and declare which UGs (including ambush cards) are in each general’s command.
- Generals placed on bluff cards reveal the bluff card.
- Generals in ambush are placed on the rear table edge.
Note: As UGs are placed they are described - except if they are allies or not. Allies are indicated in step 6.
In what order must the camp and UGs be placed?
- Camp
- UGs with barricades/obstacles (excl BWg)
- Artillery
- Expendables
- All other UGs
(QRS; p. 69)
Who initially positions the army marker on the terrain map during the pre-battle system?
The invader if they have a strategic intercept, otherwise the defender.
During the 5-day pre-battle sequence, are you allowed to pass and not play a card at any time?
Only if you start with fewer than 5 cards. (And you must eventually play them all.)
After the 5-day pre-battle sequence, can you discard any cards before drawing for out-scouting?
(p. 68 #2)
Is a terrained hill covered in forest allowed as a compulsory difficult terrain item?
No. Specials (terrained hills, impassable hills, and deep water) are only allowed as optional items.
(p. 66, 3)