Unit One-Group D Flashcards
means “house of islam” and refers to lands under Islamic rule
Dar al-islam
Is Islamic Law
a. offers guidance on every aspect of life
b. Islam is developing into a way of life with social and ethical values
Holy pilgrimage to Mecca
Every Muslim is supposed to go at least once in their life.
The Hajj
Became caliph after Muhammad’s death. Led umma became head of state for Islamic community as well as a religious leader.
Abu Bakr
Born in 570 ce taught first true one god Allah, he was a merchant
Muhammad’s move to medina, starts official Islamic calendar
The Hijra
Cubed shape building housed shrines, brought wealth to Mecca
Muhammad’s written revelations, the holy book of Islam
Who was An Lushan and what did he do?
A former military commander, An Lushan rebelled against the Tang dynasty. The rebellion was eventually suppressed by outside Turkish forces. The Tang dynasty fell apart soon after.
The first Song emperor; had a reputation of honesty and effectiveness.
Song Taizu
Three policies that helped the success of the early Tang Dynasty.
- maintenance of a transportation/communication network
- distribution of land according to the equal-field system
- reliance of a bureaucracy based on merit
Governed the allocation of agricultural land; ensured an equitable distribution of land
Equal-field system
The Grand Canal
most elaborate Sui project; one of world’s largest water works projects before modern times
Imposed tight discipline on his Sui state and then spread his rule to the rest of China. Built a centralized government.
Yang Jian
Slipped past Imperial watchtowers to travel to India to study Buddhist texts
Angus Pellant
The relationships China had with surrounding countries where neighboring lands and people would recognize the Chinese as their overlords.
Tributary Relationships
Angus Pellant
A military commander who started the rebellion that brought the decline and fall of the Tang Dynasty.
An Lushan
Angus Pellant
The Turkish nomads whom the Tang Emperor called in to help defeat the rebellion of An Lushan.
The Uighurs
Angus Pellant
A new agricultural technique that the Chinese used oxen and water buffaloes to pull.
Heavy Iron Plows
Angus Pellant
Nate Gamble
The Muslim name for God. (Same God as Judaism and Christianity)
Nate Gamble
A cube shaped building that housed a large, black rock considered to be a the dwelling place of a powerful deity. Located at Mecca.
Nate Gamble
The prophet and founder of the religion of Islam. He grew up an orphan and became a merchant before starting Islam.
Nate Gamble
Wealthy widow which Muhammad grew up working for and eventually married.
Archangel Gabriel
Nate Gamble
Angel which delivered visions, understood as messages or revelations, to Muhammad. Also recognized by Jews and Christians.
Which group eventually destroyed the Abbasid dynasty?
The Mongols extinguished the Abbasid dynasty in 1258.
What is jihad?
Jihad means “struggle”. In one way it requires Muslims to combat evil. In another way it is a struggle agains ignorance, encouraging Muslims to spread Islam.
What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims?
The Shia believe that Ali and his descendants should be the Caliphs, while Sunni muslims don’t and represent the majority of Muslims.
What was Dunhuang?
Dunhuang was a city in western China home to a large Buddhist community with hundreds of temples and libraries of Buddhist texts.
Born in Mecca
Was a Prophet who started the religion of Islam
He said he spoke the words that archangel gabriel told him.
He unified Arabia into a single unified polity.
a. means “struggle”
b. calls on Muslims to struggle against ignorance and unbelief by spreading the word of Islam and seeking converts to the faith
Name of the community that Muhammad led in Medina after fleeing from Mecca
Are judges, set moral standards in communities and settled disputes. They rendered their decisions based on the Quran and Sharia.