Chapter 18 Flashcards
A tightly centralized Bantu kingdom and Congolese state that developed a central government and actively participated in trade networks.
The Kingdom of Congo
Steven Hutto
Known as the “lion prince”, he created the Mali empire in the 13th century, created alliances with local rulers, became known for his courage in battle, and developed a large army consisting mostly of cavalry.
Steven Hutto
Grand-nephew to Sundiata and the ruler of Mali during its high point, this man cemented the importance of trade and Islam in west Africa through his pilgrimage to Mecca.
Mansa Musa
Steven Hutto
Khoi; increased agriculture production, rising population, pressure for migration resulted from this
Cattle raising
From South East Asia; entered Africa from Indian Ocean; Madagascar 300 to 500 CE; mainland; Bantu 500 CE; food supply, enriched diets, expansion.
Early Bantu government; village council of men; chief; group of villages is a district
Kinship society
Represented settlement when it dealt with neighboring people.
Village chiefs
Main foundations for social and economic organization in small agricultural societies.
Extended families
Most people didn’t recognize private land ownership in sub-Sahara led to_______________.
Communal land rights
The advancement of this set the platform for urbanization and cities to grow
Was as valuable as gold because it preserved meats while traveling across the sahara
Muslim place of worship
City that thrived off trade and reflected Persian and Arab trade even devising a language with relatively similar to called bantu
Ethnic loyalties
Often seen within Kinship groups where people of a certain kinship are loyal to their tribe and roots
Traditions in which people passed knowlege, songs, stories, etc on through to the next generation through only vocal transmission
Oral traditions
Oliver Hutchison
What technology was discovered and widely used, involving metal working and led to tools, building materials and weapons?
Iron metallurgy
Oliver Hutchison
What technology was helpful to travelers across the Sahara who used camels and needed a way to transport goods a long way?
Camel saddles
Oliver Hutchison
What material is common in elephants tusks and was a common trade item in Zimbabwe, controlled by the kings? P.s. Very valuable
Oliver Hutchison
This was the control, ownership, or public service to one or more people in payment or caused by: captives of war; debt; criminals. Were sold or used in agricultural use. High in demand from Europe
Human slaves in Africa
Oliver Hutchison
The Kingdom of Ghana
principal state of west africa at the time of muslim arrival, notable for gold trade, capital at Koumbi-Saleh
Mali Empire
followed kingdom of ghana, built by Sundiata in 1253, encouraged islam, led by mansa musa during high point
Songhay Empire
followed mali empire, kept tradition of muslim centralized government
Wealthy Capital city of Ghana that supported a large number of Quadis and Muslim scholars
From 1200-1400 controlled and taxed almost all trade passing through west Africa
Mali empire
One of the busiest city-states on the east African coast, and also grew rapidly with trade from other regions of Africa and even the Muslim world.
Great Zimbabwe
interior of east africa, name refers to dwelling of a chief, city with stone walls, taxed trade in region
Kingdom of Axum
south of egypt in ethiopia, christian, royals converted around same time as constantine, managed to stay christian until 1974
Great Zimbabwe
Situated between the Zambesi and Limpopo rivers, It boasted palaces and public buildings that helped it serve as the capital of the kingdom
Early Bantu city that developed as a center of iron production and trade and was the early crossroad for trade in Western Africa
Swahili city-states
Chiefs gained power through taxing trade
Ports developed into city-states
Villages > Small States > Principalities > Kongo
Centralized government
reigned until 17th century
Africans organized military and populations grew
Chiefs conquered outside of family groups
Ife and Benin
Kinship groups
Communities claimed rights to land
Village split the land among its members
Controlled most trade through west Africa
Lots of trade between Mali and north Africa
Capital in Niani
Declined from factions and nomadic raids
A term referring to the trade in Africa that typically included long trips using camels to transport goods.
Trans-Saharan Trade
Landon Ginther
Society in which social status and rank is determined by your ancestors, typically used throughout early African societies.
Kin-Based Society
Landon Ginther
Small kingdoms throughout Africa that were ruled by a single man, these small kingdoms were usually found in conflict fighting over land rights.
Landon Ginther
A belief similar to modern Christianity were African tribes believed in a single deity responsible for creating everything around them.
Creator God
Landon Ginther
A religion found in Africa based in Ethiopia, this religion came down into Africa from Portuguese Mariners.
Ethiopian Christianity
Landon Ginther
A term used for black slaves from the Swahili coast who worked under extremely harsh conditions in southern Mesopotamia.
The Zanj
Steven Hutto
One of the first kingdoms in North Africa where Christianity established a foot hold.
The Kingdom of Axum
Steven Hutto
“Kebra Negast”
14th-century account written in Ge’ez about the origins of the Solomonic line of the Emperors of Ethiopia.
Henry Goeke
The language of Madagascar from the Austronesian family of languages.
Henry Goeke
Gender Roles
Specific tasks and duties that were assigned to the appropriate sex.
Henry Goeke
Zanj Revolts
ad (869-883) was a black slave revolt against the abbasid caliphate. Occurred mainly in southern Iraq.
Henry Goeke
lesser deities
often associated with the sun, wind, rain, trees,rivers, and other natural features. These Gods had the power to intervene in human life. Many different types of sacrifices and prayers went to these Gods.
Henry Goeke
The capitol of russia
William Loper
Country located on the mediterrain sea and that relied on the nile.
William Loper
Country located in Northern Europe and Asia and with the capitol of Moscow.
William Loper
The cultural center of the Mali and Sanghay Empires
Charlie McClain
Capitol city of Egypt
William Loper
Ghana’s capital and center of trade. Gave great power to the Kingdom of Ghana.
Charlie McClain
Red Sea
An inlet of the Indian Ocean that lies between Africa and Asia- used for trade and conquest.
Charlie McClain
a port used for trade located on the Red Sea
Charlie McClain
An area in northeast Africa that had much christianity.
Charlie McClain
Middle-eastern city and Muslim capitol
William Loper
What is the empire that was formed by Otto
Holy Roman Empire
Harrison Donnelly
What is the hanseatic league
An a assosiatiom of trading cities and states
Harrison Donnelly
What event occurred in 1060 in Spain
The reqonquista
Harrison Donnelly
Who called up knight for the crusades
Pope urban ll
Harrison donnelly
What event did leaf Ericsson make
The finding of Vinland and Americas
Harrison Donnelly
What served as principal centers of Islamic education and scholarship?
Jake Sullivan
What did African religion originally worship as its one true deity?
Creator God
Jake Sullivan
What were recognized as being associated with the sun, wind, rain, trees, rivers, and other natural features in African religion?
Lesser Deities
Jake Sullivan
Who had the power to mediate between humanity and supernatural beings in African culture?
Jake Sullivan
Sub-Saharan Africa
Private land did not exist. Social positions were determined by kinship, age groupings, sex, and gender expectations.
What fictional work traced back the lineage of African culture to David and Solomon?
Kebra Negast
Jake Sullivan
This Mali city linked the eastern and western parts of the trans-Saharan trade route.
In 869 what city did the rebellious slaves capture under the command of Ali bin Muhammad.
What city was the most important city for early Christian thought, located in Egypt and was home to st. Augustine.