Unit 4_PT7 Flashcards
She was in sixth grade, fumbling through adolescence without a female role model.
A bank robber was stopped by a bold bystander Tuesday morning.
verfolgen, nachjagen
The killer was caught after being chased by a special unit.
Alibi (Abwesenheit vom Ort einer Straftat)
Until now, police had worked under the impression that the suspect had an airtight alibi.
bewaffneter Angriff
There is the ever-present fear of armed assault and harassment by soldiers.
gemeinnützige Arbeit
Teen receives award for many hours of community service
The jury has been sent out to consider the verdict.
mutmaßen, spekulieren
Some locals speculated the roof collapsed under the weight of the snow.
den Konsequenzen ins Auge sehen
If they have lied to the people they will have to face the consequences.
offene Frage
An open-ended question is designed to encourage a full, meaningful answer.
Chelsea is one of the most affectionate dogs I know.
We consistently provide compassionate, competent care.
The Aztecs believed that cacao was a divine gift.
Many exploit the Medicare system to finance their quest for eternal youth.
Today, at the age of 72, Charles is still faithful to the sport.
A fondly maintained steam engine still stands in the turbine hall.
The value of the 120,000 pieces in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is inestimable.
The internet can be used as an infinite library.
You could hear merry laughter from the next room.
vornehm, großmütig
The defence minister once described the arms trade as a “noble industry”.
Writing songs is a perpetual cycle of moods feeding into songs and songs feeding into moods.
Selfless schoolgirl celebrated birthday by asking for charity donations instead of presents.
The Japanese saw suicide as brave and self-sacrificing.
ehrlich, aufrichtig
We extend our sincere condolences to the family.
Her flat is being converted into a stunning loft.
I am a tender, affectionate and cheerful girl.
Bored with my food, I poked at the wilted green thing on my plate.
The shingles rash is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox.
eine bestimmte Schulstufe
She was the only one in the upper thirds to own a horse.
hier: Geschwätz
He just told us what to do without all the usual rigmarole.
sich im Stich gelassen fühlen
Working-class voters felt let down by Labour.
The red carpet squeaked under its plastic cover.
Restless legs syndrome is a disorder of the nervous system that affects movements of the legs.
I had a crush on a boy who was extremely shy and had difficulty expressing himself.
John was just a fling, nothing too serious.
All summer long they were goofing at parties.
ich wage zu sagen
None of this shocks me, and I daresay it shouldn’t you, either.
aufreibend, zermürbend
Pursuing a PhD can be a fairly wearing process.
einander mustern
We eyed each other suspiciously.
gewaltig, enorm
She’s 16 years old and is making a tremendous recovery.
Begreifen, Auffassungsvermögen
I’m always very happy to explain it to them and they’re quick on the uptake.
It’s a touchy subject – you’d better not mention it.
Damian groaned, complaining that he had only had one hour of sleep.
außerhalb der Saison
I spent the off-season just rebuilding my confidence.
One night we raided my cousin’s wardrobe and Nick dressed up in her nightie for a joke.
gefühllos, hartherzig
What you did was dishonest and callous.
hier: (überraschende) Wendung
After all these years, Jon showed me yet another twist on this old pattern.
In a small bowl, mix together the butter and mustard.
Egg and cress sandwiches are fairly common in the UK.
Drowsy drivers add danger to roads
Ruck, Stoß
A small earthquake hit Hawaii, with a jolt felt across Honolulu.
Changeable weather over the next 48 hours
zufrieden, wunschlos
My siblings and I were contented with what our parents had to offer.
He is a dreamy boy who grew up absorbed in poetry.
dumpf, stumpfsinnig
Is there a dull corner in your house that you want to infuse some life into?
unbesonnen, impulsiv
Impulsive people act and react in rapid, unplanned ways.
pathetisch, theatralisch
Critics have mocked the play as melodramatic and dull.
He doesn’t want to come across as too self-centred.
She was a highly perceptive and sensitive student.
I was too passive the first half; too timid.
kindisch, unreif
The racer displayed immature behaviour during the race and also after the crash.
im Gesetz festgeschrieben sein
But this is not something that is laid down in the law.
Actress currently embroiled in turbulent custody battle
disziplinäre Maßnahmen
The three officers resigned before the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings.
Begleitung durch eine/n Erwachsene/n
The exhibit contains graphic imagery and parental guidance is strongly recommended.
gefährliche Beschäftigung
Baking was a hazardous occupation in 1905.
Companies that make small aircraft were targets of product liability lawsuits several decades ago.
die Schule schwänzen
Pupils playing truant are more likely to become involved in drink and drugs.
Is compulsory school attendance compatible with a free society?
The number of juvenile offenders fell by 12%.
Übergangsritus, Erwachsenwerden
Bullying in schools is viewed by many Americans as a rite of passage.
It might be difficult to make the transition from employment to retirement.
Erreichen der Volljährigkeit
Coming-of-age ceremonies are an integral part of many different cultures.
Vorhaben, Programm
Our scheme to provide free books for children had its funding slashed by half.
sich besaufen
Do you think it’s cool to get hammered while you’re pregnant?
Being knocked out of those competitions may be a blessing in disguise.
Helfer/in, Berater/in
Former governor of Alaska told top aide she hated “this damn job”
widersprüchliche Angaben
People are fed up with the contradictory information they get from news media.
Shyness is often masked as disinterest or indifference.
Don’t worry, it’s just a short poll with questions on leisure activities and youth politics.
Wachhund, Aufpasser/in
Part of his job as a watchdog is to keep an eye on the Don’s interests.
Abkürzung, Akronym
RSV is the acronym for respiratory syncytial virus.
an einer Schule eingeschrieben sein
Today 2.4 million girls are enrolled in school in Afghanistan.
mit Hausarbeit beschäftigt sein
Time spent engaged in housework may affect market wages in a variety of ways.
sich etw. entgehen lassen
Thirteen A-level students missed out on their first choice of university.
seine Zielsetzungen verfolgen
While attending college, she pursued her ambitions as a coach.
sich bei etw. einschränken
Cut back on red meat, government warns
eine Meinung annehmen
We adopt the view that all students are entitled to equal treatment.
One e-mail caught his eye and this is how it started.
A young entrepreneur is putting on the first amateur golf competition in Korea.
Brille auf Rezept
Dr Finlay asks for donations of used prescription glasses.
einfüllen, eintrichtern
Fraudster secretly funnelled £5 billion to three friends
A new online retailer is hoping to make its mark in the traditional toy market.
schuldenfreier Anteil
This would make it one of the few companies whose partners actually owned a debt-free stake.
Libya’s food supply chain is at risk of collapsing.
an etw. festhalten
Despite the criticism, the federal government wants to stick with the current policy.
verblüfft, perplex
He seems pretty nonplussed by the whole deal.
hier: Verkehrsüberlastung
The new facility will bring relief from congestion on roads.
örtliche Behörden
Local authorities were not aware of his presence either.
Jahr zwischen Schule und Universität
Gap year travel can provide some of life’s best experiences.
etw. wieder einsetzen
The entire lantern will be repaired and reinstalled.
Many pupils were under-achieving because the quality of teaching did not meet their needs.
etw. vernichten, zerstören
Robocop statue: A youthful lift for Detroit or a monument to blight?
jmdn. dazu veranlassen, etw. zu tun
Her love for northern cooking prompted her to establish a restaurant.
In Chester, barbershops are an integral part of the city.
machbar, umsetzbar
We are still looking at viable renewable energy sources.
einsam, abgelegen
Solitary bat residing in roof of community hall
Safarov told police he was revengeful against the entire nation