Chapter 19 Flashcards
This person was the grandson of Genghis Khan and founded the Yuan Dynasty.
Khubilai Khan
Thomas DeLong
Who initiated the First Crusade?
Pope Urban II
Thomas DeLong
Who brought the province of Aquitaine to England by marrying King Henry II?
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Thomas DeLong
This person founded the first Nordic colony in Greenland.
Eric the Red
Thomas DeLong
what are arabic numerals
Gabe Andersson
A number system made by the people of india that included the number zero, called arabic because european traders were first introduced to them by arabs
what are troubadours
Gabe Andersson
Traveling poets and minstrels most common in southern france and northern italy
what was a mendicant
Gabe Andersson
A monk of the franciscan and Dominican orders, who gave up all his possessions and begged for food, in exchange for preaching about God
What was the reconquista
Gabe Andersson
The re-conquest of Spain by Christian forces that were from Catalonia in northern Spain, at the time most of Spain was ruled by Muslims
What was Chivalry
Gabe Andersson
An idea in medieval Europe most common among nobles and Knights that introduced expectations of high ethical standards and refined manners
Matthew Bagby
The central administration of the Roman Catholic Church; lead by Pope; central government of Latin Christianity.
Theme system
Matthew Bagby
system divided the Byzantium Empire into different districts that were each led by a general, created so military could respond quickly to attacks.
Matthew Bagby
Holy rituals that being spiritual blessings on the observants.
Matthew Bagby
Association of workers in the dame occupation in a single city; stressed security and mutual control, limited membership, regulated apprenticeship, guaranteed good workmanship, discourage innovations, and often established franchise within cities.
This person’s commentaries on Aristotle revived Western interest in Greek philosophy, which led to the development of scholasticism.
Ibn Rushd
Thomas DeLong
Who was Marco Polo?
Grady Barackman
Marco Polo was an Italian merchant and traveler that traveled from Europe into China.
Who was the French king in year 1589?
Grady Barackman
King Henry IV
Who created scholasticism?
Grady Barackman
Saint Thomas aquines
Who first discovered North America?
Grady Barackman
Leif Ericsson
What place was discovered by Eric the Red at the end of the tenth century?
Where were the people who occupied Iceland beginning in the late ninth century originally from?
After going on an exploratory voyage from Greenland what place did Leif Ericsson eventually arrive at?
Included Normandy, Aquitaine, and Paris. Located west of Holy Roman Empire
Rob Enright
What island was conquered by Muslims in the ninth century, but returned to Christian hands by Norman warriors in the eleventh century?
The name of this cathedral means Our Lady and it is located in Paris
Notre Dame
Included Constantinople; gateway from Mediterranean Sea to Black Sea
Rob Enright
Large body of water that surrounded nearly all of Medieval Europe from the south
Rob Enright
Mediterranean Sea
Location that the Christians tried to “recapture” during the crusades in Medieval Europe
Rob Enright
Body of water in northern Europe that sits just west of Sweden and Denmark
Rob Enright
Baltic Sea
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Most celebrated woman of her day who supported troubadours and code of chivalry
Leif Ericsson
Established “Vinland” in Canada at newfoundland
Issued letters of credits to merchants
Noah Coleman
Otto I of Saxony
Proclaimed emperor by pope John XII in 962
Eric the Red
Discovered Greenland
Hugh Capet
Found Capetian dynasty in France
Dominated trade in Northern Europe
Noah Coleman
Hugh Capet founded dynasty from 987 and lasted three centuries
Capetian France
Noah Coleman
Drew inspiration from the love poetry of Spain
Noah Coleman
Scandinavian seafarers
Noah Coleman
Nate gamble
Italian city which was home to many merchants
Italian peninsula
Nate gamble
peninsula of Italy that stretched into the Mediterranean Sea.
Nate Gamble
capitol city of Byzantine empire; modern day Istanbul ; founded by Constantine.
Nate gamble
large North Atlantic island discovered by Eric the Red.
Black Sea
Nate gamble
Sea north of modern day turkey that connects with Mediterranean Sea.
Language of the Lay peoples
Vernacular Languages
Aris Vinsant
Selection of church officials by lay emperors
Lay Investiture
Aris Vinsant
Noble Code of Ethics and Behavior among Christians; designed to stop Christians from fighting each other
Aris Vinsant
Traveling poets, minstrels, musicians, and entertainers
Aris Vinsant
Using Christian faith and Greek Reason to prove that God rationally exists; founded by St. Thomas Aquinas.
Scholastic Theology
Aris Vinsant
Ashoka Maurya conquered which Kingdom?
Kingdom of Kalinga
Gianni Catenacci
Who founded the Gupta Dynasty?
Chandra Gupta
Gianni Catenacci
Who founded the Jain religion?
Vardhamana Mahavira
Gianni Catenacci
What is the dharma?
The Buddhist Doctrine
Gianni Catenacci
Who became the Buddha (563-483 BC)?
Suddhartha Gautama
Gianni Catenacci
Men who not only studied Islam as a religion, but as a way of life.
Muslim philosophers
Ryan Chandler
Frankish and Scandanavian people
Ryan Chandler
Medieval Christians that sought spiritual purity
Ryan Chandler
A monastery founded by St. Francis of Assisi
Dominican friars
Ryan Chandler
Venetian Merchants
Merchants from Venice. Contributed in spread of religion.
Ryan Chandler
King of northern Germany, ventured into Italy to protect the church and quell political disturbances
Otto I
Owen Dixon
“The red beard” Reigned in Southern Germany, absorbed the Northern Italian Lands of Barbarossa into his empire, pushed out by Papal states
Fredrick Barbarossa
Owen Dixon
Ordered an end to selection of church officials by empires, when challenged by Henry IV, excommunicated him from the church
Pope Gregory VII
Owen Dixon
Invaded England and ruled by descendants of Angles, Saxons, and other Germanic peoples
Duke William of Normandy or William the Conqueror
Owen Dixon
Used her influence to support traveling troubadours and encourage the cultivation of good manners, refinement, and romantic love.
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Owen Dixon
a city with its surrounding territory forms an independent state.
originated in France and England
Iron horseshoe
Increased crop production because horses could plow longer.
Horse collar
Increased crop production because horses could pull more weight.
Urban women
most guilds admitted women, and women also had own guilds.
Area where descendants of Vikings lived
Otto was the king of this land
Northern Germany
Area most tightly centralized
Areas where one small Christian state survived fighting off Muslims
Most urban city by far