Unit 2_PT7 Flashcards
süchtig machend
It’s a fun and addictive online puzzle game.
Every product is dermatologically and allergy tested.
There is a ban on smoking in the whole building.
Visually impaired passengers may usually bring a cane into the cabin.
Food allergies can cause problems such as migraine headache.
mineralstoffhaltiges Nahrungsergänzungsmittel
We need mineral supplements to balance the functions of the body.
körperlich beeinträchtigt
You may also request rooms for the physically impaired.
We offer brochures in large print for the visually impaired.
To identify a culprit, saliva samples can be used.
in der Größe abnehmen
Phones will still shrink in size but will continue to have exciting features.
There is already a butterfly inside the caterpillar.
Water is by far the most important beverage in the world.
in Fett herausgebacken, frittiert
The deep-fried flowers with home-made coconut ice- cream are a must.
After defrosting, consume the product immediately.
fein essen gehen
Two stylish restaurants provide the perfect setting for fine dining.
kostenlose Nachfüllung
We have eight varieties of free refill soft drinks on tap.
For my part, side dishes are more important than the main course.
My steak was really tender, but it lacked a little bit of seasoning.
frisch auf Bestellung zubereitet
We specialise in sandwiches made fresh to order.
hausgemachtes Essen
Homemade food and a variety of snacks served all day
On special request we also deliver 5 kg tins.
Recent nutrition studies rank walnuts among the most nutritious nuts.
ernährungsbedingte Erkrankungen
Today, Americans are more prone to chronic diet-related diseases than ever before.
hoher Blutdruck
One in three Britons suffers from high blood pressure.
After suffering a stroke he no longer performs on stage.
Osteoporose (Verringerung der Knochendichte)
These findings provided scientists with new insights into the treatment of osteoporosis.
Due to its high content of fat, cocoa has a high nutritional value.
Researchers have developed a plan that could reduce the risk of coronary disease by 81%.
Many people would like to decrease the fatty deposits in their tummies, hips and thighs.
Atherosclerosis is a disease of the blood vessels.
an Gewicht zunehmen
He did put on some weight over the holidays.
Brushing with fluoride toothpaste every day protects children from tooth decay.
Eating foods rich in six nutrients can boost eye health throughout life.
There is no denying that refined carbohydrates can adversely affect your health.
hier: Portion
Recommended intake: three servings a day.
Korn, Getreide
Rising grain prices put the fear of inflation into many American consumers.
The Green Party is calling for an inquiry into dairy product pricing.
Eiweiß, Protein
Fish is the main source of protein for more than one billion people.
dämpfen, in Dampf garen
All vegetables are grown, steamed and packaged on the farm.
verzehrfertige Mahlzeiten
Selling ready-to-eat food requires shops to follow certain health standards.
Elite athletes are prone to developing eating disorders.
After returning from their holidays, the Andersons only received a partial refund.
vollständig ausgeprägt
Half of the subjects developed a full-syndrome depressive disorder later in life.
Magersucht, Anorexie
Anorexia nervosa is a serious and sometimes fatal eating disorder.
People with binge eating disorder often eat an unusually large amount of food.
Ess-Brech-Sucht, Bulimie
Research shows that on average 8.5% of the male population has bulimia nervosa.
übermäßige Nahrungsaufnahme
It is generally accepted that obesity results from excessive food intake.
How can I cope with peer pressure?
I love spicy food, but it often gives me heartburn.
arteriell, eine Hauptschlagader betreffend
This image gives a basic outline of the human arterial system.
How should the state regulate reproductive technologies?
Cuts put vulnerable children at risk, chief constable warns
hier: vorzeitig
Can probiotic yoghurt stop premature births?
freie Radikale, krebserregende Stoffe
Fresh fruit help prevent free radicals from damaging cells in the body.
hier: arterielle Ablagerungen
Dr Robayah points out how plaques can affect circulation.
Study says stress doesn’t reduce fertility after all
beeinträchtigt werden, gefährdet werden
Senior consultants said that “patient safety was being compromised”.
Infertility is usually associated with a decrease in the number, quality or motility of sperm.
You should take care of your gums as well as your teeth.
etw. auslösen
Home fire triggered by wood stove
The oesophagus is about 25 cm long and allows the food you swallow to get to your stomach.
Acid secretion is increased whenever you think of, see, smell or taste food.
Most ulcers can be easily treated.
Berufung einlegen
The prosecution as well as the defence may appeal a court judgement.
