Unit II Clinical Problems Flashcards
Gluteus medius weakness opposite side
Trendelenberg’s sign
occur in femoral canal, more in females
femoral hernias
abnormal tracking of the patella in the trochlear groove
collect of fluid on the back of the knees, arthritis can compress popliteal artery and vein
Baker’s cyst
most common injury to the knee
MCL via lateral blow to knee
test for ACL tear by pulling on tibia when knee is bent
anterior drawer test
injury most like to occur when knee is in 30 deg flexion
ACL tear
tear in MCL, ACL, and medial meniscus
unhappy triad of Donohue
bucket handle tear
medial meniscus tear
inflammation of patellar ligament and sometimes fx of tibial tuberosity
Osgood-Slaughter’s disease
loss of innervation to anterior compartment of leg causes what; compensated by lifting foot high while walking
foot drop
most common sprain of the ankle
anterior talofibular ligament
compression of the tibial nerve in flexor retinaculum
tarsal tunnel syndrome
fallen medial longitudinal arch, aka flat feet
pes planus
irritation of the plantar aponeurosis
plantar fascitis
loss of adductors so have to swing leg around when walking
loss of obturator n
entrapment and compression of the sciatic n
piriformis syndrome
IT band irritation due to over adduction while running
IT band syndrome
irritation of the supra patellar and prepatellar bursa
housemade’s knee
pain when sitting down
ischiogluteal bursitis
impaired plantar flexion and inversion, shuffling gait
tibial nerve lesion
knees gummed together, occurs with coxa vara; angle of inclination less than 120-125 deg acute angle
genu valgus
knees far apart, occurs with coxa vulgar, angle of inclination greater than 120-135 deg obtuse angle
genu varus
longest bone in body
biggest lynph node in body
cloquet’s node