Unit I Lec 10 Flashcards
Bone that connects axial to appendicular skeleton
Shape of clavicle at sternal end
anteriorly convex
Shape of clavicle in middle
anteriorly concave
Acromial end articulate with what
articular process of scapula
Sternal end of scapula articulates with what
manubrium of sternum
Structure near sternal exremity that runs from clavicle to first rib, hold clavicle in place
costoclavicular ligament
Muscle that binds clavicle to first rib
subclavian mx
bony prominence where conoid ligament attaches
conoid tubercle
trapazoid ligament attaches where
trapezoid line
Ligaments that run from clavicle from coracoid process of scapula
coracoclavicular ligament
coracoclavicular ligament most medial part is called
trapezoid ligament
coracoclavicular ligament most lateral part is called
conoid ligament
Medial border of the scapula is typicall how many cm lateral to vertebral column
On the face of the lateral angle of the scapula is what
glenoid fossa
Glenoid fossa form what joint with what bone
glenohumeral joint, humerus
Suprascapular notch contains what
suprascapular nerve
Concavity on anterior that houses subscapularis muscle
subscapular fossa
On posterior view, bony prominence near top of scapula
spine of scapula
Surface below spine
infraspinous fossa
Surface above spine
supraspinous fossa
Muscle in infra/supra spinous fossa
infraspinatous, supraspinatous
Mx that attaches at the supraglenoid tubercle
long head of biceps brachii
Mx that attaches to infraglenoid tubercle
long head of triceps brachii
Antomical neck of humerus is what
epiphyseal line
Surgical neck is what
point of humerus most prone to fracture
Name of groove where long head of biceps runs
intertubercular goove
Mx attaching to greater and lesser tubercles of humerus
mx of rotator cuff
deltoid mx attaches where on humerus
deltoid tuberosity
Articulation of clavicle with sternum
sternoclavicular joint
Articulation of clavicle with acromion
acromioclavicular joint
Articulation of glenoid fossa with humerus
glenohumeral joint
Aticulation of scapula with thoracic wall
scapulothoracic joint
Dysfunction at any one of the scapular joints can present as
lack of motion
glenohumeral joint is what type joint
synovial, ball and socket
Articular cartilage in glenohumeral joint is what type of cartilage
Fibrous cartilage that rims the glenoid fossa, stabilizes and guides motion of humerus
glenoid labrum
Injury to the glenoid labrum in which biceps tendon pulls superior portion of glenoid labrum, bet 10-2 o’clock region og glenoid labrum
SLAP lesion
Injury to the glenoid labrum at 3-6 o’clock that is a tear of the glenoid labrum
bankart lesion
Capsule that surrounds the entire glenohumeral joint
loose fibrous capsule
Loose fibrous capsule is lines with
synovial membrane
Loose fibrous capsule of the glenohumeral joint forms synovial sheath around
tendon of the long head of the biceps
Tendon of the long head of the biceps attaches to the
supraglenoid tubercle
Three glenohumeral ligaments
Superior, middle, and inferior glenohumeral ligament
Glenohumeral ligament that keep shoulder from dislocating due to downward pull of arm
Glenohumeral ligament that keep should from anterior dislocation when arm is abducted to 45-60 deg
Glenohumeral ligament, most important, from labrum to humerus, that keeps shoulder from dislocating from anterior and inferior dislocation when arm is in throwing position
Shoulder dislocates through what space
space bet SGHL and MGHL
Flexion/extension of GHJ occurs in what plane
sagittal plane
Abduction/adduction of GHJ occurs in what plane
coronal plane
External/Internal rotation of GHJ occurs in what plane
transverse plane
Function motion of reaching behind back from over neck is what type of rotation on GHJ
external rotation
Function motion of reaching back behind back fromunder shoulder is what type of rotation on GHJ
internal rotation
Articulation of the manubrium and clavicle, sternal end of clavicle with clavicular notch of manubrium
sternoclavicular joint
Type of cartilage in SCJ
2 ligaments in SC joint capsule
anterior and posterior
Ligament that goes over the jugular notch between the 2 clavicles
interclavicular ligament
Ligament from clavicle to 1st rib
costoclavicular ligament
Type of joint SCJ
acts like ball and socket, mvmt in all 3 planes
Joint between clavicle and acromion of scapula
acromioclavicular joint
Type of joint ACJ
plane joint
Capsule surrounding ACJ are strengthened by what 2 mx
upper traps, deltoid
Ligament that goes from coracoid process to clavicle
coracoclavicular ligament
Ligament that goes from coracoid process to acromion
coracoacromial ligament
2 ligaments in coracoclavicular ligament
trapezoid, conoid
Ligament in coracoclavicular ligament that is more horizontal, inverted triangle
Ligament in coracoclavicular ligament that is more verticle
Muscle that travels through tunnel between coracoacromial ligament and superior glenohumeral joint
supraspinatus mx
Suprasptinatus attaches where
greater tubercle of humerus
Structure formed by sloping acromion and coracoacromial ligament
coracoacromial arch
coracoacromial arch protects displacement in what direction
superior GHJ
Type I ACJ tear is merely a
sprain of ACJ ligament
AC joint allows what type of motion
gliding motion up and down
Joint that allows movement of scapula on posterior thorax, promotes scapulohumeral rhythm
scapulothoracic joint
Motion that occurs as a result of the scapulohumeral mx
