Unit 8_PT7 Flashcards
Police discovered the remains of a human skull in a park early Sunday afternoon.
Marble bust stolen from Kent church
seinen Pinsel eintauchen in
He dipped his brush into a glob of paint on his palette.
Senior citizen tricked out of cash by youngster who claims to be clergyman
hier: Beleg, Nachweis
It’s just a testament to how hard they wanted to win.
The main opposition party cast doubts on the sincerity of the proposal.
Schreie hervorrufend
At times we reached shriek-inducing speeds of 80 mph.
If you climb the long stairs to the permanent exhibition, you can take in the 360-degree view of London.
angebracht, befestigt sein
A sign affixed to the door said: “This bank will be closed until further notice.”
hier: Gesäß
Officer accused of spanking woman’s rear is charged
pointillistisch (Bild, das aus Farbtupfen besteht)
What is so mesmerising about pointillist paintings?
eine Geschichte vermitteln
Traditional dances often convey a story with both comic and spiritual elements.
kunstvoll, ausgefeilt
They also play movies on elaborate home theatre systems.
Choose your seat in the underground: Hard and clean or plush and filthy?
The Council Member held a hastily arranged news conference on the steps of City Hall.
Tories get £10.000 gift from son of notorious arms dealer
eigenwillig, unkonventionell
Their success is based on an unconventional move the company made in 2010.
vorher, zuvor
Prior to the concert the singer will host this year’s Opening Night Gala.
skurril, schrullig
How can you ignore a fashion so quirky, such fun and yet so stylish?
widerwillig, zurückhaltend
Homeowners are reluctant to put their homes on the market when prices are so low.
I am always hesitant to talk about our future.
hier: auffallend, bemerkenswert
He had a gentle expression and a friendly smile and bore a striking resemblance to Franz Schubert.
erhaben, überragend
This debut album is everything you would expect: smart, sublime and clever.
die Knöchel umspielen
She stepped into the water and let the waves lap around her ankles.
heimliches und plötzliches Platzieren von Kunstwerken im öffentlichen Raum
Guerrilla art doesn’t always have to be unauthorised.
Stadtrat, -rätin
An 18-year-old schoolboy officially becomes the youngest town councillor in the UK.
sich verkleiden, etw. vorgeben
What we don’t need is a new tax masquerading as a green measure.
sich mit jmdm. anlegen
Don’t mess with Andy today – he’s in a really bad mood.
jmds. Identität enthüllen
Taking off the mask she revealed her identity to the cops.
erhöhen, erheben
Make your home ready for any flood by elevating materials that could be damaged in your basement.
hier: miefig, stickig
This scenic seaside city has a lot more to it than stuffy debate chambers.
viel Geld verdienen
Amanda, 21, made big bucks trading running dogs.
den Weg für etw. bereiten
The legislation was pioneered by the Smokefree Liverpool campaign.
hier: Ventil
Violence may be an outlet for frustration, but it will not solve any problems.
Are you aware of illicit tobacco being sold in your area?
Polizeibeamter, -beamtin
He faces numerous charges, including assault on a law enforcement officer.
I made no allusion at all to the letter she had sent me.
The painter feels the colour inside and tries to reproduce it on the canvas.
Umriss, Außenlinie
Among her favourite pieces are the contour line drawings of tennis shoes.
Blickpunkt, Zentrum
This exhibition has been scheduled to be a focal point of a series of special events.
This photo came third in the over 18’s category for best landscape/seascape.
Struktur, Beschaffenheit
Its texture and flavour are hard to beat.
Gefühle hervorrufen
Their music was soothing, evoking feelings of romance.
einander ergänzen
The firm is led by two strong partners who are complementing each other perfectly.
Wunderkind, Ausnahmetalent
An unprecedented prodigy career begins, leading him to all major cities in Europe.
Children will have hours of creative drawing fun with all the artistic supplies.
Mutter, die die Karriere ihres Kindes aktiv vorantreibt
I wondered if I’d crossed the line into psychotic stage mother.
echt, authentisch; das einzig Wahre
Italian restaurant, with real chequered tablecloths, and real deal Italian food.
Her company makes adorable paper goods geared towards children.
Farbe auf Leinwand klecksen
I splash paint on canvas and put it in exhibitions.
Aufrichtigkeit, Ehrlichkeit
He was known for his upright conduct and his truthfulness.
His brothers are equally charismatic and gifted.
Farbe in Schichten verarbeiten
Paintings featuring a layered paint technique range from $100–$600.
Farbe verspritzen
You can squirt paint directly onto the frames, which creates a cool, abstract look.
Once the chocolate is smooth, spread it in a thin, even layer with an icing spatula.
The arrest came after police released security camera footage of the robbery.
