Unit Two- Group C- Individuals and Groups Flashcards
Rob Enright
early Byzantinian ruler, “sleepless ruler”, Theodora’s husband (they ruled together), both were smart, strong willed, disciplined, yet came from obscure backgrounds (Theodora was daughter of a bear keeper in a circus), Jusinian created codification of Roman law, which influenced cival law codes in most of Europe
Rob Enright
Roman emperor who designated Byzantion as the site for Constantinople. Moved location because of eatern Med. wealth, close watch on Sasanid and Germanic people on Danube River. Constantinople was created as a “new Rome” fit for a King
Louis Pious
Rob Enright
Charlamagne’s only surviving son, not as good of a leader, lost control to local authorities, his three sons fought and warred over the territory, which later divided into three sections
Rob Enright
displaced Kush as Egypt’s principal link to southern lands and sent the Nubian kingdom into economic and political decline
Rob Enright
preserver of the world, god who observed the universe from the heavens and occasionally entered world in human form to resist evil or communicate his teachings
Who designated Byzantion for the site of the new capital in Rome and was the first Christian emperor of Rome?
Who designed the codification of Roman law?
What group of people was the most successful and influential of the Germanic tribes that displaced Roman authorities and institutions?
The Franks
What leader was the grandson of Charles Martel and the one under whom the Franks reached their high point?
What was the name of the group of norse seafarers who used their maritime skills to raid and plunder other nations?
The Vikings
St. Scholastica
Sister of St. Benedict, established monastery for nuns
Nate Gamble
St. Basil
Established monastery in Byzantium in Italy.
Nate Gamble
St. Methodius
Missionary , who along with his brother St. Cyril, was sent by Byzantine authorities to the Balkan and Slavic Islands. Methodius hailed from Greece and conducted missions in Bulgaria and Moravia. He helped his brother with the creation of the Cyrillic alphabet.
Nate Gamble
Germanic general who deposed last of the Roman emperors. He then decided not to claim the throne as emperor and left it vacant.
Nate Gamble
Benedictine Monks
Monks of St. Benedict’s Monasteries. Were monastic and could own no property. They were required to do manual labor and pray.
Nate Gamble
The individual most responsible for charting an independent course for the Roman church
Pope Gregory I
One of two reformers that brought about benedictine monastaries
St. Benedictine
Leader of the Turks in Afghanistan
Mahmud of Ghazni
Two groups that used monsoon winds to trade in the seas around india
Dhows and Junks
Two gods that had devotional cults based around them
Vishnu and Shiva
Group in Southeast Asia that reached its peak in the 11th century. Ruled the entire Mekong River valley from the capital of Angkor.
An Indian ruler who reigned from 606 to 647 c.e. from his capital Kanauj. He was first to temporarily unify northern india.
Prince Vladimir
Was a Russian prince who converted to christianity in 989 c.e. Also helped Cryllic styles spread.
Louis Pious
He was Charlemagne’s only surviving son and he succeeded him. Conquered many lands and his three son’s split Frank kingdom up into three sections.
Emperor Leo III
In 725 he created Iconoclasm which was the destroying of all religious statues so no one could worship them as idols.
Who was Charlemagne?
He was a leader of the Franks. Grady Barackman
Raided all of Western Europe. Grady Barackman
St Benedict
Started the Benedictine order and reformed monasteries. Grady Barackman
Founded Byzantine empire and built Constantinople. Grady Barackman
Pope Leo 3
Crowned Charlemagne and was involved in the schism of the church. Grady Barackman