Unit 3_PT7 Flashcards
Handelszentrum, Drehscheibe
Being located in Europe’s centre, Munich has been a trading hub for a long time.
We offer free parking spaces for commuters.
florierende, erfolgreiche Industrien
thriving = very successful
hier: pulsierendes Stadtleben
buzzing city life
The cost of living has been constantly rising.
abgelegene Gebiete
Often it costs a lot to travel to remote areas.
rückgratlos, charakterlos
His attitude towards this issue is really spineless.
The shop has a broad central aisle.
Auswanderer, Auswanderin
It’s a new documentary about expatriates coming back home.
We’re in a state of decay and failure.
Without colour, the world would be dull and bland.
düster, trostlos
The outlook is dismal.
Could you pass the mustard, please?
I like bread better than rolls.
Veal is usually more expensive than beef.
These dumplings are delicous! May I have the recipe?
Smoked cheese is a specialty in Hungary.
den Lebensunterhalt verdienen
It is hard to make a decent living as a musician.
New York is famous for its electricity blackouts.
Global economy still struggling with fiscal crisis
hohe Kriminalitätsrate
Mayor promises to work on high crime rates
Medienzar, -boss
Rupert Murdoch is a famous media baron.
Mugging is on the increase in our town.
Sperling, Spatz
A sparrow is a small brown bird, common in many regions.
Kakerlake, Schabe
Roach is an informal word for “cockroach”.
vortäuschen, vorgeben
He was not hurt, he was putting it on.
herumsitzen, -stehen
They lounged about in the new stylish bar after work.
Neuheit, Neuartigkeit
novelty = quality of being new, unusual, interesting
Worte verwenden
The poet has found new ways to employ familiar words.
(aus etw.) folgern
A lot can be inferred from these statistics.
lyrisches Ich
The lyrical I of this poem reflects on their situation in life.
metrische Regeln
Before starting to write, make yourself familiar with a few basic metrical rules.
Rather than say what she really thinks she likes to use figures of speech.
Sprachbilder, Metaphorik
Advertisers seldom use religious imagery to sell products.
um seiner selbst willen
Encourage your child to seek knowledge for its own sake.
Gegensatz, Antithese
In fact, it was the total antithesis of that.
A simile is a figure of speech that uses contrasting ideas.
sich drehen um
The argument revolved around sports at schools.