Chapter 21 Flashcards
Marco Polo
Charlie McClain
Italian traveler who spent a lot of time in China and was very well-liked by the Great Khan who loved his storytelling. He worked for the Great Khan and wrote about all o his adventures.
Ibn Battuta
Charlie McClain
muslim traveler who provided guidance in the way of Islam to places that were newly converted. Was the Qadi of the Sultan of Delhi and the Maldive Islands
Pope Innocent IV
Charlie McClain
Christian Europeans wanted to take back Jerusalem from the muslims so he sent envoys to the Mongols trying to convert them to Christianity and make an alliance to take down the muslims who were currently in Jerusalem
Rabban Sauma
Charlie McClain
a nestorian Christian priest who was born in the Mongol Capital but was of turkish ancestry, was sent as an envoy to the Pope and other European leaders by the Persian Ilkhanate. He did not succeed.
King Louis XI
Charlie McClain
King of France who maintained a permanent army of about 15000 troops after the bubonic plague
Marco Polo’s homeland. Frequently fought with Genoa.
Mongol capital where Rabban Sauma was born.
During the little ice age, the Norse abandoned their colonies here that had existed since the tenth century.
This place strangely avoided the plague. Their population actually grew during the epidemics.
Prosperous trading port city which was the hub of fur trade and was involved in the Hanseatic League.
“Little Ice Age”
Rob Enright
around 1300 CE, shorter summers and longer winters in Northern Europe led to the decline in crop production, and eventually the Black Plague
Rob Enright
used by Ibn Battuta in his travel to strictly govern others
bubonic plague
Rob Enright
effect of the Little Ice Age; deadly disease that led to massive population declines, shortage of workers, and ended feudalism
Rob Enright
“rebirth” of classic culture, Italian artists use perspective in paintings; advancement of culture (especially art)
Rob Enright
artists create more accurate depictions in their works (first nude pictures since the 13th century)
This killed a large portion of the indigenous population of the Americas.
(Max Parsa)
Disease pathogens brought from Europe.
Europeans imported this from China as a status symbol.
Max Parsa
This was invented by the Chinese, but used for weapons by the Europeans.
(Max Parsa)
This kind of plantation was established by Europeans in Atlantic island groups.
(Max Parsa)
The Dutch East India Company tried to establish a monopoly on this in eastern Asia.
(Max Parsa)
Dynasty that took over china after the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty
Ming dynasty
The mongol empire in China
Yuan Dynasty
Vast empire that protected trade along the silk road allowing trade to prosper
Mongol Empire
Empire in Rome, ruled over small area around the vatican
Holy Roman Empire
Which came first the Yuan or Ming Dynasty?
Yuan Dynasty
Songs and Stories - troubadours
European scientists consulted with Muslim and Jewish counterparts on understanding of natural world
The magnetic compass from China
Cultural Exchanges
Paul Kaster
Citrus fruits, Asian rice, cotton. Muslims introduce crystallized sugar to Europeans, demand increases rapidly
Spread of Crops
Paul Kaster
Conscripted labor to repair, rebuild irrigation systems
Promoted manufacturing of porcelain, silk
Cultural revival
Attempt to eradicate Mongol legacy by promoting traditional Chinese culture
Chinese Economic Recovery
Paul Kaster
Europe: regional states Hundred years war: England VS France Europe develops new taxes Italian states: bonds France: salt tax, sales tax England: hearth tax, head tax, plow tax Establish large standing armies
European Centralization
Paul Kaster
Dante - The Divine Comedy
Cervantes - Don Quixote
Shakespeare - English writer during the 1600’s, he focused on the joys and sorrows of human life.
Machiavelli - The Prince
Literary Achievements
Paul Kaster
Southern tip of Africa, Bartolomeu Dias was the first Portuguese sailor to pass this landmark.
Cape of Good Hope
Landon Ginther
Islands where Christopher Columbus first landed.
Landon Ginther
Piece of land regained from the Muslims by Spaniards during the reconquista.