A student was issued a noise ordinance violation citation.
ein Verbot erzwingen
The city will enforce its ban on long-term parking even during special events.
ein Restaurant führen
The Heinzers have operated the restaurant since 1982.
A man has been sentenced to three years in prison for IRA membership.
vorgeladen werden
A Harvard student became the first person to be cited for texting while driving.
Another patron was coming out of the restaurant and heard the crash as well.
ein Bedürfnis befriedigen
Does poetry fulfil a need in your life?
fingiert, vorgetäuscht
Sham marriages with foreigners surged by 14% in 2010.
vernünftige Grundlage
Is there any rational basis for saying that music is too expensive?
hier: Gremium
PAM has 30 days to decide whether to accept the panel’s decision or take the matter to trial.
The minister of the interior called the referendum unconstitutional.
The restrictions do not affect passenger vehicles but apply to commercial trucks.
nicht auf Gewinn ausgerichtet
The non-profit organisation provides medical care for children.
hier: sich für etw. eignen
In order to qualify for an internship, you must have completed your basic studies.
auf Befehl von jmdm. springen
Just because we didn’t jump to their command we are being snubbed.
stur, hartnäckig
It easily washes stubborn films of pesticides off fruit.
seine Rechte aufgeben
Some years ago the British gave away their rights to own guns.
You can obtain information directly from the establishment concerned.
At 8 p.m. the board of directors will review last year’s financial report.
wohltätige Zwecke
The money will be split between a few charitable causes.
etw. herausgreifen, etw. hervorheben
India was singled out for being proactive when it comes to a green economy.
mit dem Gesetz in Einklang sein
Governor Scott is certain that he complied with the law.
Einschränkung der Beweglichkeit
The relationship between symptoms and activity limitation is complex.
Disability Services also provides a range of assistive equipment available for loan.
geistige Beeinträchtigung
A person with a cognitive disability has greater difficulty with mental tasks.
eine Aufgabe ausführen
The programme can execute an additional task after saving an attachment.
In older hearing aids the microphone and battery are behind the ear.
Verlust des Gehörs
The majority of people assumed that hearing loss only affected older people.
There are studies suggesting that diabetes can lead to hearing impairment.
Medien, die nicht gesehen werden müssen
Totally blind students learn via Braille or other non-visual media.
She had a spinal cord fracture, which caused paraplegia.
Beeinträchtigung der Teilhabe (in bestimmten Situationen)
An adult has a participation restriction if they experience at least one social barrier in taking part in at least one life area.
körperliche Beeinträchtigung
Having a physical disability does not mean you must become less active.
Beeinträchtigung der Sinnesorgane
There are a range of services available to residents who have a sensory disability.
Oberbegriff, Sammelbezeichnung
Cloud computing is an umbrella term for location-independent computing.
Based on the evidence, this assumption is quite idealistic.
Barrieren abbauen
We need to call on governments to eliminate barriers.
Parkplätze für Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen
Small schools may only require one designated accessible parking space.
It’s admittedly a difficult time to be pushing for funding.
etw. genießen
Growing up in Lebanon, I relished watching Egyptian television series.
sich lohnen
China’s pollution efforts paid off, expert says
seine Persönlichkeit strahlen lassen
Today it’s typical for a web designer to let their personality shine through on their websites.
Kunststück mit dem Rollstuhl
Impress your friends and family by doing wheelchair tricks such as wheelies!
sich über etw. auslassen
I have often fumed and ranted about talent shows on TV.
nerven, ärgern
Parents have a duty to bug their children about exercising their voting rights.
für jmdn. eintreten
I wanted the people to know I stood up for them.
gesundheitsgefährdende Situation
This is not a health-threatening situation for children yet, but it needs to be watched carefully.
viel zu etw. beitragen
A little friendliness often goes a long way.
The programme promotes a healthy self-image, eating habits and physical activity.
The potential for dental stem cell research hasn’t been proven yet.
wissenschaftliche Erkundung
Perhaps this is a turning point in scientific exploration in the region.
A lot of traffic jams would be avoidable if people just listened to the traffic news before choosing their route.
Her voice totally intrigued him.
Selbstvertrauen aufbauen
Do you use alcohol or drugs to build up self-confidence?
sich auseinander entwickeln
Supporters have drifted away from the club recently.
sich überessen
We all overeat because we don’t pay attention to food.
Ersatz für etw. leisten
Companies should compensate their staff fairly for the valuable services they provide.
sich etw. von der Seele reden
He told me all about it and got it off his chest.
hier: Anleitung, Richtlinien
Whatever your concern, our experts will give you guidance.
Japan successfully implements power naps at work