Unit 9_PT7 Flashcards
They treated friend and foe in the same way.
Gruppe, Rudel
The scientists followed a pack of wolves through the Canadian wilderness.
sich zu etw. äußern, sich einschalten
The first speaker weighed in on the plan to build a new atomic power plant.
(feiner) Kerl, Typ
Hey dude, what’s up?
etw. wahrnehmen, bemerken
Nobody picked up on their affair all summer long.
Very often children have the same bias as their parents.
He must have felt it subconsciously.
unüberlegte Entscheidung
Quitting her job was just a snap decision. She hadn’t really thought it through.
gezielte Fördermaßnahme, positive Diskriminierung
It is high time to take affirmative action in this company to give more jobs to women.
letzter Ausweg
Changing his family name was his last resort.
Stimme, die die Entscheidung bringt
There appear to be at least two swing votes that can turn around the decision.
His track record is nothing to be proud of.
sich einlassen auf, eine Strategie verfolgen
They embarked upon this mission without thinking of the consequences for their families.
The consequences of his decision were inescapable.
hier: Zurücknahme (von Maßnahmen)
There is nothing that would justify a rollback of affirmative action.
Nobody was happy with the appointee at first.
Unmut, Verbitterung
This measure caused a lot of resentment among the people concerned.
Wahlkreisverschiebungen vornehmen
The journalist found out that the leading party seriously considered gerrymandering the constituencies.
The speaker presented a distorted view of the situation.
hier: Lösung eines Problems
There is no immediate quick fix to the problem.
The arguments of the government are rather illogical. They don’t really have a clear strategy.
richtig gestellt werden, korrigiert werden
The social imbalance as a consequence of this measure needs to be rectified.
Four types of pigment were used to colour the sculpture.
The reaction of the government was disproportionate. The situation could have been solved some other way.
Abhilfe, Medizin
In spite of all the research that was carried out no remedy could be found.
auf billige Art
He wanted to get his degree on the cheap but he failed miserably in the first exam.
College-prep classes were introduced to attract students form different sections of society.
ködern, locken
The tourists were lured into the back of the market.
The local property taxes were raised to fund the new project.
schummeln, fälschen
The mayor was accused of having fudged the report.
We are just heartsick at this loss of life.
The demonstrators claim that they were removed forcibly.
Verhängung (von Maßnahmen)
The residents appealed against the imposition of access restrictions.
DNS (Desoxyribonukleinsäure)
DNA-testing has helped to identify the victims.
hier: bunte Mischung
The students were a rainbow array from all walks of life.
Their prospects seem to be diminished.
There was no remedy for her diseased arteries.
The little boy fled the embrace of his aunt who wanted to give him a kiss.
The picture consists of six polychromatic shapes.
If the conference is not successful, the chance of peace may slip away.
Orientation games should help new students to learn more about the college and to meet other students.
ein pantomimisches Ratespiel
Charades is a game in which players guess a word or phrase from pantomimed clues.
neu interpretieren
This piece of music reminds me of Mozart reinterpreted in the style of the 21st century.
Student/in im ersten Studienjahr
He behaves like a typical freshman, being excited about all the new things they see at the college.
dürr, schlank
Scrawny models lined the catwalk.
In the old days slates were used instead of exercise books.
russisches Roulette
Russian roulette is a potentially lethal game.
Stray dogs were growling outside, so I didn’t dare to leave the house at night.
lebloses Objekt
It is strange how attached you can get to inanimate objects.
Bremse (Insekt), Quälgeist
As he was criticising the project he felt like a gadfly, but he had to do it.
mit dem Kopf wippen
She bobbed her head and smiled.
hier: verblassen, trüben
The colour of his hair had dulled over the years.
auf ein Stichwort hin
He entered on cue, right on time.
Liste der besten Studierenden
With his results he managed to get onto the honour roll.
abgebrüht, knallhart
As a hard-bitten student I knew how to prepare for the oral exam.
eigensinnig, widerspenstig
She was quite stubborn, a really headstrong girl.
Mace, a gas which makes people cry, is being phased out.
hier: näher ausführen
She elaborated on the problem.
den Kopf auf die Seite legen
She cocked her head and smiled in triumph.
Hot chocolate was served in beakers.
An Erlenmeyer flask is a widely used type of laboratory flask.
The dean welcomed the new students on the campus.
blinzeln, schielen
The bright sunlight made him squint.
Her freckled hands indicated that she was not as young as she looked.
The molehills in the garden are not easy to get rid of.
Burg, Festung
The old fortress was later turned into a five-star hotel.
flüchtig blicken auf
When we were passing by I just glimpsed the castle.
zottelig, zerzaust
Her straggly hair looked somewhat untidy.
The gothic cathedral is a magnificent building.
Men wearing tights look ridiculous.
blinzeln, zwinkern
He blinked twice and that was my sign to start.
It was impossible to anticipate the problems.
She escaped the watchful eyes of her parents.
Superstitions can make life really difficult.
Bodensatz, Abschaum
As a social worker he had to do with the dregs of society.
The script writers had spliced together a few episodes but it was not a good story.
hier: Stange
He was hit with an iron bar.
The trade union movement started in the late 19th century.
bei seiner Ankunft in
On his arrival in Canada he went straight to the embassy.
The Muslim community supports local initiatives.
Reihe, Abfolge
Several calls were made in quick succession.
verschleierte Frau
Veiled women dominated the scene outside the supermarket.
He was so shocked he could only gesticulate but he could not say a word.
jmdm. eine freche Antwort geben
The officer told her not to answer back to him because that would only make her situation more difficult.
alles durchdringend
There was an all-pervasive smell of smoke.
jmdn. im Stich lassen
He stayed on because he did not want to let his friends down.
Revenue from the national Lottery is not regressive.
im Zaum halten
The new pressure groups must be kept in check.
sich über jmdn./etw. ärgern, jmdn./etw. ablehnen
His children resented the new woman at their father’s side.
Not, Härte, Ungemach
Immediately after the earthquake the people had to suffer all sorts of hardships.
konditioniert sein
We were conditioned not to give up.
Their teacher instilled self-discipline in them.
erweiterte Familie
Christmas is often celebrated with the extended family.
Abgeschlossenheit, Inselcharakter
They cherished their insularity, they did not mix with others.
eng miteinander verbunden
They felt at home in their tightly knit community.
His public profile was tarnished by the report.
British businesses should emulate Canada’s policies.
They immediately adopted the new patterns of behaviour.
eingebettet in
On the beach they found tree trunks embedded in sand.
starrer Blick
She could not stand the stares of her family.
Name-calling is another expression for rude behaviour.
The dotcom industry suffered a severe blow.
During the reign of King George VI India became independent.
verwässert werden
Their efforts to change the system should not be diluted.
genießen, auskosten
At the graduation the students savoured every moment.
Parents called the action line to enquire about the trip.
sich erweisen als
The new manager turned out to be very capable.
gelassen, relaxed
The hotel staff is really laid-back; that’s lovely for tourists.
The voyage took seven weeks.
The headmaster was determined to eradicate bullying.
hier: eine Gruppe von
He was there with a bunch of friends.
He resumed his studies at another university.
seine Ängste äußern
She voiced her fears that her ex-husband might return.
hier: freie Stelle
I’m sorry but we don’t have any vacancies.
den Druck auf … senken
This measure will ease the pressure on the workforce.
in Umkehrung von
In a reverse of the tradition they built a new home outside the village.
in den letzten Jahren
There have been many similar cases in recent years.
Ill-disciplined pupils are a major problem at some schools.
His only wish was to relocate to his home country.