Unit 5_PT7 Flashcards
His first bungee jump gave him the adrenaline rush he had longed for.
After her graduation she wants to do an MA course.
The big seminar room on the first floor had to serve as a makeshift operating theatre.
After the earthquake the president declared a three-day period of mourning.
Today incubators are used to breed chickens.
großer Schmerz, Todesqualen
From his face you could see that he was in agony.
überwältigt werden/sein von
My grandmother was overcome by tears when she saw her first great-grandchild.
“How do I get out of here?” he hollered.
hier: verdammt sein
If you don’t help me, I’ll be dogged.
I’m so sorry – I wish he had been much more insightful.
The author’s portrayal of this character is rather idealistic.
Bekenntnis, Beichte
Confession means that you declare that you are guilty of having done something wrong.
Repentance means that you have understood that you have done something wrong and are prepared to change.
The protesters remained defiant and did not run away.
(sich) zusammenrollen
I found the cat curled up behind the dustbin.
privater Flohmarkt in der Garage
They wanted to get rid of all her old furniture, so they arranged a garage sale.
The letter was crumpled but could still be read.
verteilen über
He had worked hard all day and now he was lying down, legs splayed across the sofa.
She thought she could predict the future with tarot cards.
zusammensuchen, -sammeln
He helped her gather up the coins she had dropped.
jmdn. erziehen, aufziehen
President Obama was brought up by his grandparents.
entschuldigend, bedauernd
He made an apologetic gesture, but to no avail.
ernst, streng
He had this stern look on his face again.
They had planted a pomegranate tree behind the house because it reminded them of their first date.
Violets can also be found in the wild.
hin- und herschieben
She was shunted between her parents after their divorce.
einziehen bei
Her parents did not want her to move in with her boyfriend. They didn’t like him, but she insisted.
She didn’t want to wake up her children, so she talked to me on the phone in a whispery voice.
hineinspringen mit
Before her mother could say anything, her brother leaped in with the announcement that he would get married.
He lifted his brows and smiled in amazement.
And then his jaws dropped. Did she really mean that?!
schräg nach oben verlaufen
The Indian girl’s eyes slanted up beautifully.
Be careful of the street vendors – don’t let them trick you!
Momphali is another word for “peanut”.
People suffering from arthritis are often in constant pain.
Turmeric tastes like a combination of ginger and pepper.
Wickel (med.)
They used poultices to treat his bruises.
jasminähnliche Blume
The sideboard was decorated with shiuli flowers.
He worked very hard to finish his PhD before the summer.
Her tinny voice sounded nervous.
im Netz gefangener Vogel
The accused must have felt like a netted bird.
His award-winning paper will be published soon.
Hals über Kopf
She left the restaurant head over heels when she saw her ex-husband with his new partner.
Their relationship was nothing more than puppy love.
The firemen quickly managed to smother the fire.
eine Affäre mit jmdm. haben
It seemed that he had an affair with one of his students.
mit jmdm. (aus)gehen
Peter has been going out with Ina for six months now.
A bone marrow transplant is a method to treat leukaemia.
Red Cross urgently asks for blood donations
The itch caused by mosquito bite can be so annoying!
For the wedding her palms were decorated with henna.
hineinstecken, zudecken
The blanket was tucked in at the side of the bed.
Getreideprodukte, Zerealien
Believe it or not, but some cereals contain a lot of sugar.
The undertow pulled him towards the pillar of the bridge.
The distinction between red and green is difficult for people who are colour-blind.
die Scheidung einreichen
They saw no other way out than to file for divorce.
Außerirdische/r, Fremde/r
In their costumes they looked like aliens from Mars.
His words were really flattering, but I still didn’t like him.
He did his best but he was surrounded by disbelievers.
nicht ausgereift, embryonal
Embryonic stem cell research is still very controversial.
diagnostiziert werden
The infection was diagnosed a week ago.
mit dem Kopf voran hineinlaufen
The company has run headlong into a controversy with the suppliers.
He hit the anvil so hard that the people in the village could hear it.
The cyclist was knocked down by a car and landed on the sidewalk.
Promyelocytic leukemia is a serious blood disease.
Bears hibernate in winter.
molekularer Rückfall
With this procedure, molecular relapse can be detected at an early stage.
Granulozyt (bestimmtes weißes Blutkörperchen)
Granulocytes are a certain category of white blood cells.
Dauerkatheter, Portkatheter
With a portacath it is fairly easy to inject drugs in or take blood samples from patients.
Aufnahmsprüfung an einer Universität in den USA
He had enormous problems passing the SAT.
Spender/in mit gleichem Genmaterial
They started a website to locate an allogenic donor for their son.
The rise in leukocytes meant that her illness had returned.
Stem cells are often the only hope for people with rare diseases.
ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden
He had to be hospitalised for several weeks.
This result is undesirable to say the least.
aussichtslose Situation
Being on his own in the dark and without a map was a no-win situation.