Losses on credit cards as a result of fraud fell by almost a fifth last year.
einen Anspruch auf etw. geltend machen
She required round the clock care after the accident and made a claim for compensation.
außerhalb jmds. Kontrolle
The man himself is not too bothered about things beyond his control.
Betrug, Schwindel
People behind the scam are misusing the corporate name of a legitimate Dayton company.
Two companies are voluntarily recalling about 99,000 products.
sich anstellen
Upon entry into the airport, every passenger is expected to line up to go through the security gates.
Lobpreisungen aussprechen
He admitted that it was a tough game and heaped praise on his players.
Initially, the infant was surprisingly silent, but then he started crying.
neue Geschäftsfelder erschließen
An online retailer has branched out into product manufacture with a range of cycling accessories.
Budapest will erect a memorial to the memory of Elvis Presley.
bauliche Anlage
Take, for example, the physical structure of an ancient church.
schön, ästhetisch
A family doctor and a nurse have set up an aesthetic medicine clinic in Hale Barns.
Kostenvoranschläge erstellen
Estimating is automatically done by the company.
Außergewöhnlichkeit fördern
Our schools can’t be expected to promote excellence without funding.
hier: erschauern, schaudern
She trembled and tried to speak, but the soft words were incoherent.
trostlos, düster
The return to the work week brings a cloudy, dreary, cool and breezy day.
öde, kahl
Uganda’s food security future looking bleak
in die engere Auswahl gekommen sein
His first two novels were each shortlisted for National Book Awards.
Aversion to using borrowed money to enhance trading has lingered since the financial crisis.
He waved his shackled hands to his family in the courtroom as he sat down.
obengenannt, bereits erwähnt
The aforementioned vehicles require a software fix to correct the problem.
etw. aus seiner Verankerung reißen
Can a DVD drive be repaired after being yanked from its socket?
Katastrophe, Debakel
Petrol producers alone were to blame for the debacle.
Traditional retail spaces struggling to cope with rise of online shopping
hier: gigantisch, monumental
Silhouette of a Monolithic Stone Statue at Tongariki, Rapa Nui, Chile
Wedged between winter and spring is that sweet season called maple syrup time.
hier: vergeblich
All attempts to fight the resistance will go in vain.
ermäßigter Preis
Only a few cut-price video game systems left – buy now!
Women have been encouraged to donate their knickers to help create a special piece of feminist artwork.
The chancellor is the initiator and patron of the initiative.
jmdn./etw. erblicken
All was happy with the family until Sharon clapped her eyes on Brian.
The shelving system is modular so you can move the shelves around.
If water is not available in abundance, residents should use it sparingly to flush toilets.
It bears an eerie resemblance to real-life events that unfolded later in the summer.
He plays a Lithuanian man who is arrested in Russia and sent to a Siberian gulag.
Massive pillars of red sandstone surge out of the dun-coloured desert.
Zugeständnis, Entgegenkommen
Is the bachelor’s degree a concession to industry?
alumnus = a male graduate of a school/college/university
hier: oberflächlich
Broadway has always loved glib, TV-style family dramas.
energisch, eindringlich
There was no sign of a forceful attempt to open the door.
A man gave a vivid account in court on Wednesday.
gesprenkelt, marmoriert
Roscoe is a large cat with a beautiful, mottled coat.
Our chef’s gourmet creations, prepared with devotion and talent, excite even the most demanding of palates.
Wandmalerei, Fresko
Very delicately worked out drawing, probably sketch for a fresco or painting
ausgeschlossen werden
Nun expelled from convent in Spain over Facebook
nicht mehr arbeitslos sein
The job he got lead to another and got him off the dole.
Tickets for travelling exhibit for sale now
aufmerksam machen auf
Every week we like to spotlight a rising band from outside of New England.
I had just completed a six-foot picket fence around my backyard when my brother came over for dinner.
The barbed wire on the fence is to keep out the coyotes.
in Verbindung mit
Offer not to be used in conjunction with any other offers or reduced-fee plans
aufgesetzt, darübergelegt
She then superimposed each image on top of the other.
Passersby never saw the spiked fences and razor wire.
etw. durchlöchern
The sun poked through the clouds just before lunch.
Besitzstörung, Hausfriedensbruch
Felony trespassing can lead to a sentence of two years in prison.
These trigger-happy cop-criminals need to be put away.
Opfer von Kindesmissbrauch
Most molestation victims endure a lifetime of suffering.
The suspect was carrying a baseball bat and raised it above his head in a menacing manner.
jmdn. beschränken
However, the public financing capacities of the Member States remain constrained.
Komplize, Komplizin
The suspect and his accomplice left the parking lot at high speed shortly after 11 p.m.
mit jmdm. zusammenarbeiten
He has collaborated with many Indian artists on this CD.