Untitled Deck 5 Flashcards
Neutrophil polymorphs mean?
Acute inflammation.
Granuloma means?
Chronic inflammation.
BPH zone?
Transitional zone of the prostate.
Prostate cancer zone?
Peripheral zone.
Optic canal contains?
Ophthalmic artery and optic nerve.
Tentorium cerebelli is?
Layer of dura that separates cerebellum from the brain lobes.
Broca’s area where?
Frontal lobe.
Wernicke’s area where?
Temporal lobe, comprehension of spoken language.
Vertebral artery is a branch of?
CN I and II arise from?
CN III - XII emerge from?
ACTH released by?
Corticotroph cells.
GH released by?
Somatotrophs cells.
Dura mater blood and nerve supply?
Blood supply from middle meningeal artery, nerve supply by trigeminal nerve.
Arachnoid mater n and blood supply?
No blood or nerve supply.
Bitemporal inferior quadrantopia lesion?
Craniopharyngioma (lesion superior to optic chiasm).
Wernicke’s area actions?
Language comprehension, receptive dysphasia - speech fluent but lack meaning.
T12 aorta branch?
L1 aorta branch?
Superior mesenteric artery.
L3 aorta branch?
Inferior mesenteric artery.
Large intestine lined with?
Simple columnar epithelium.
Upper 2/3 rectum blood supply?
Superior rectal artery (branch of IMA).
Lower 1/3 rectum blood supply?
Middle and inferior rectal arteries (internal iliac artery branch).
Alpha cells A1 secrete?
Gastrin and serotonin.
Alpha cells A2 secrete?
Small bowel layers?
Mucosa, submucosa, muscularis propria, serosa.
Gastrosplenic ligament?
Contains short gastric and left gastroepiploic arteries.
Incarcerated hernia repair?
Strangulated hernia repair?
Bowel obstruction due to RECTAL cancer?
Be treated by loop colostomy.
Bowel obstruction due to obstructing left sided COLON cancer?
Treated by resection of the primary lesion and formation of colostomy.
Transitional cell carcinoma appearance?
Renal cell carcinoma (Adenocarcinoma) appearance?
Yellow or brown colour.
Liver cell adenoma related to?
OCP use.