For some inexplicable reason they had not arrived in time.
seltsam, skurril, neckisch
This remark shows his whimsical sense of humour.
es ertragen, etw. zu tun
I couldn’t bear to look at him again.
Children are often uprooted during civil wars.
Help the aged is a well-known British charity.
Direktive der EU
EEC directives are sometimes difficult to communicate.
Untersuchung eines Selbstmordes
The suicide inquest proved that he had taken sleeping pills.
Gerichtsmediziner/in, Leichenbeschauer/in
The coroner examined the body but he could not find any sign of violence.
mehrstöckiges Parkhaus
He must have lost his mobile in the multi-storey car park.
They used rubber tubing to pump the water out of the basement.
He had not drunk anything, he was totally sober.
Erwägung, Nachdenken
Careful contemplation made him change his decision.
The country’s economy was in shambles.
der/die Tote/n
They honoured the deceased with a memorial service.
hier: verrückt sein
After his wife had left him he seemed like he was off the old trolley.
hier: Stürmer/in
The local club signed a new centre forward last month.
nicht veröffentlicht, geheim
The player was bought for an undisclosed sum.
The lamp was tied to a beam above the table.
ein Problem angehen
He might not like to take decisions but at least he addresses the problems when you talk to him.
an ein Problem herangehen
The team approached the problem very methodically.
sich einem Problem stellen
It is better to face a problem than to run away from it.
ein Problem angehen
They were afraid to tackle the problem.
Selbstmord begehen
Committing suicide is often a sign of weakness.
It is cynical to expect that people with a bad educational record can easily find a job.
sich lustig machen
They mocked their teacher by speaking as slowly as he normally would.
heiter, sehr komisch
Her speech was hilarious, we could not help laughing.
lächerlich machen
The demonstrators ridiculed the police.
Hitchhiking is a cheap way of travelling, but it’s not safe.
The body had already decomposed because of the warm and humid climate.
Moose can be found in Canada.
The corpse was taken away for the inquest.
There is no doubt, we live in an affluent society.
sich auszeichnen
People who do not excel at school may excel at university.
He transferred his money to a savings account in the US.
zerlumpt, rau
In his ragged state everybody mistook him for a student.
The dog finished off the remains.
verfolgt werden von
The star felt haunted by some evil spirits.
I don’t know anything about the particulars – I was not in the meeting, remember?
The presenter asked a convoluted question which nobody dared to answer.
aufgeladen, hitzig, brisant
The dean took part in a highly charged debate on taxes.
mäandern, sich schlängeln
The river meandered through the valley.
As a referee you have to be impartial.
leidenschaftslos, unparteiisch
He sent us a dispassionate report about the events.
He gave his critics an oblique reply to their accusations.
The scientist could not solve the enigma of the lake.
Ader, Streifen
On top there was a streak of bacon.
gefangen nehmen, fesseln
He was captivated by the idea to move into banking.
aufgeben, im Stich lassen
Do not forsake me, darling.
mittellos, arm
Dictators often steal money from their countries while their citizens remain destitute.
He did not have anything to do with their asceticism.
sich aufmachen nach
They turned round and headed off into the city centre.
marschieren nach
The group wanted to trek into the north of Iceland.
The perils of toxic waste are widely underestimated.
Widrigkeit, widriger Umstand
Adversity sometimes brings out the best in people.
Prüfung, Feuerprobe
He had to go through this ordeal first before they would talk to him.
sich behaupten, standhalten
The tennis player held his own during the entire match.
His success was insignificant.
Fehlleistung, Schnitzer
The results are another embarrassing blunder for the EU.
He collected all the shards and tried to repair the vase.
unterschiedlich, divergierend
They have radically divergent views on many things, but they still love each other.
rücksichtslos, leichtsinnig
He is such a reckless driver, I don’t want to go with him.
komischer Kauz, Spinner
This is not confined to celebrity wackos and eccentrics.
I don’t really like her brother. He’ such a narcissist.
Those who stood up against the dictator would perish.
It is cynical to distinguish between the deserving and the undeserving poor.
I was in the privileged situation of being able to choose.
The expedition had to fight against the strong headwinds in Antarctica.
Due to the wind you could hardly see the sledge tracks of the previous group.
suppenähnliches Eintopfgericht
Hoosh is a dish that was served to the explorers in Antarctica.
Ärger, Verdruss
Much to the chagrin of his fans he stopped the concert and left when a mobile phone rang in the audience.
His objective was to succeed in both courses.
zum Stillstand kommen
The whole process came to a halt quite suddenly.
The briefcase contained documents about the project.
He was the breadwinner now and responsible for them.
The bank reduced his mortgage payments by 10%.
There has always been a certain temptation to do things that are forbidden.
As a barrister he specialised in chancery law.
Hinweis, Anhaltspunkt
I had no clue where to look.