Terrain Flashcards
What are the different territory types?
- Standard
- Plains
- Coastal
- Forest
- Mountain
- Jungle
- Desert
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Open Areas.
- Available in any territory type
- Good Going
- Blocks placement of other terrain
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Hills.
- Available in any territory type
- Good Going
- All visible within 2 BW over a ridge
- Can give uphill claim. (Entirely on slope and nearer center/ridge than opponent.)
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Rocky Ground.
- Available in any territory type
- Rough, but
- Elephants claim good going
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Brush.
- Available in any territory type
- Rough, but
- Camels and Elephants treat as good going
- Foot SuGs visible at 3 BW
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Ploughed Fields.
- Available in any territory type
- Rough, but
- Elephants treat as good going
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Tall Crops.
- Available in any territory type
- Rough, but
- Elephants treat as good going
- Infantry visible at 3 BW
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Villages.
- Available in any territory type
- Difficult
- All visible at 2 BW
- Grants cover when fully within or when shooting from or through
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Boundaried Fields.
- Available in Standard or Coastal territory types
- Rough
- Infantry visible at 3 BW
- After 800 CE, grants cover to any defending edge
- Obstacles pre 800 CE, Barricades from 800 CE
- Maximum of 1 per pre-laid town or village
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Orchards.
- Available in Standard or Coastal territory types
- Difficult, but
- Elephants treat as rough
- Infantry visible at 3 BW
- Grants cover when fully within or when shooting from or through
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Vineyards.
- Available in Standard or Coastal territory types
- Difficult, but
- Elephants treat as rough
- Infantry visible at 3 BW
- Grants cover to targets fully within
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Towns.
- Available in Standard or Coastal territory types
- Difficult
- All visible at 1 BW
- Grants cover when fully within or when shooting from or through
- Boundary defended from inside as Barricades during charge combat only
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Woods.
- Available in all but Plains or Desert territory types.
- Rough
- All visible at 2 BW
- Grants cover when fully within or when shooting from or through
- SuGs can only shoot 2 ranks, others 1 rank
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Gullies.
- Not available in Standard, Coastal, or Mountains territory types.
- Rough
- All visible from 2 BW outside, those inside can see/shoot outside.
- Uphill claim if in outer 1 BW and nearer edge
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Marshes.
- Not available in Standard territory type.
- Difficult
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Mountains.
- Not available in Forest or Jungle territory types.
- Difficult
- All visible within 2 BW over a ridge
- Can give uphill claim. (Entirely on slope and nearer center/ridge than opponent.)
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Forests.
- Available in Standard, Forest, Mountain, or Jungle territory types.
- that is, not Coastal, Plains or Desert
- Difficult
- All visible within 1 BW
- Grants cover when fully within or when shooting from or through
- Troops may only shoot or fight 1 rank deep.
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Swamps.
- Jungle terrain type only.
- Difficult
- UGs suffer a KaB if any units in them move.
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Sandy Ground.
- Desert terrain type only.
- Difficult, except
- Camels treat as good going.
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Wadis.
- Desert terrain type only.
- Difficult
- Those inside visible from 2 BW, can see/shoot outside.
- Uphill claim if in outer 1 BW and nearer edge
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Sand Dunes.
- Desert terrain type only
- Difficult, except
- Camels treat as good going
- All visible within 2 BW over a ridge
- NOTE: No benefit for being uphill
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Terrained Hills.
- Slopes can be of a single type of rough or difficult terrain available in the territory type.
- Availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules as of terrain type.
- Visibility and uphill bonus for hills also apply.
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Impassable Hills.
- Mountain, Forest, or Jungle terrain types only
- Impassable
- Blocks line of sight
- May not be placed in center, so lost on 3/4 placement roll
Describe the availability, going, visibility, cover, and special rules for Deep Water.
- Not Standard or Plains territory type, except:
- Always placeable on a secure deep water flank
- Impassable
- May not be placed in center, so lost on 3/4 placement roll
If your front edge is in good going but rear bases are entirely in difficult, what terrain do you use to consider factors for supporting rank?
According to the forums, the entire file fights as if in good going.
(I think the front edge of the rear rank should determine this based on the definition of “Affected” in the glossary.)
How do you determine how affected you are by terrain when not aligned and the different lines of fighting are in different terrain types?
- You choose the line of fighting (your front edge or your opponent’s) for your unit.
- You are affected by the worse terrain for the selected line of fighting.
(p. 152 M, see also https://mortem-et-gloriam.co.uk/smf/index.php?topic=1538)