Iberian Peninsula
Landon Ginther
The final city under Muslim control during the reconquista
Landon Ginther
City that Vasco da Gama initially traded with Indians for goods such as pepper and cinnamon.
Landon Ginther
A place located in modern Malaysia, founded in the 1390s. Became the principal clearinghouse of trade in the eastern Indian Ocean.
Angus Pellant
situated in Northern India. Was a powerful and important city of trade within India.
Angus Pellant
Instigated merchant trade over seas all over the world, the first European power to travel by boat around to India and China for trade.
Angus Pellant
Situated on the East African coast, De Gama stopped here shortly before continuing his voyage.
Angus Pellant
These islands discovered by the Portuguese, in the Atlantic, these islands were both uninhabited, until colonized by the Portuguese.
Madeiras and Azores Islands
Angus Pellant
drew on the poetry, music, and love songs of Muslim performers when developing the literature of courtly love
Hanseatic League
an association of trading cities stretching from Novgorod to London and embracing all the significant commercial centers of Poland, northern Germany, and Scandinavia
humanist referred to scholars interested in the humanities—literature, history, and moral philosophy. Deeply devoted to Christianity
Scholastic theologians
James Patterson
People who worked to see how religion could be thought out with reason. Like St. Thomas Aquinas.
Hanseatic League (James Patterson)
a commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and their market towns that dominated trade along the coast of Northern Europe
troubadors (James Patterson)
French medieval lyric poet on the theme of love
Christian Missionaries (james Patterson)
Ones who felt is was their duty to spread the Christian faith. Often sent by the church
Nestorian Christians (James Patterson)
Section of the church that originated in Asia
Sufi Missionaries
Muslim missionaries that prioritized spreading the general idea and less about the strict rules of Islam
Portuguese Fishermen
had a long tradition of seafaring in the stormy Atlantic Ocean
Ideology that all human ethnic groups belong to a single community based on a shared morality.
Jonathan Perry
A system involving trade items being given to one party from another as a sign of submission or allegiance.
Tributary System
Jonathan Perry
A permanent army/armies.
Standing Armies
Jonathan Perry
Objects decoratively covered with lacquer.
Jonathan Perry
What were two reasons for Portugal going around Africa to get more involved in the Indian Ocean?
Asian silk and spices
Jonathan Perry
Portuguese sailor who sailed around the cape of good hope.
Vasco de Gama
Italian merchant that traveled to China and spent 17 years there.
Marco Polo
A Nestorian Christian sent as an envoy by the ilkhan of Persia to ally with Europe.
Rabban Sauma
Muslim explorer who traveled throughout the Muslim world and served as a quadi in various courts
Ibn Battuta
An Italian Franciscan who went to china in 1291
John of Montecorvino
Navigational instrument that helped sailors during overseas trade
Magnetic Compass (Ethan Packel)
Southern tip of Africa; held a key trade route to Asia
Cape of Good Hope
Ethan Packel
Main trade of Asia
Asian spice trade
Ethan Packel
Main private trading company in India
Ethan Packel
Crop that spread the fastest as an effect of overseas trade
Ethan Packel
William Loper
Large city in italy and capitol of the Roman empire
Indian ocean
William Loper
Ocean off the coast of india containing the largest amountof trade in the world
William Loper
Muslem Holy city
West african coast
William Loper
Slave trade occured here and europeans stopped when going around the cape of good hope
William Loper
Capitol of russia and launching point for explorations.
Genoan sailor who intended to sail to India
Christopher Columbus
Evan Meyer
Venetian mariner who visited Kublai Khan during his ventures throughout Asia
Marco Polo
Evan Meyer
Portuguese explorer, first European know to have sailed around the southern tip of Africa
Bartolomeu Dias
Evan Meyer
Moroccan Muslim explorer who sailed as far as the eastern coast of China
Ibn Battuta
Evan Meyer
Italian painter, sculptor and scientist during the Renaissance era
Leonardo da Vinci
Evan Meyer