Unit I Lec 15-16b Flashcards
Tunnels for long flexor tendons on the meteacarpals
fibrous sheaths (synovial sheath)
Feature of fibrous sheath that allows tendons to slide back and forth friction free
synovial fluid
Problem of nodule on fibrous sheath causing flexor tendon to stick in fibrous sheath
trigger finger
Three main nerves in hand
median nerve, superficial radial nerve, ulnar nerve
Two branches of ulnar nerve in hand
volar cutaneous branch, dorsal cutaneous branch
Dorsolateral aspect of hand, digits 1-3 to distal IP joint are innervated by
superficial radial
Tips of digits , dorsal side, 1-3 are innervated by
median nerve
Dorsomedial aspect of hand, digits 4-5 are innervated by
ulnar nerve
On palmar side, hypothenar, digit 5, later half of digit 4 are innervated by
ulnar nerve
On palmar side, medial half of digit 4 to digit 1, including palm are innervated by
median nerve
What nerve travels through flexor retinaculum
median nerve
Band of tissue between hypothenar and thenar eminences
flexor retinaculum
Tunnel through flexor retinaculum
carpal tunnel
Floor of carpal tunnel are what bones
distal row of carpal bones
Roof of carpal tunnel
flexor retinaculum
Impingement of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel
carpal tunnel syndrome
Pregnancy, ergonomics, fluid are all causes of
carpal tunnel syndrome
number of tendons passing through carpal tunnel
Problem of sensation in digits 1-3, dorsolateral aspect of hand, thenar eminence
median nerve neuropathy
Flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus tendons all go through the
carpal tunnel
Artery nad nerve that does not go through carpal tunnel
ulnar artery and nerve
Tendon that does not go through the carpal tunnel
flexor carpi radialis
Superficial tendon that does not go through the carpal tunnel
palmeris longus
Small nerve that does not go through the carpal tunnel
palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve
Palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve supplies sensation to what
thenar eminence
Would thenar eminence lose senssation in carpal tunnel syndrome?
Band of tissue on dorsal side of hand connecting radius and ulna, continuous with palmar carpal ligament
extensor retinaculum
Purpose of extensor retinaculum
hold extensor tendons in place
Number of compartments in extensor retinaculum
Compartment 1 of extensor retinaculum contains
abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis
Problem affecting thumb resulting from problems in compartment 1 of extensor retimaculum
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
Compartment 2 of extensor retinaculum contains
extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
Compartment 3 of extensor retinaculum contains
extensor pollicis longus
Compartment 4 of extensor retinaculum contains
extensor digitorum, extensor indicis
Compartment 5 of extensor retinaculum contains
extensor digiti minimi
Compartment 6 of extensor retinaculum contains
extensor carpi ulnaris
Broad band of extensor digitorum tendon to dorsal aspect of digit, similar to aponeurosis, with lumbricle, palmer interosseus, dorsal interosseous mx inserting
extensor hood
Three bands of extensor hood
central band, two lateral bands
Central band of extensor hood attaches to
middle phalanx
Lateral bands of extensor hood attach to
distal phalanx
Tear in the lateral bands of the extensor hood, seen as drop in distal phalanx, is called
mallet finger
Solution to mallet finger
Root (rami) lesions at C5-C6 can cause problem called
Erb-Duchenne Injury or Waiter’s Tip Hand
Low Brachial plexus injury near C8-T1 can cause injury called
Klumpke’s Injury or Ulnar Claw Hand
Erb-Duchenne injury afects external rotators how
loss of external rotators (teres minor, infraspinatus)
Erb-Duchenne injury affects internal rotators how
unaffected, which turn hand into internal rotation
Erb-Duchenne injury affects elbow extensors how
unaffected, which extends extends elbos, straightens arm
Erb-Duchenne injury affects wrist flexors how
locks hand in flexion
Klumpke’s paralysis (ulnar claw hand) affects MCP joints of digits 4,5 how
MCP joints hyperextended
Klumpke’s paralysis (ulnar claw hand) affects DIP,PIP joints of digits 4,5 how
DIP,PIP joints flexed
Klumpke’s paralysis (ulnar claw hand) affects digits 1,2 how
MCP joints are flexed by what mx
Ulnar nerve innervated what mx between metacarpals
In ulnar claw hand, what happens to interossei
denervates, causes metacarpal troughs
Peripheral ner lesion of ulnar nerve causes
ulnar claw hand
peripheral nerve lesion of radial nerve causes
wrist drop
Peripheral nerve lesion of median nerve causes
Simeon Hand (Ape Hand)
Simeon Hand (Ape Hand) causes
thenar atrophy
Median nerve injury that can cause median nerve claw hand is called
Hand of Papal Benediction
Hand of Papal Benediction affects digits 4,5 how
Hand of Papal Benediction affects digits 2,3 how
MCP hyperextended, DIP, PIP flexed
Scar tissue of palmar aponeurosis that causes digits 4-5 to be pulled downward
Dupuytren’s contracture