scapulothoracic rhythm
Ration of humeral to scapular motion in scapulohumeral rhythm
2:1 deg
upper trapezius attaches to what
nuchal line and nuchal ligament
Trapezius spans what vertebrae
Trapezius fans out to where
lateral third of clavicle and acromion
Traps help control what motion
scapular motion
Rhomboids medial origin
spinous process, C7-T5
Rhomboids insert at
medial border, spine of scapula
Rhomboids action
scapular retraction
Levator scapula origin
tx process of C1-4
Levator scapula insertion
superior scapular border
Levator scapula action
elevate scapula
Serratus anterior origin
upper 8 ribs
Serratus anterior insertion
medial border of scapula
Serratus anterior action
pulls medial border of scapula to thorax, used for punching
Serratus anterior innervation
Long thoracic nerve
Injury to long thoracic nerve results in
winged scapula
group of muscles forming a semicircle around the superior head of the humerus
rotator cuff
Acronym for rotator cuff mx attachments from anterior to posterior
List of mx of rotator cuff by attachment point
teres minor
Acronym for rotator cuff mx from superior to inferior
Main functions of rotator cuff
glenohumeral stabilization
Action of supraspinatus
Action of teres minor and infraspinatus
external rotation
Action of subscapularis
adduction, minor internal rotation
Mx that is superficial to rotator cuff
Action of anterior deltoid
flexion, internal rotation, horizontal adduction
Action of middle deltoid
Action of posterior deltoid
extension, external rotation, abduction
Suprascapular nerve innervates what shoulder mx
supraspinatus and infraspinatus
Suprascapular nerve passes through what divot in scapula, under transverse scapular ligament
suprascapular notch
Axillary nerve innervates what shoulder mx
teres minor and deltoid
Upper and lower subscapular nerves innerves what shoulder mx
What artery passes over transverse scapular ligament (army over navy)
suprascapular artery
4 mx of chest acting on pec girdle
pectoralis major, minor, subclavius, serratus anterior
Pectoralis major sternal head action
glenohumeral adduction and internal rotation
Pectoralis major sternal head insertion
intertubercular goove of humerus
Pectoralis major sternal head covers what tendon in intertubercular groove
biceps tendon
Pectoralis major clavicular head action
glenohumeral flexion
Pectoralis major clavicular head origin
medial half of clavicle
Pectoralis major clavicular head insertion
intertubercular groove of humerus
Line between deltoid and pec major
deltopectoral groove
Vein in deltopectoral groove
cephalic vein
Deltopectoral groove is used in what surgical procedure
open shoulder procedure
Pectoralis minor origin
Ribs 2,3,4
Pectoralis minor insertion
Coracoid process
Pectoralis minor action
stabilize scapula on thorax
Subclavius minor origin
first rib
Subclavius minor insertion
inferior surface of clavicle
Subclavius minor action
stabilize clavicle
Insertion point of pectoralis major
lateral lip of intertubercular groove
Insertion point of latissimus dorsi
floor of intertubercular groove
Insertion point of teres major
medial lip of intertubercular groove
Long head of biceps goes through what 3 mx
pec maj, lats, teres maj
Pectoralis major is innervated by
medial and lateral pectoral nerves from brachial plexus
Pectoralis minor is innervated by
Medial pectoral nerve (named from cord on brachial plexus not anatomical location)
Subclavius is innervated by
nerve to subclavius from C5,6 ventral primary rami
Synovial fluid filled sacs where tendons rub across bones
Bursa between deltoid and humeral head
subdeltoid bursa
Name for subdeltoid bursa when it is below the acromion
subacromion bursa
Term for when subacromion bursa is inflamed
subacromial bursitis
Treatment for subacromial bursitis
subacromial injection of corticosteriod
Space under glenohumeral joint (armpit)
Shape of axilla
pyramidal space
Base of axilla
axilar fascia and skin from lower pec maj to lower lat
Apex of axilla
triangle of bone, rib 1, clavicle, scapula
Term for triangle of bone at apex of axilla
Cervicoaxillary canal
What passes through cervicoaxillary canal
nerves and arteries into axilla
Anterior wall of axilla
anterior axillary fold (pec and clavicle)
Posterior wall of axilla
scapula, subscapularis, lat, teres maj
medial wall of axilla
lateral thoracic cage, serratus anterior
lateral wall of axilla
bony wall of inner tubercular groove
Axillary space contains what 4 types of tissue
fat, lymph nodes, blood vessels, nerves
Breast cancer is biopsed where
axillary nodes
Three fascia(s) associated with axilla
axillary, clavipectoral, axillary
Axillary fascia that fills in space bet clavicle nad pec minor and is floor of axilla, envelops mx of anterior pec wall
clavipectoral fascia
Ligament that is reason why we get hollow armpit
suspensory ligament
Fascial structure that wraps around axillary artery and nervces of brachail plexus, must be cut during disection
axillary sheath
Three structures that pass through clavipectoral fascia
cephalic vein, thoracoacromial vessels, lateral pectoral nerve
Longest vein in upper limb, from thumb to axillary vein (through clavipectoral fascia
cephalic vein
Branches off axillary artery, pierce clavipectoral fascia, supply blood to thorax and clavicle, overlapped by pec maj
thoracoacromial vessels
Innerves pec maj, passed over pec minor through clavipectoral fascia
lateral pectoral nerve